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The 3 stages of pramAnA

There are 3 stages of pramAna (evidences) primarily. anumAna (inferences or derivations of new knowledge from other proven truths), pratyaksa (verified explicit current studies), sabda (peer reviewed, proven knowledge accepted by all and transmitted). Anumana should lead to pratyaksa which should then lead to sabda. That's how knowledge evolution should work.   If anumAna does not become pratyakSa then it's just our imagination. If pratyakSa does not become sabda or widespread accepted knowledge, then it's lost knowledge or still unproven knowledge. So unless claims go through all 3 pramAnas, they don't become veda or knowledge. Unfortunately people mistake anumAna itself as knowledge. When they turn it into successful business, it becomes psuedo-science. Mostly people consider these pramAnas as 3 types of pramAnas, which are independent. I differ. While it's true they are 3 types of pramAnas, I also see them as 3 stages. The success of modern science is that it see

durgA suktam - Kinetic Energy

Uma means quiet. It is potential. dur-gA means impassable. It is kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is impassable in the manifesting Universe as we can never reach absolute zero (3rd law of thermodynamics). durgA suktam explains how durgA is kinetic energy. It says durgA is the 'ship' that carries the 'fire'. Fire is carried by the 'kinetic energy of molecules' that make them move from one place to another. durgA is this kinetic energy that carries the fire. durgA suktam says durgA manifests as heat (tapasa), light rays (gobhir) and fast movement (su tarasi). Kinetic energy indeed manifests into 3 forms. Heat, Light and Mechanical movement (sound, physical motion etc..). Thus durgA the kinetic energy is the underlying of all manifesting Universe out of which the knowledge, wealth and power in the Universe grows. Hence she is like the little girl who grows into different forms of beautiful women. durgA suktam translation sung in tamil essence in english https://yout

Brhadharanyaka Upanishad - Chapter 6.4 (Part 1 - Menstruation)

Background Does Brhadharanyaka Upanishad (Br. Up.) Chapter 6.4 talk about wife beating..? When I read the traditional meanings, it does. But when I translated it, I did not find anything like that.  Rather I find a design pattern matching between agni invoked in stri to menstruation in women. I am translating Br. Up. Chapter 6.4.1 to 6.4.13 in part-1. Executive Summary This chapter is talking about how creation happened.  puruSa is the cause of creation and fruits carry the essence of that puruSa, because they carry the seeds and seeds are the basis of creation. Not just that, essence of one form is carried in another for furthering creation and that is the 'model'.  Like stone/mountain/land that emerges out of water, stri emerges out of puruSa to uphold that seed or nurturing creation. puruSa manifests as the 'atmanam' inside this striyam (or feminity). We perceive this atmanas as the 'aham' or 'self' between the breasts (heart) and middle of the eye-br

Sam Gachatvam - Song of Unity - 75th Independence anniversary

  On the eve of 75th anniversary of Indian Independence, Song of unity from Rgveda mandala 10 hymn 191 sung in tamil essence in english. Priests performing diverse actions in a Yajna tell Agni, they do diverse roles, but in Unison. In the Yajna of Nation Building, we can use the same verses, addressing them to our National flag, saying we will remain united in words, actions, hearts and mind (though with different roles and views).  Sam Gachatvam - Rg veda Mandala 10 Hymn 191 translation sung in tamil, essence in english with our national anthem  Singers - Latha Balaji, N.R.Chandrakumar

pUrva mImAmsa - Earliest reflection on vedas..

pUrva-mImAmsa - The earliest reflection on Vedas As bramacharin and gRhastas investigated samhitas and brAhmaNAs, a school of thought that emerged was the pUrva mImAmsa. According to it, everything is true, unless it is proved false. So one has to negate something and then negation has to be negated to prove it. This means that there is no 'faith' element. Every idea can be questioned and negated. If one is able to negate the negation, then idea sustains. mI is the root word for words with meaning of reducing, lessening, perishing, destroying, moving away etc etc. ma means not or negation. So mIma-aMsa system could very well mean the system whose aMsa (characteristic) is removing (mI) negation (ma). mImA-aMsa is a method or doctrine of logical analysis that could be used for any subject matter. It's a very useful tool for modern debates and discussion too. It does not prohibit any thought however critical or negative it may be. It does not resort to a 'faith' elemen

Classification of Vedic texts

Classification of vedic texts The vedic scriptures are seen through classification of saMhita, brAhmaNa, Aranyaka and UpaniSat. There are various ideas about what and how these classifications are meant for. Here is my understanding of it, which could be different from convention. saMhita simply means collections. Collections of mantras are saMhita. The mantras describe various (cosmic in my view) events and happenings. My understanding is saMhitas were for brahmacAris to memorize the events/happenings as they were. brAhmaNas are applications of saMhitas provided for gRhastAs. They describe various yajna rituals with stress on in which part which samhita mantra need to be recited. They are seen as application of saMhitas in day-to-day life by gRhastas. In fact grahastas lead a ritualistic life mostly. But in this process key mantras were continuously memorized and recited. Aranyakas are reflections on saMhitas meant for the vanaprasthins. These are semi-philosophical, semi-ritual, whic

mahalakshmi ashtakam

  Analogous to science concepts of today, in matter domain, Shiva is Energy.  Vishnu is the property of ‘mass’. Lakshmi are the ‘wealth’ of matter (land, metals etc) and beings (cattle, ourselves) that undergo birth-death-birth cycle on this property of mass, evolving higher & higher forms. In biological domain, Shiva is Consciousness. Vishnu is the property of ‘manas’. Lakshmi are the ‘wealth’ of thoughts that undergo birth-flow-death-birth cycle in our manas, evolving higher and higher knowledge.  Adi Shankara praises this Lakshmi as the mother who drives this evolutionary cycle of birth-death-birth giving us knowledge, power/health and growth. Since mother Lakshmi keeps providing these to us, mahA-periyavA calls her  as one who keeps rejuvenating us all again and again. mahA-lakshmi are all the matter and biological forms of the Universe together. All natural forms that evolve and help evolve the Universe are mahAlakshmi. The evolutionary process that masks the reality behind ev

Rgveda 10.191 - Team working

Background Rgveda 10.191 is set in the background of a sacrifice (Yajna) by assembly of priests, in which Agni which is the messenger that takes the oblations to devas, is addressed.  It has great message for 'team' or 'groups' of people working together.  Before you move on, check if you would like to subscribe to vedabhasya channel, where we try bringing out meaning of vedic scriptures in tamil, english in the light of words of our gurus as well as modern science. Rgveda 10.191 - Hymns to Agni Together completely youthfully masculine agni, Universal Lord,  in the altar (place of offering), fill up our wealth. Moving together, Speaking together,  understanding minds together, oh deva, we worship with no divisions, understanding/aligning together before itself. Assembling equal/appropriate mantras, mind with thoughts, chanting equal/appropriate mantras, I offer equal/appropriate havis/oblations. Assembling  actions and appropriately

People behind Vedabhasya..

To help spread the word on vedabhasya channel, which reached 1000 subscribers, based on all your support, we request you to update your social media status in whatsapp, fb, twitter etc with following message.. Also if you have not subscribed yet, please do subscribe. Vedbhasya youtube channel is about understanding our ancient literatures in the light of words of our gurus, modern science and humanities by translating them (verbatim as much as possible) into tamil and english. It has videos, playlists and posts.   Please do click on the link, explore the channel and subscribe if interested.. Watch above a video that explains the people behind vedabhasya channel

Where is life in our body..?

If we go with the understanding of the previous posts on Universe and biological evolution, then whatever we call as 'energy' (Shiva) expresses itself when perturbations of energy accumulate in a region of 5 dimensional space, release the energy from a condensing field (prime) (Vishnu) and once released (Big Bang), the released energy  widens the space (cosmic inflation), fills itself in the space, expresses itself through various force-fields (rudras) that divide/break themselves into different types of fields as Universe expanded.   This energy (Shiva) expresses itself through force-fields (rudras) gets quantized (exists only at select levels and not all) and these quantized energy is called quanta or particles of the fields (maruts).  In this region of space, condensing field prime (vishnu) has zero value, as energy is freely expressed through different fields in that space. Though energy is freely expressed in this space, it cannot still drive matter evolution on its own. 

The Spooky action at a distance..

Energy and consciousness has to be 'looked at' as 'that are behind evolution'. They cannot be defined in absolute terms, but whose effects can be perceived in the Universe's matter and biological evolution. They are said to be 'witness' or 'sAkSi' that never changes, always observing, detached from all the evolutionary changes. This energy or consciousness that is behind the evolution, the unmaifest puruSa is Shiva. That manifests and keeps evolving, the prakRti, is Uma, durga, parvati, Amba, etc etc.. My guess is the biological evolution mimicks the matter evolution in ditto. As whatever we call as energy drove the appearance and evolution of complex matter forms, whatever we call consciousness drove the appearance and evolution of complex biological forms, in the same pattern.  My understanding is whatever we call as energy and whatever we call as consciousness are same, just expressed through different forms at different levels. For example, parti

Quantum and Consiousness entanglement..

If you think I am starting crazy, then I am going to end this post crazier.. Recap A dark energy scalar field which is a field that distributes whatever we call as energy and a Higgs prime field that condenses whatever we call as energy were bound together resulting in a large ocean of frozen ice like structure, in a five dimensional space. But this freezing is not complete and there are perturbations of energy happening at some locales as the condensing field is not able to condense energy completely and when these perturbations accumulate in a region, a large amount of energy gets released and a Universe is born like a patch of water is born in an ocean of ice.  Yes, there could be multiple patches of water or multiple universes born at multiple locales. The released energy drives the evolution of that space to be filled with newer and more complex matter forms. This could be the same thing happening to whatever we call as consciousness. Energy and consciousness follow the same '

How did Consciousness arise..?

Continuing from my previous post here .. I believe in this Universe, there is a 'design pattern' followed for matter evolution and biological evolution. In the last post, I had talked about whatever we call as 'energy' (whatever that is seen). This post is about 'consciousness' (the 'seer') . A scalar field is a distribution of a particular scalar quantity. At the beginning there are two 'scalar' fields one in which whatever we call 'consciousness' is distributed and another which interacts with this consciousness and condenses/freezes it from acting. I call the energy field as 'Atmanas' and the condensing field as  'manas'. Here is a catch. It is possible that Atmanas is same as dark energy scalar field and whatever we call as energy is same as whatever we call as consciousness. The same field at quantum level is perceived as energy and when certain chemical combinations of matter forms occur, it is expressed or perceived

How did the Universe form..?

If I mix my understanding of vedic scriptures with science with a little bit of imagination, this is how universe/multi-verses keep getting formed. A scalar field is a distribution of a particular scalar quantity. At the beginning there are two 'scalar' fields one in which whatever we call 'energy' is distributed and another which interacts with this energy and condenses/freezes it from moving. I call the energy field as dark energy scalar field and the condensing field as Higgs' (Higgs prime) field. An analogy is large mass of ocean of frozen ice (water is like energy but frozen due to a field that impedes the water's movement). This is the 'hima', 'himavat', 'himavan', 'hi' in our vedic scriptures. While water analogy is in 3 dimensional space, this frozen energy occurs in a 5 dimensional space. Though energy is frozen, there are small perturbations that keep happening, as the Higgs' field does not condense/freeze energy all

The five puruSas - Part 3

While Universal matter forms and beings may be visualized as a bundle of abstract property of energy or a bundle of abstract property of consciousness, the physical underlying platform for all 'matter' forms and biological beings is the 'specific' property of 'mass' of particles. This 'specific' property of 'mass' of particles arises out of interaction with Higgs field (though most 'mass' of universe, in terms of quantity, comes from strong interaction of nucleus). The Higgs field acquires a specific vacuum expectation value at a point of time in the evolution of the Universe. This value never changes and remains fixed for the duration of life of the Universe. This value is the pedestal on which this 'specific' property of 'mass' exists for all particles of the Universe, as these particles acquire 'mass' through interaction with Higgs field. While this value of higgs field is fixed, never changing and just remains

The five puruSas - Part 2

We call those forms with 'consciousness' as biological or having life. But then what is consciousness..? From microbes like virus, bacteria to animals including human beings, we see certain symptoms of life. Biological beings metabolize, grow, reproduce, die and evolve. We say such beings have consciousness. What we are seeing are the effects of consciousness. Consciousness causes either electrical signaling or chemical signaling in biological beings that runs growth, metabolism, homeostasis etc etc. This signaling serves as the underlying platform for life. Thus we define consciousness by the effects of signaling. But can we define consciousness more than this..? No. we can define consciousness only by its effects. Then why we are defining all the effects of signaling to just one cause called consciousness..? Why can't it be multiple causes..? Because we see this evolution of biological being into another across the evolutionary chain. Hence we map all of them to one consc

Surya mandala stotram

Carl sagan says “Ancient tamil festival of Pongal is not just celebration of harvest (unlike other festivals), as it marks return of Sun (Uttarayana), leading to earth’s seasonal cycles. As there is an evolutionary cycle of life & death in Earth due to its dance around sun, there is an evolutionary cycle of birth and death of cosmos itself, according to Hindu religion”.  Same way, the worship of Sun is deeper than what it appears. Sun runs a process “nucleosynthesis” in which atomic nuclei is formed and energy is released. This process runs from Big-Bang to all stars, leading to creation of (heavier) elements and life. Vedic scriptures adore sUrya (sun) as savitr (exciter), this nucleosynthesis process.  Salutations to Savir, the ‘lone’ eye of the Universe, that causes birth, evolves and perishes all worlds says the sloka of "Namah savitre jagad eka cakSuse..." Savitr (exciter) is nucleosynthesis that creates atoms. Primitive atoms are born from Big Bang nucleosynthesis.