Happy Gokulashtami.. A translation of Adi Shankaras ‘Vasudeva sutam devam..’, sung in tamil, essence in english.. mahAperiyavA says, since it’s not feasible to realize the unlimited form, we have a limited form on which we develop devotion. This devotion on limited form (bhakti) should lead to tattva of the unlimited form (jnAnA). Krishna is said to be the Upanishadic sArAMsa. If Yashoda tied Krishna to a tree/mortar, does it mean she tied the upanishadic sArAMsA to tree or mortar..? This concept is espoused beautifully in Krishnashtakam, wherein Adi Shankara depicts the beauty of limited form of Krishna but bows down to him as Jagad-guru. In matter domain, Shiva is Energy, Vishnu is mass. In biological domain, Shiva is consciousness, Vishnu is the ‘manas’. Vishnu descends into several avatars in terms of particles with mass or biological beings with manas. rAma tattva is manas with beautiful thoughts, no fear or arrogance, extremely kind, follows dharma. Krishna tattva is Ultima...