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Showing posts from November, 2018

Learning physics through vedas and puranas - 3

Background In the last 2 posts on Learning physics through vedas and puranas, here and here , I had talked about concepts of energy, entropy and heat. Work and Heat Work is physical movement of matter particles from one point to another (called Ganapati), while Heat is random oscillatory movement of matter particles in a place (called skanda). The very first 'Work done' in Universe Just after the Big-Bang Universe was a bundle of energy. The spacetime had not inflated then. If we believe Purusha Suktam, the Universe was just ten angulas wide. That ten angulas Purusha expanded into the universe that we see now says the Purusha Suktam. Science says the early Universe's spacetime was contrained to a very small region and it underwent a huge inflation/expansion. This is called cosmic inflation epoch in which Universe's spacetime expanded greatly. All the energy in the Universe along with matter forms exists within this expanded spacetime. This cosmic infl...

Learning Physics through Vedas and Puranas - 2

Background I had explained here , thermodynamic concepts of Energy, Entropy and Second law of thermodynamics using the Shiva, Ganapati and Skanda story. Now let me explain the Zeroth law of thermodynamics using the story of birth of skanda, the heat. Skanda, the heat Skanda means hopping up and down. It is the random motion possessed by all sub-atomic particles in nature. This radmon up and down oscillatory motion is what we perceive as heat. How is this heat or Skanda produced..? Potential and Kinetic Energy Shiva is Energy in which the Universe lies. But in the world see, the classical world,  matter dominates. We see only matter everywhere. In this classical matter world, Energy becomes a subtle property of matter. In all matter forms, energy exists as potential energy and kinetic energy. In sanskrit, a subtle form is called sUkshma. Feminine gender is used to indicate such subtle or sUkshma. Hence these two energies Potential and Kinetic energy are depicted as...

Learning physics through Vedas and Puranas - 1

Background Energy and Entropy are two key thermodynamic concepts. Let me explain them and the second law of thermodynamics with reference to Shiva/Ganapati/Skanda and their 'jnAna-pazham' story here. I already wrote about it, but covered a broad spectrum of it. Here the focus is narrow and the attempt is any 'interested' layman should be able to understand it. Energy All things in our Universe lie in Energy. Universe is made of energy that came out in Big-Bang says science. Energy is the Cause of all things in the Universe. In Sanskrit, Shi-va means ‘in which all things lie’(1). Shiva is a ‘Divinity’ or ‘God’ in Hinduism. Shiva is the Energy. Shiva is interpreted as energetic, auspicious, beneficial etc as Shiva is the cause of all Universe. This Shiva, the energy, Causes two effects, in the Classical world that we see, in the world of matter. The Effects of Energy are ‘Work Energy’ and ‘Heat Energy’. Hence Shiva is said to have two Sons. Work and H...

prAna prathishthA - A summary

Background This was my post on prAna prathisthA . Here is a summary of it. idol to mUrti mUrti' is not just an idol. mUrta is that which has settled into a form or shape. mUrti means embodiment or manifestation of something. When scultpors carve or painters paint or we create, idol is created. prAna prathistha is the process by which we make the idol into an embodiment or manifestation or mUrti of a divinity. Unless an idol or picture has gone through prAna prathisthA it is not an embodiment or manifestation. In all pUjas, we do prAna prathisthA to make that idol or picture into an embodiment or manifestation. For eg. in Ganapati pUja, we invoke the Ganapati in the Idol. In Sarasvati Puja we invoke the sarasvati in the idol. We make the idols/pictures embodiment or manifestation of the divinity that we invoke. The Concept if we believe 'aham brahma -asmi', that we have the brahman/evolution in us, we are giving that evolutionary power to the idol and   make...

Atman's Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence - Part 2

Background We, the matter and beings are knowledge of that Atman. The Universe is born out of the 'intelligence' of Atman, which is the performance of Sacrifice or Yajna by Atman. Refer (1). Since Human beings have their own intelligence, I ended the last post saying Humans could be the artificial intelligence of that Atman. We are Atman's (Artificial) Intelligence and we are producing artificial intelligence. There are few salient characteristics of Atman's Intelligence amidst a whole lot of characteristics, which I thought stand significantly different from Human's Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence – Machine Learning – Deep Learning Much of Artificial Intelligence (AI) concentrates on Machine learning and more/deep learning from a set of information. In that way they are powerful tools for decision as there are lot more information than few human minds could grasp from a data-set. But as independent beings, they lack the true capabil...

Atman's Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence - Part 1

Entropy – Information Content – Knowledge – Buddhi The possible micro-states matter can occupy is called Entropy. It is the ‘information content’ or ‘knowledge’ of any system made of matter forms. When spacetime holding the matter itself expands or contracts, the possible micro-states that matter can occupy changes. When there is expansion, possible micro-states or entropy or information content increases. When there is contraction, it decreases. Similarly when energy is added to matter/system, the vibrations of matter, which is the thermal energy of the system increases. But some part of the input energy also goes into increasing the possible microstates that matter can occupy. That is entropy also increases. This perceivable /visible entropy/possible micro-states is the information content or knowledge or buddhi. Prajna (Residual Entropy) and Buddhi (Entropy) Pra-jna means the ‘first of knowings’ or ‘first of the information content’. It can also be seen as the residual knowing...

iSopanishad - Translation and analysis

Isa Upanishad iSa Upanishad also called iSAvAsya Upanishad has 18 verses. It is part of Shukla Yajur Veda. It talks about ‘iSa’ the one that resides in all matter and beings, whatever that is born and moving in all the worlds. It does not abhor/hate anything. iSa is ‘love’, ‘priyam’(2). This iSa is nothing but a manifestation of Atma in all matter and beings with the ‘purpose’ of making them to desire to live for 100’s of years. Let’s see more about this ‘iSa’. Sloka 1 to 1e8 Īśa āvāsyam idaṃ sarvaṃ yat kin͂ca jagatyāṃ jagat iSa inhabits/dwells (AvAsyam) in everything here (idam sarvam) whichever (yat) born and moving (ja-ga-tyam) in the worlds. tena tyaktena bhuñjīthā mā gṛdhaḥ kasyasvid dhanam By Him (tena) by giving up/by abandoning (tyaktena) he enjoys (bhunjita) not (mA) coveting/desiring (grdhah) whose indeed/someone else (kasya svid) property (dhanam) Meaning iSa inhabits/dwells in everything here, whichever born and moving in the worlds. That iSa enjo...