Background In the last 2 posts on Learning physics through vedas and puranas, here and here , I had talked about concepts of energy, entropy and heat. Work and Heat Work is physical movement of matter particles from one point to another (called Ganapati), while Heat is random oscillatory movement of matter particles in a place (called skanda). The very first 'Work done' in Universe Just after the Big-Bang Universe was a bundle of energy. The spacetime had not inflated then. If we believe Purusha Suktam, the Universe was just ten angulas wide. That ten angulas Purusha expanded into the universe that we see now says the Purusha Suktam. Science says the early Universe's spacetime was contrained to a very small region and it underwent a huge inflation/expansion. This is called cosmic inflation epoch in which Universe's spacetime expanded greatly. All the energy in the Universe along with matter forms exists within this expanded spacetime. This cosmic infl...