Background Rsis of the Vedas are not human beings. But they are symmetry breaking events that originated everything in the Universe (4). The Rsis till now are described here (13) and here (14). There are ten types of Higgs couplings to particles which are the ten prominent avatars of Vishnu These ten types of Higgs couplings defeat the weak decays, win over them and establish the ten particle types over three births/generations. This is the story of ten avatars of vishnu defeating the daityas over three births/generations (18). The ten types of Higgs couplings are 1. Matsya - Higgs coupling to Top Quark 2. kUrma - Higgs coupling to Bottom Quark 3. varAha - Higgs coupling to Charm Quarks 4. nRsimha - Higgs coupling to Strange Quarks 5. vAmana - Higgs coupling to neutrinos that spans across three generations (oscillates) 6. parasurAma - Higgs coupling to Down Quarks 7. rAma - Higgs coupling to Up Quarks 8. BalarAma - Higgs coupling to Tau lepton 9. Krishna - Higgs...