Background How the Universe expanded in Cosmic Inflation epoch and came into existence is explained here (1). The inflation potential (dakSa) interacting with force-fields (panchajani) creates the particles. The kinetic energy of the particles of Universe, brings Universe to existence is called 'Sati'. In the 'expanded space' (Brahma) rudras (force-fields) manifest one by one. The force-fields are different ways in which energy is distributed with different properties. There are eleven force-fields and they are explained here (2). 'maruts' are 'quanta' of energy in different force-fields.There are 49 puStis (Fermions) and 14 Tustis (Bosons) making it totally 63 maruts (3). All the Universe is originated by Rsis. Rsi is said to be derived from drSi which means to see. Rsi is interpreted as one who ‘sees’ or ‘observes’. Actually Rsi means one who makes it ‘visible’. Rishi makes it ‘visible’ to others. More than ‘See-ers’ themselves, Rishis are ...