Background "andham tamah pravisanti ye avidyam upasate tato bhuya iva te tamah ya u vidyayam ratah" - says Isa upanishad. One who is situated/worships/serves avidya enters the blind tamas. Those who enjoy vidya also become similar". I translate vidya as learning and avidya as un-learning. If that is so, Isa Upanishad says that only un-learns is blind tamasic. Tamasic means lack of information. Blind tamasic means bereft of any information at all. This is understandable. If someone (or something) keeps un-learning, they would soon be bereft of any information at all. But it also says those who learn only are also blind tamasic. This means that if one keeps learning new information, then also they become bereft of any information. "vidyāṃ cāvidyāṃ ca yastadvedobhya saha, avidyayā mṛtyuṃ tīrtvā'mṛtamaśnute" - Learning and Unlearning both together overcomes the mortality to immortality. This means that one who wants to acquire knowledge has to ...