If you think I am starting crazy, then I am going to end this post crazier.. Recap A dark energy scalar field which is a field that distributes whatever we call as energy and a Higgs prime field that condenses whatever we call as energy were bound together resulting in a large ocean of frozen ice like structure, in a five dimensional space. But this freezing is not complete and there are perturbations of energy happening at some locales as the condensing field is not able to condense energy completely and when these perturbations accumulate in a region, a large amount of energy gets released and a Universe is born like a patch of water is born in an ocean of ice. Yes, there could be multiple patches of water or multiple universes born at multiple locales. The released energy drives the evolution of that space to be filled with newer and more complex matter forms. This could be the same thing happening to whatever we call as consciousness. Energy and consciousness follow the same '...