Background These particles that are ‘on-the-mass-shell’ or ‘Linga’, that follow the Energy-Momentum relationship are ‘observable’ and also become observers participating in interactions (Karmana). Those that do not obey the Energy-Momentum relationship are said to be ‘off-the-shell’ and Virtual. Virtual particles are not observable. They are 'implied'. In a sense they do not exist independently. They are mathematical intermediate steps. We can consider them as our understanding ‘gap’ or a mathematical trick. Nevertheless they are extremely important in our understanding. Atman According to Quantum theories, Virtual particles are ‘off from the mass-shell’ at various levels. At times they can be close to on-shell or Linga, or nearly obey/disobey the Energy-Momentum relationship. At times they can be far ‘off-the-shell’ or does not obey the Energy-Momentum relationship. When a virtual particle is far off from on-shell or Linga or Energy-Momentum relationship, ...