Background Rudra are the quantum force-fields. prANa are the energy in these force-fields. This energy moves in vacuum of spacetime, without a medium in the force-fields. When the force-fields and energy in force-fields dominated the Universe, the Universe is said to be in the Quantum state. cakSu is 'reception' of energy in these force-fields, where transmission of energy happens without a medium. Hence cakSu is translated as 'Sight' as seeing happens by reception of energy transmitted without a medium. When force-fields interact with each other, such 'interaction' of energy between different force-fields leads to reception of energy between the force-fields mutually. This reception is the 'observation'. This observation leads to 'Satyata' or 'permanence' in the 'pratigrahah'/capturability as discussed here (1). Thus the quantum wavefunction is said to collapse and the deterministic particle nature becomes perm...