Background Totaka ashtakam details the characteristics and attributes of Shankara. We understand Shankara had the understanding of all the shastras, upanishads, learnt various philosophies, made people to self-realize and understand the concepts of Isvara and Jiva, created thoughts that become good deeds, made them desire for neutral/equanimous perspectives, walked and travelled across like a ray of light, had none other in comparison to being in oneness. That's quite a breadth of information on Shankara. Totaka ashtakam is said to be written by one Shankara's disciples (mookha kavi) who never spoke for a long time and the first words he spoke were the totaka-ashtakam. The disciple declares that he knows very little and has little wealth and wants to surrender at the feet of Shankara to gain knowledge. It's so intriguing to note that this description of Shankara remains an apt description for mahA-periyava. Summary of Totaka-ashtakam You know the ocean of sastras, mea