Background Rudras are force-fields. There are eleven Rudras. Of this Kapardin Rudra is the 'braided' force-field. Of all the particles, it is the 'quarks' that arise in a 'braided' form. Quarks always manifest in pairs or in triplets as 'condensates'. They always appear 'braided'. Kapardin force-field is the field out of which Quark particles arise. The quark particles are the 'heroic abode' of all matter forms. All matter forms arise out of protons and electrons. Protons are made of quarks. Thus kapardin is said to be the abode of all matter forms. The Rg Veda Mandala 1 Hymn 114 talks about the Kapardin Rudra, the braided force-field that causes the quarks and is the abode of the Universe. This sloka also has a reference for the puranic stories about varAha lifting the earth out of the waters with its 'tusk'. Executive Summary of Rg veda Mandala 1 Hymn 114 Kapardin Rudra, the force-field that gives rise to brai