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Showing posts from September, 2018

An analysis of Sabda and vAk - Part 5

Background Rg Veda Mandala 1 Hymn 164, Upanishad and vAkyapaidya  talk of four-fold vAk. Rg Veda Mandala1 Hymn 164 says  what is being talked about as Indra, Agni, vAyu are all those in the fourth stage only. The rest three are only known to the learned of the Brahmanas. The four-fold Universe are 1. Background Oscillations of Vacuum - Madhyama - Hrdaya 2. Quantum manifestation of force-fields (Rudras) - pazyanti - prANa 3. Classical manifestation of particles - - cakSu and zrotraM. 4. Virtual particle manifestation that causes newer evolution - Para - Manas What is known to everyone  which we can talk about is this thermodynamics part of Universe, the classical part of Universe. This is the part of the Universe which is perceived outside. The other three parts is not easy to be known. Only the learned of the Brahmanas know it. This external expression of Universe, which is the thermodynamics part  is what we see as large empty spaces with galaxies and...

An analysis of Sabda and vAk - Part 4

Background Like speech is the expression of beings, this Universe is the expression of that Atman. Like speech carries the 'knowledge', the Universe carries the 'matter' forms. These matter forms are the 'information content', 'entropy' of Universe or 'Veda' or 'Knowledge' of Universe. Thus 'we' the matter and beings of the Universe are 'thoughts/knowledge' of that Atman, that arises from its consciousness, the quantum oscillations of the vacuum. Three stages of expression There are three stages of expression of human speech as described in vakyapadiya. From arising of thoughts (pazyanti)  Thoughts instructing the vocal chords to compress/expand (internals, the madhyama) and  Vocal chords producing sound (external, the vaikhari) There are three stages of expression of Universe as described in Rg Veda Mandala 1 Hymn 164 On which the laws of Universe are seated first - apazyam Charactertized by dhrAji...

The rAshtras of Universe

The four vedas of Universe 'Knowledge/Veda' of the Universe is the information content of Universe, its entropy. This entropy/information in the Universe is all the matter found in the Universe. Hence knowledge (Veda) of Universe is all its matter forms. The matter found in the Universe, its entropy or information content or Veda of Universe is in four divisions. They are The Rk are the particles and forces at quantum level. The Rk (verses) describe the cosmic universe (in terms of what we know now as quantum physics) at particle level.  The Yaju (when the rk are sacrificed) are the atoms, molecules, compounds, the next level of matter particles. For eg. in bigbang/stellar nucleosynthesis, the rk (particles/forces) are sacrificed to evolve higher elements and compounds.  The sAma are the biological beings that have prajnA, consciousness and can function on their own.(sa-ama, with soul).  Atharva are those matter created by these living beings (man made objects...

An analysis of Sabda and vAk - Part 3

Background Sabda are simply oscillations. Sabda at first is para. Sabda exists in AkAsa. In Universe's expression AkAsa is the cosmic space, the vacuum. In Human expression, AkAsa is the sky filled with atmosphere/air. In Universe's expression, para form of Sabda are the quantum oscillations in the vacuum. In Human expression, para form of Sabda are vibrations of air molecules ever present. From the shelter of para, three divisions of expressions (vAca) happen. Pazyanti, madhyama and vaikhAri. In human expression pazyanti are thoughts (basis of information/knowledge) that arise to produce a sound. It is a hidden expression first part of vAca. The thought then activates certain forces and causes some interactions. For eg it makes prAna to go upwards towards vocal chords, compress/expand them. This activation of vocal chord itself is another hidden expression and second part of vAca. This is madhyama. From the vocal chords then sounds are produced by changing the vi...

Yoga-kSemam - From Vajasaneya Samhita

Background This sloka is from Yajur Veda, the Shukla Yajur Veda (Vajasaneya samhita), kanva shaka, Book 22 and hymn 22. This sloka defines what a nation is, in a way. It is applicable for all nations of this earth and for all their people.   Yoga-kSemam- The concept of nation How do we define a nation of people or a rAshtra..? Is it by territorial affiliations, linguistic affiliations or cultural affiliations or race of people or ethnicity..? Today people demand 'nation-hood' based on territorial, cultural, linguistic, race, ethnicity affiliations. But such affiliations are highly un-sustainable in the long run. This sloka gives a view into how a rAshtra was looked at, in those days. A nation is defined by Yoga-kshemam, which means joint welfare of all its people. Those people who join together and work for their joint welfare are a nation of people. The land of bharata is a rAshtra because the people who live in this land, irrespective of their race, e...

An analysis of sabda and vAk - Part 2

Background In the last part, my analysis was focused on vakypadiya(4). Reference to sabda and vAk are present in Vedas, Upanishads and Vedanta.  My point was that the pattern of expression of Universe and the pattern of expression of human speech is same.  Vakyapadiya that deals primarily with Human expression of speech and its grammar, that divides the human expression into three parts and fourth part as para, starts from the expression of Universe because the human expression is modeled on Universe's expression. This pattern of expression is also mentioned in the Rg veda mandala 1 hymn 164. Rg Veda Mandala 1 Hymn 164 The Rg Veda sloka of Mandala 1 Hymn 164 explains this expression of Universe. Even if one does not agree with the explanations provided by 'my analysis', I wanted to highlight the general flow of this sloka and highlight how vAk is the Universe's expression in vedas as much as human expression in vakyapadiya and other texts. I have no...

An analysis of sabda and vAk - Part 1

Background The Universe’s expression (call it the expression of the Atman) and human expression (of Speech) follow the same pattern. We can say the human expression of speech follows the pattern of expression of Universe. This understanding from the Vedas and Upanishads (in my view) triggered several vedanta speculations and philosophies later. More on it in the next blog. This 2-part series is inspired from this article.  and as a response to it. Sabda - Vibrations According to Jaimini’s mimAmsa(3), Sabda is a quality of AkAsa. The characteristics of sabda in AkAsa is eternal and unchanged, as it is defined as the ‘dharma’ (law of Universe). Depending on manifesting agency, the sabdas are perceived and transmitted. Veda (knowledge) is born in that manifesting agency. Since the characteristics of sabda is eternal and unchanged, more and more manifesting agencies manifest more and more sabda, create more and more veda (information). Thus Veda becomes eternal (alw...