Background Rg Veda Mandala 1 Hymn 164, Upanishad and vAkyapaidya talk of four-fold vAk. Rg Veda Mandala1 Hymn 164 says what is being talked about as Indra, Agni, vAyu are all those in the fourth stage only. The rest three are only known to the learned of the Brahmanas. The four-fold Universe are 1. Background Oscillations of Vacuum - Madhyama - Hrdaya 2. Quantum manifestation of force-fields (Rudras) - pazyanti - prANa 3. Classical manifestation of particles - - cakSu and zrotraM. 4. Virtual particle manifestation that causes newer evolution - Para - Manas What is known to everyone which we can talk about is this thermodynamics part of Universe, the classical part of Universe. This is the part of the Universe which is perceived outside. The other three parts is not easy to be known. Only the learned of the Brahmanas know it. This external expression of Universe, which is the thermodynamics part is what we see as large empty spaces with galaxies and...