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Showing posts from 2025

Andal Thiruppaavai - 17,18,19

 In Andal's  thiruppaavai pasuram 17,18,19 there's a great psychology.  How do we wake up Krishna..?  First Andal wakes him up through the mother and brother (from whom Krishna was born and with whom he played together). Then Andal wakes him up through his girlfriend.  The pasuram 18, calling nappinnai as nadagopan's marumagal (which meant sister's daughter), where krishna is referred to as her 'maithunan' (which means mama paiyan in those days) depicts nappinnai as his girlfriend, not yet married.  Then comes the pasuram 19 which talks about krishna sleeping with nappinnai .  Now Andal is waking up krishna through this wife. Krishna is the govinda, the Adi Purusha, the avyaya puruSa sAski, the eternal witness, inside all.  Body is like the cart. Mind is the horse. Our self is the driver. If our self becomes one with cart or horse, vehicle runs amok. Our self has to detach from body and mind and witness them to control them. This witness is the ma...