Background Janaka asks Ashtavakra How do we obtain jnAna (Knowledge/wisdom)..? How will we become muktir (free from desires/worries)..? How do we arrive at vairagyam (indifferent to pulls and pressures)..? Ashtavakra explains in this way. Being patient and Candid/sincere are necessity for gaining more and more knowledge (jnAna). Being kind and contended are needed to be free from desires (mukti). Being Truthful is needed to be indifferent from pulls and pressures (vairagya). Hence the characteristics of Ksama (Patience), arjva (sincerity/candidness), dayA (kindness), toSa (Contentment) and Satyam (Truthfulness) have to be accepted like ‘nectar'. All these characteristics arise from our thoughts. So it is our thoughts that we have to work on. 'You' are neither earth, fire, water, air or ether. To become free, realize/understand your 'thoughts' are the observers/witness of the Atman. As long as our thoughts are operating around o...