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Showing posts from June, 2020

Aditya Hrdayam Again - Part 66 - Asvins are everywhere..

Background In the past few chapters, we went through 1. Force-fields (Scalar Higgs/Vishnu, Vector/Chakra, Spinor/Conch) (1) 2. Fundamental Particles (Panchajana/Five particle types, ChaturSana/Four right-handed particles) (2) 3. Interactions (Soma/strong, Madhu/Weak, Apa/Electromagnetic) (3) 4. Charges ( Vaishravana/Color, kAla/Weak, Yama/Electric) (3) 5. Composite Particles (Sura/Nucleons, Asura/Non-nucleons, Rakshasa/Vector and Pseudo-scalar mesons and Yaksa/Scalar and Pseudo-vector mesons) (4) 6. Concepts of Chirality, Helicity etc (4) 7. Asvins - The electromagnetic field (8) 8. How asvins grow vasus, learning/evolving molecular clouds (11) 9. Asvins leading to Stellar nucleosynthesis (12)10. Three-wheeled Asvins (13) 11. A top level summary of our understanding till now (14) Executive Summary of Rgveda Mandala 5 Hymn 74 Atri is the neutrino-decoupling event in the early Universe that allows the EM interactions to gain upper hand and evolve the Universe further. V

A look back at our understanding till now..

Background As I travel through the Vedas and Upanishads, here is a look-back or  gist of my understanding, as it stands now. This is a summary of my understanding spread over many blog posts and few of my books. It's a challenge always to have a starting point in describing Vedas and Upanishad, like starting in a limitless expanded space. I am starting at some point arbitrarily. Devas - Adityas, Rudras and Vasus Let's start this from the 'devas', which are more easily understood. Devas make our Universe. There are 33 devas, of which there are 12 Adityas which are primitive (pre-molecular) matter forms and processes born out of creative energies, 11 Rudras which are 11 force-fields of Universe, then there are 8 vasus, which are eight states of atom/molecules based matter forms.  The 12 adityas, the pre-molecular matter forms and processes are divided into 8 pre-molecular matter forms and 4 processes. The eight pre-molecular matter forms are 1. Uru

jyotiSa as vedAnga - Part 4

Background How are the days of the week named..? One reason is the order in which the planetary evolution and stabilization happens in the Solar System.  Another reason is the 'Hora system'. In Vedic cultures sunrise was the start of the day. A day and night between two sun-rises were divided into 60 ghatis. Every 2.5 ghatis approximately were called a 'Hora'. Hence there were 24 'Horas' between two sun-rises approximately. The 'hour' should have come from the 'Hora'. The 'horas' were named after the seven luminaries that affect Earth and they were repeated. Thus a 24 horas day and night had these seven luminary names repeating in day. But the interesting point there is 'order' in which the names of luminaries were chosen for the horas. That order indicates that those days people had indeed known more than what we knew 100 years back. Synodic period and Sidereal period Synodic period is the time that elapses between