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Showing posts from November, 2021

A mathematics/physics view of Siddhis and Realization

What are siddhis..? what is realization..?  There are 'patterns' lurking behind in every aspect of universe. From how earthquakes strike to burglaries happening in a city to how men and women like each other, in every aspect of our life there are design patterns that lurk behind. Mathematics can help you figure out the design patterns and use that design patterns to extrapolate them to future happenings.  Watch the video here   There are always smart people who can figure out these design patterns in their mind, crunch these numbers much faster than others and extrapolate them to future happenings or use these patterns for body language or mind-reading or even control other beings. We call it instincts sometimes or extra-sensory perceptions sometimes or 'siddhis' sometimes.  Not that we can exactly predict the future with these 'siddhi' or 'capabilities'. Just better educated guesses could showcase huge impacts of our 'siddhi to others'. But belo