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Sapta Lokas and Sapta Talas


Shiva is Energy. Shakti is momentum. They cannot be separated. What we perceive is momentum. From this we infer that there is energy behind that triggers this momentum. If we remove shakti/momentum, there is no Shiva there. This is what Adi Shakara says in Soundarya Lahari. Shiva is the puruSa, the observer or witness component that does not change ever. Shakti makes the prakRti, the matter forms, that keep evolving.

Shiva is consciousness. Shakt is the signaling that happens due to consciousness. Even in the RNA world, as RNA replicated, we infer there is a consciousness behind that triggers this replication. If we remove this Shakti the signaling or replications, then there is no Shiva/consciousness there.  Shiva is the puruSa, the observer or witness component that does not change ever. Shakti makes the prakRti, the biological beings, that keep evolving.

Evolution of prakRti in matter domain

When energy (shiva) represented by momentum (shakti) manifests in different force-fields (rudras), they acquire dual nature as particle and wave. (pratigrahah and apratigrahah - that can be seized and not siezed). When these particles interact with Higgs field (Adi sesha) they carry the property of mass (vishnu). 

Particles with momentum and mass (prakRti) interact with each other, produce more and more complex matter forms.

There are seven distinct steps through which complex matter forms evolve. These seven steps happen all across the expanse of the Universe's space in the same way. Hence each step is grouped together and called 'Loka' or 'Worlds'.

If we look below the surface of these complex matter forms, we can find seven distinct layers that make them up. These seven layers are called 'tala'.  'tala' means layer.

So there are seven steps through which complex matter forms evolve and there are seven layers that hold these complex matter forms. These are the sapta loka and sapta tala.

Evolution of prakRti in consciousness/biological domain

When consciousness (shiva) represented by signaling (shakti) manifests in specific matter forms (say molecular chains), they acquire dual nature as fleeting transactions as well as fixed pathways. (pratigrahah and apratigrahah - that can be seized and not siezed). When these pathways acquire the ability to store information locally they are said to carry the property of manas (vishnu). 

Being that are capable of signaling and manas (prakRti) interact with each other, produce more and more complex biological beings.

As the biological forms evolve and spread through the Universe's space, there are seven distinct steps through which complex biological forms evolve. These seven steps are called the 'Loka' or the 'World'. These seven steps happen all across the expanse of the Universe's space in the same way. Hence each step is grouped together and called 'Loka' or 'Worlds'.

If we look below the surface of these complex biological forms, we can find seven distinct layers that make them up. These seven layers are called 'tala'.  'tala' means layer.

So there are seven steps through which complex biological forms evolve and there are seven layers that hold these complex biological forms. These are the sapta loka and sapta tala.

Sapta Lokas in matter and biological forms

There are seven stages through which the worlds of matter and biological forms evolve. They are

Bhu Loka

In evolution of matter forms, bhu loka are planets like earth that hosts evolutionary life.  In evolution of biological beings, it is the terrestrial life forms on earth.

Bhuva Loka

In evolution of matter forms, bhuva loka are planets that are like hot like stars not hosting evolution but are also terrestrial .  In evolution of biological beings, it is the amphibians that live in water and land.

Svar Loka

In evolution of matter forms, svar loka are solar systems that spawn across the interstellar space.  In evolution of biological beings, it is the avians that move across air.

Mahar Loka

In evolution of matter forms, mahar loka are stars that undergo stellar nucleo-synthesis, producing newer elements in the ocean of EM radiation/light they generate in the process. In evolution of biological beings, it is the aquatic beings that live in water.

Jana Loka

In evolution of matter forms, Jana loka are the atomic elements that becomes the basis for complex matter forms. In evolution of biological beings, it is the eukaryotes that becomes the evolutionary basis for complex biological beings.

Tapa Loka

In evolution of matter forms, Tapa loka are the primitive particles some of which can exist independently (leptons) and some which cannot exist independently (quarks). In evolution of biological beings, it is the cell organelles which can exist independently (mitochondria, chloroplast) and some which cannot exist independently.

Satya Loka

In evolution of matter forms, Satya loka is the world of 'Energy'. In evolution of biological beings, it is the world of consciousness.

Sapta talas in matter and biological forms

mahi means earth. In matter domain, mahi-tala is the earth's surface or exterior of the matter forms. In consciousness domain, mahi-tala is external actions of biological beings driven by consciousness. There are seven layers below mahi-tala.

Srimad Bhagavatam Chapter 5 canto 24 Text 16 onwards describe the seven talas.


'atala' is said to be resided by 'bala' who produces three women by expansion.  Svairini are that desires themselves, kAmini are those that love/bind others and pumscalini are those that stand separately even if they attract others. 

In matter domain, the underlying layer of all matter forms is the property of 'mass'.  The property of 'mass' makes all the  'prakRti', that are in the form of elements (svairini), compounds (kAmini) and mixtures (pumscalini). All matter forms exist as elements, compounds or mixtures.

In consciousness domain, the underlying layer of all biological beings is the 'manas' that drives the actions of biological being.  Manas drives the self-centered nature (svairini), love/bonding with others (kAmini) and being detached (puMscalini).


Below atala is the vi-tala said to be resided by Hara and Bhavani (shiva-shakti) whose creations rule all the Universe.  

In matter domain, Hara and Bhavani represent the the 'entropy' of all matter forms. Below all the elements, compounds, mixtures of matter forms, there is an unusable part of energy, the entropy or information content of the matter form, that makes and 'holds' the matter form.

In  consciousness domain, below they represent the 'buddhi' or their ability to process information from various sources and make sense of it. This ability holds them as 'one biological being'.


Below vitala is  Su-tala, where Bali resides, the King who was pushed into pAtAlA by vAmana deva.  

In matter domain, sutala is the 'Internal energy' of a matter form that gives an 'identity' to the matter form.

In consciousness domain, sutala is the 'ahamkAra', the self-identity, which if it exceeds limits, becomes pride or ego of a being. Bali is equated with ahamkAra because it was his pride that made him promise vAmana to give what vAmana desires.


Below sutala is the tala-atala resided by mAyA dAnava, whose creations were burned by Shiva as purAri. 

In matter domain, tala-atala is the 'Vacuum Energy' (or zero-point energy) that fills the empty space on which matter forms reside. Shiva-Shakti, the energy-momentum burns the 3 dimensional empty space and fills it with vacuum energy.

In consciousness domain, sutala is the 'citta', the layer of thoughts, on which ahamkAra rises. Shiva-shakti, the consciousness-signaling fires the neurons and fills them with thoughts.


Below tala-atala is the mahA-tala  resided by the multi-headed nAgAs like kuhaka, taksaka, kaliya etc etc..  nAgAs are forces produced by flow of energy in force-fields, compared to ahi the forces produced by particles with mass.

In matter domain, mahA-tala is the layer of interacting force-fields that are multi-headed, interacting with each other, form the basis for atoms to interact with each other.

In consciousness domain, maha-tala is the layer of neural circuits that are multi-headed, connected with each other, form the basis for storing all information.


Below mahA-tala exists the rasa-tala resided by daityas, danavas, panis, kaleyas etc.  dAnavas are the leptons (electrons). daityas are the weak forces.  

In matter domain, rasa-tala is the layer of quantized particle manifestations of individual force-fields, that enables the interaction of force-fields.

In consciousness domain, rasa-tala is the layer in which potential differences generated in neurons drive the neuronal activity, which forms the basis for neural circuits.


Below rasa-tala is the pa-atala resided by various nAgas including vAsuki, the second son of kadru.  

In matter domain, pa-atala is the layer of energy flow in different force-fields.

In consciousness domain, pa-atala is the layer of energy flow in Electromagnetic force-field that drives all the signaling.

virAja puruSa  or virAt puruSa

virAja means that rules far and wide or rules everything. puruSa is the observer that does not interact, just observes and by mere act of witnessing/observation helps evolution of prakrti. Hence puruSa rules everything.

virAja puruSa is just observer and non-interacting.  But we can give a form for this virAja puruSa in the way prakRti (matter forms and biological forms) has been evolved in the Universe and resides in the Universe, as puruSa the observer is all across prakRti.

This form of virAja puruSa that we derive from prakRti can be depicted similar to the anatomy of a human being.

Srimad Bhagavatam Chapter  2 Canto 1 Text 25 describes this virAja puruSa.

virAja puruSa - nAbhi and abdominal space

Looking outwardly, the center of human being is nAbhi or navel at the center of abdominal space. 

Above the abdominal space is where all evolutionary organs that define a human being (all organ systems, sensory organs, brain) are placed. Below the abdominal space are the organs that define the upright standing position of human being (in otherwise horizontal world of beings).

In that way, all organs above the abdominal space can be mapped to the evolutionary steps and all organs below the abdominal space can be mapped to layers that hold.

The definition of virAja puruSa of Universe follows this idea. All organs above abdominal space are mapped to sapta Loka, the seven evolutionary steps of the Universe. All organs below abdominal space are mapped to sapta talas, the seven layers on which matter forms and consciousness stands.

The navel or nAbhi surrounded by abdominal space is itself equated to the 'space' of the Universe.

virAja puruSa - Heart 

The bhu, bhuva and svar loka are the 'Heart' of the virAja puruSa. 

In matter domain, solar systems, with terrestrial planets that can and cannot host life, made of higher order atomic elements are the 'Heart' of the virAja puruSa.  In consciousness domain, all beings that exist outside water (avians, amphibians, terrestrials), the higher order biological beings are the 'heart' of virAja puruSa.

These are the 'heart' of the virAja puruSa as these are the places where self-realizing consciousness evolution is happening or such self-realizing consciousness evolution is being hosted.

virAja puruSa - Neck

The mahar loka is the 'Neck' of the virAja puruSa.

In matter domain, stars that undergo stellar nuclear synthesis producing higher order elements and compounds are the neck of virAja puruSa that connects the basic atomic elements of Jana Loka to complex matter forms that can host consciousness to self-realization level of bhu-bhuva-svar Lokas.

In consciousness domain, the beings that evolve in water are the 'neck' of virAja puruSa, that connects the basic life forms of the Jana Loka to 'self-realizing' complex life forms of the bhu-bhuva-svar Loka.

virAja puruSa - The face

The Jana loka is the 'face' of the virAja puruSa.

In evolution of matter forms, Jana loka are the basic atomic elements. In evolution of biological beings, it is the basic life forms of prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

This is equated to the face of virAja purUsa, as all matter forms are made of atomic elements and all biological beings made of eukaryotic cells.

virAja puruSa - The skull behind the face

The tapa loka is the skull of the virAja puruSa.

In evolution of matter forms, Tapa loka are the primitive particles some of which can exist independently (leptons) and some which cannot exist independently (quarks). They are the skull behind the face of matter forms.

In evolution of biological beings, tapa loka are the organelles which can exist independently (mitochondria, chloroplast) and some which cannot exist independently. They are the skull behind the face of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

virAja puruSa -  The head

The satya loka is the 'head' of the virAja puruSa.

In evolution of matter forms, Satya loka is the world of 'Energy'. In evolution of biological beings, it is the world of consciousness.

There are innumerous heads of virAja puruSa in all matter forms and biological beings.

virAja puruSa - Thighs

The 'atala' and 'vitala' are the underlying layers like thighs are below the abdominal space.

In matter domain, 'atala' is the property of mass that underlies all matter forms. In consciousness domain, 'atala' is the manas that underlies all biological beings. In matter domain, 'vitala' is the the 'entropy' of all matter forms.  In  consciousness domain, 'vitala' is the buddhi. 

Mass/entropy  are the 'thighs' of matter forms. Manas-buddhi are the thighs of biological beings.

virAja puruSa - Knees

Like knees below the thighs,  sutala is below the atala-vitala.

In matter domain, below mass/entropy lies the internal energy.  In consciousness domain below manas/buddhi lies 'ahamkAra', the ego. They are the sutala.

virAja puruSa - Shanks

Like Shanks below the Knees, talAtala is below sutala

In matter domain, below internal energy lies vacuum energy or zero-point energy. In consciousness below ahamakAra lies thoughts that rise on our consciousness. They are the talAtala.

virAja puruSa - ankles

Like ankles below the knees, mahAtala lies below talAtala

In matter domain, below vacuum energy lies the layer of force-fields that interacting with each other in which energy flows. In consciousness domain below thoughts like the layer of neural circuits that hold these thoughts. They are the mahAtala.

virAja puruSa - heels and toes

Like heels and toes below the knees, rasAtala lies below mahAtala.

In matter domain, below layer of force-fields that interact, lies individual force-fields which have quantized nature of particles.  In consciousness domain, rasa-tala is the layer in which potential differences generated in neurons drive the neuronal activity, which forms the basis for neural circuits. They are the rasa-tala.

virAja puruSa - sole of feet

Like sole of feet is below the heels and toes, patala lies below rasatala.

In matter domain, below the layer of individual force-fields, energy flows in these force-fields. In consciousness domain, electromagnetic force-field lies under the potential differences in neurons. They are the pAtala.

Srimad Bhagavatam 2.1.25

aṇḍa-kośe śarīre ’smin
vairājaḥ puruṣo yo ’sau
bhagavān dhāraṇāśrayaḥ

aṇḍa-kośe — within the universal shell; śarīre — in the body of; asmin — this; sapta — sevenfold; āvaraṇa — coverings; saṁyute — having so done; vairājaḥ — the gigantic universal; puruṣaḥ — form of the Lord; yaḥ — that; asau — He; bhagavān — the Personality of Godhead; dhāraṇā — conception; āśrayaḥ — object of.

spherical shells (anda kosa) body (sarira) in this (asmin) seven coverings (sapta avarana)  adorns (samyuta)  the expanded form (vairaja puruSa) of the bhagavan (asau bhagavan) holds/bears (dhArana) shelter/reservoir (asrayah)  

Spherical shells/layers, as physical seven coverings adorn the expanded form of the bhagavan, as the shelters/reservoir that holds it.

Seven layers hold this viraja puruSa, matter and beings that fill the expanded Universe.

Srimad Bhagavatam 2.1.26

pātālam etasya hi pāda-mūlaṁ
paṭhanti pārṣṇi-prapade rasātalam
mahātalaṁ viśva-sṛjo ’tha gulphau
talātalaṁ vai puruṣasya jaṅghe

pAtalam (patala) of this (etasya) certainly (hi) soles (pada mulam), fall down (patanti) heels (parsni) toes (prapada) rasa-atalam,  mahatalam  creator of universe (visva-srja) ankles (atha gulphau) talatalam  are the shanks (purushasya janghe)

pAtalam are the soles of the puruSa, rasAtalam are the heels and toes, mahAtalam are the ankles, talAtalam are the shanks.

Srimad Bhagavatam 2.1.27

dve jānunī sutalaṁ viśva-mūrter
ūru-dvayaṁ vitalaṁ cātalaṁ ca
mahītalaṁ taj-jaghanaṁ mahīpate
nabhastalaṁ nābhi-saro gṛṇanti

two (dve) knees (januni) sutalam, the universe's form (visva murter) two thights (uru dvayam) vitalam and atalam (vitalam ca atalam ca). mahitalam  that (tat) hips (jaghanam) o king (mahipate) expanded space (nabha stalam) the naval lake (nabhi sara) they take/seize (grnanti)

Sutalam are the two knees, the two thighs are vitala and atalam. Mahitala are the entire hinder part (or the hips or below the hips) comprising all the seven talas.  The navel lake above these seven layers that make the matter forms is the space.

If we go up from the space, we get the seven lokas.

Srimad Bhagavatam 2.1.28

uraḥ-sthalaṁ jyotir-anīkam asya
grīvā mahar vadanaṁ vai jano ’sya
tapo varāṭīṁ vidur ādi-puṁsaḥ
satyaṁ tu śīrṣāṇi sahasra-śīrṣṇaḥ

chest (ura stas) groups of luminary objects (jyotir anikam)  of the (asya) neck (girya),  mahaloka (mahar) act of speaking/face/mouth (vadanam)  certainly (vai) jana loka (jana) of the (asya) tapa loka (tapo) forehead (varatim) is known (vidur) the first male (adi purusa)  satya loka (satyam)  is the skull (sirsani) the innumerous skull (sahasra sirsnah)

(if we go up from the navel lake that is the space) we see the chest as the groups of luminary objects, the neck as the mahar loka, face/mouth as the jana-loka,  skull is tapa loka, is how the first male is known.   The innumerous headed one's heads are the satya loka.




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