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Meenakshi Pancharatnam


Shiva is energy. Uma which means quiet is potential energy in matter forms. durgA which means impassable or cannot be crossed over, is kinetic energy of matter forms.  Tripura sundari is the vacuum energy that fills the three dimensional empty space.

Adi Shankaracharya calls 'mInAksI' as the ocean of bliss that fills the inside of all, becomes their fundamental 'rhythm' on which they are built, combination of Sri-Vidhya and Uma, the true/fundamental/realistic form of Shiva or the representation of Shiva,  to whom Vishnu, Brahma and Indra submit to or make use of, that which is more elder/respected/senior than vAni and rama, but junior to nArAyaNa.

According to science, the bliss that fills the inside of all, the fundamental rhythm underlying all, the fundamental and true representation of energy in all matter and beings is oscillations of zero-point energy.  Zero point energy is a combination of Kinetic and potential energy. Mass, Spacetime curvature/gravity and all matter forms make use or arise using this zero-point energy.  Zero-point energy probably appeared after cold dark matter and is elder to all the matter forms and their entropies.

Zero-point energy is one of the ways in which the vacuum energy is perceived.

Vacuum Energy - Three forms of perception

The vacuum energy can be perceived in 3 ways in the real world. They are

1. kAmAkSi - kAma means excitations. The vacuum fluctations or excitations of the ocean of vacuum that lead to virtual particles and their effects on real world is how the vacuum energy is perceived.

2. mInAkSi - mIna means fish. The zero-point of energy of  any quantized field or particle, the 'fish' (mIna) in the ocean of vacuum. 

3. vizAlAkSi - vizAla means broad, wide, expanded etc. In physical cosmology, the cosmological constant contributes to expansion of Universe or negative gravitational field due to vacuum energy that accelerates expansion of Universe.

Hence mInAkSi is none other than tri-pura sundari, the vacuum energy as is kAmAksI and vizAlAkSi. mInAksi is one way in which tri-pura sundari is perceived.

Sri Chakra

Sri Chakra in my understanding roughly represents the 'quantization' of energy levels in the atoms. The four shells and four sub-shells of any known elements is what is drawn as 4 concentric triangles and 4 concentric triangle upside down. Their intersection creates the Sri chakra.

The center of this Quantization levels is the zero-point energy of particles or matter forms, the mInAksi.  It is from this zero point energy of vacuum energy, due to quantized fluctuations of energy (kAmAksi) different particles and matter forms manifest.

Hence mInAkSi is in the center of Sri Chakra.

mInAkSi - The zero-point energy

mInAkSi is more specifically the zero-point energy of all particles. Hence mInAkSi is described as the fundamental 'rhythm' or nAda brahmam of the Universe. She is the hidden 'hrim-kAra'.

mInAkSi, the zero-point energy is the true or fundamental form of Shiva, the energy in all matter forms. It is expressed or identified through the matter (ornaments) and biological forms (garlands) expressed in the Universe.

As mInAkSi is about zero-point energy of matter forms, vishnu, the property of mass, Brahma the four dimensional spacetime and Indra the atomic nucleus or protons submit to this mInAkSi or arise on this mInAkSi.

Like the small bells of an ankle jewel are hidden, but cause the sounds, zero-point energy is hidden inside as potential, that fulfills all the 'desires'. She is 'elder' to both sarasvati (information/entropy) and lakshmi (matter wealth) and hence they serve her.

mInAkSi, the zero-point energy is a combination of Sri-Vidhya, the kinetic energy as well as Uma, the potential energy. It is in the center of Sri-Cakra and gives rises to Work done (Vinayaga) and Heat (Skanda) and through that binds all matter and beings.

This zero-point energy is dark and hosts all other divinities. It gives rise to entropy or different information states or jnAnA. It is born younger to nArAyaNa the form of cold dark matter.

The zero-point energy creates all matter forms by being inside yogi, muni, indra etc. It is the fundamental note of all matter forms that exists deep inside.

The zero-point energy fills inside all as the fundamental 'bliss'.

Summary of mInAkSi pancaratnam

Seen like innumerous rising suns through garlands and ornaments, smiling lips in which the rows of teeth glistens; adorned with pitambara, who is served by Vishnu, Brahma, Indira, the 'true' form of Shiva, Surrender to that meenakSi, who fills the 'self' as ocean of 'mercy'.

Her face shining like full moon, hanging garland, radiant crown, ankle jewel that tinkles due to small bells enclosed, shines inside lotus like a flame, potential that becomes the fruit of all desires, to which sarasvati and lakshmi serve, Surrender to that meenakSi, who fills the 'self' as ocean of 'mercy'.

minAkSi is srividhya as well as the one that resides on the left side of Shiva.  She is the hidden hrimkara of all forms. She lives in the center spot of srichakra, rules that sri-mandala, gives rise to shanmuga, vinayaga and thereby infatuates all the beings. Surrender to that meenakSi, who fills the 'self' as ocean of 'mercy'.

She is beautiful leader of all, remover of fear, giver of wisdom, defect free. Her feet is served by those divinities seated on the lotus, dark-skinned, sister of narayana. She enjoys the music of different instruments, mother of different types of things. Surrender to that meenakSi, who fills the 'self' as ocean of 'mercy'.

She creates different matter forms being in the heart of yogis, munis, indra et al. Narayana worships her feet decorated with different flowers. She is the fundamental note hidden beyond everything that expands the Universe and is deep inside all the matter forms. Surrender to that meenakSi, who fills the 'self' as ocean of 'mercy'.

Meenakshi pancharatnam - Stanza 1

Udyad-Bhaanu-Sahasra-Kotti-Sadrshaam Keyuura-Haaro[a-U]jjvalaam
Vimbo[a-O]sstthiim Smita-Danta-Pangkti-Ruciiraam Piita-Ambara-Alangkrtaam |
Vissnnu-Brahma-Surendra-Sevita-Padaam Tattva-Svaruupaam Shivaam
Miinaakssiim Prannato-[A]smi Santatam-Aham Kaarunnya-Vaaraam-Nidhim

роОро┤ு роЮாропிро▒ு  роОрог்рогро▒்ро▒ роХோроЯி роЙро░ுро╡роо்; роТро│ிро░ுроо் роорогிрооாро▓ைропாроо்   
роЗродро┤ோроЯுроо் роироХை; рокро▓் ро╡ро░ிроЪை рооிро│ிро░ுроо்; родроЩ்роХாроЯை роЕрогி роЪெроп்ропுрооாроо் 
ро╡ிро╖்рогு рокிро░роо்роо роЗрои்родிро░ройுроо்  роЪேро╡ை роЪெроп்ро╡ро░ாроо் ; роЪிро╡ройிрой் рооெроп் ро╡роЯிро╡рооாроо் 
рооீройாроХ்ро╖ி роЪро░рогேроОрой்  роЕроХроо் роиிро▒ைроХ்роХுроо்  роХாро░ுрог்роп роХроЯро▓ாроХிроЯுроо் 

Seen like crores of innumerous rising sun (udyad bhanu sahasra koti sadrsam), shines through the ornaments and garlands (keyura haara ujvalam) reflecting lips smiling teeth/the 'fives'  shining in series or rows (vimbosthim smita danta pagkti ruciraam) adorned with yellow garments (pitambara alangkrtam) vishnu brahma indra serve her feet (vishnu brahma surendra sevita padam) the truth or reality of shiva's form (tattva svarupam shivam), I surrender to minakshi that pervades my inside, the wealth of ocean of karunya. (minakshim pranato asmi santatam aham karunya vaaram nidhim)

Seen like innumerous rising suns through garlands and ornaments, smiling lips in which the rows of teeth glistens; adorned with pitambara, who is served by Vishnu, Brahma, Indira, the 'true' form of Shiva, Surrender to that meenakSi, who fills the 'self' as ocean of 'mercy'.

mInakSi, the zero-point energy fills the 'self' of all matter forms. It is called the 'true form of energy'. This energy shines like innumerous suns below the ornaments (matter forms) and garlands (biological beings), ever smiling, and enclosed by radiating forms. Brahma (the four dimensional spacetime), vishnu (property of mass), Indra (the immortal proton of atomic nucleus or atoms/matter forms) submit to this zero-point energy in the sense they are impacted by it.

Meenakshi pancharatnam - Stanza 2

Muktaa-Haara-Lasat-Kiriitta-Ruciraam Puurnne[a-I]ndu-Vaktra-Prabhaam
Shin.jan-Nuupura-Kingkinnii-Manni-Dharaam Padma-Prabhaa-Bhaasuraam |
Sarva-Abhiisstta-Phala-Pradaam Giri-Sutaam Vaannii-Ramaa-Sevitaam |
Miinaakssiim Prannato-[A]smi Santatam-Aham Kaarunnya-Vaaraam-Nidhim 

ро╡ிро┤ுрои்родொ ро│ிро░ுроо் рооாро▓ை роиро▓் роороХுроЯрооாроо்  роородிроТро│ி рооுроХрооாроХுрооாроо் 
роЪிро▒ு роЪிро▒ு роорогி(ропுроЯை) роХொро▓ுроЪொро▓ிроХ்роХுрооாроо்  роХрооро▓роЪ் роЪுроЯро░ாроХுрооாроо் 
ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо் роОро▓்ро▓ாрок் рокропрой் родро░ுроо் рооро▓ைроороХро│ாроо்; роЗро░ு роороХро│் рокрогிро╡ро░ாроо் 
рооீройாроХ்ро╖ி роЪро░рогேроОрой்  роЕроХроо் роиிро▒ைроХ்роХுроо்  роХாро░ுрог்роп роХроЯро▓ாроХிроЯுроо் 

release (mukta) garland (haara) shine (lasat) crown (kiriitta) pleasing (ruciraam) full moon (purna indu) face (vaktra) splendor (prabhaam) tinkling/rattling (zinjat) ankle bells (nupura) small bells (kingkini) bearer of mani (mani dharaam) lotus (padma) splendor (prabha) radiant (bhasuram)  all (sarva) desires (abhista) fruits (phala) giver (pradaam) daughter of mountain (giri sutaam) sarasvati (vani) lakshmi (ramaa) served by (sevitam) I surrender to minakshi that pervades my inside, the wealth of ocean of karunya. (minakshim pranato asmi santatam aham karunya vaaram nidhim)

Her face shining like full moon, hanging garland, radiant crown, ankle jewel that tinkles due to small bells, shines inside lotus like a flame, potential that becomes the fruit of all desires, to which sarasvati and lakshmi serve, Surrender to that meenakSi, who fills the 'self' as ocean of 'mercy'.

Like the small bells of an ankle jewel are hidden, but cause the sounds, zero-point energy shines inside, as the 'potential' that fulfills all the 'desires' as sarasvati (information/entropy) and lakshmi (matter wealth) build on her (submit to her). With hanging garlands and a crown, her face shines like full moon.

Meenakshi pancharatnam - Stanza 3

Shriividyaam Shiva-Vaama-Bhaaga-Nilayaam Hriingkaara-Mantro[a-U]jjvalaam
Shriicakra-Angkita-Bindu-Madhya-Vasatim Shriimat-Sabhaa-Naayikaam |
Shriimat-Ssannmukha-Vighnaraaja-Jananiim Shriimaj-Jagan-Mohiniim |
Miinaakssiim Prannato-[A]smi Santatam-Aham Kaarunnya-Vaaraam-Nidhim

ро╕்ро░ீ ро╡ிрод்ропா роЪிро╡ройிрой்   роЗроЯродு  рокாроХрооாроо்  ро╣்ро░ிроо்роХாро░ роТро│ிропாроХுрооாроо்  
ро╕்ро░ீ роЪроХ்ро░ா роЕродрой் роород்родி рокுро│்ро│ி ро╡роЪிроХ்роХுроо்  ро╕்ро░ீ роорог்роЯро▓роо் роЖро│ுрооாроо்  
роЕродிро▓் роЪрог்рооுроХрой் ро╡ிройைропாро│்ро╡рой் роЖроХ்роХிропே роЕройைрод்родைропுроо்  роИро░்роХ்роХுрооாроо் 
рооீройாроХ்ро╖ி роЪро░рогேроОрой்  роЕроХроо் роиிро▒ைроХ்роХுроо்  роХாро░ுрог்роп роХроЯро▓ாроХிроЯுроо் 

Shrividya, left side of shiva (shiva vaama baaga) resides (nilayaam) shining/burning (ujjvalam) in the hrimkara mantra (hrimkara mantra). sricakra mark (angkita) center spot (bindu madhya) lives/resides (vasatim) in the sabha (sabhaa) filled with sri (srimat) heroine (naayikaam)  filled with sri (srimat) shanmukha, vignaraja gives birth (jananim)  filled with sri (srimat) in the world (jagat) infatuating living beings (mohinim) I surrender to minakshi that pervades my inside, the wealth of ocean of karunya. (minakshim pranato asmi santatam aham karunya vaaram nidhim)

minAkSi is srividhya as well as the one that resides on the left side of Shiva.  She is the hidden hrimkara of all forms. She lives in the center spot of srichakra, rules that sri-mandala, gives rise to shanmuga, vinayaga and thereby infatuates all the beings. Surrender to that meenakSi, who fills the 'self' as ocean of 'mercy'.

Zero-point energy is the combination of potential and kinetic energy at ground state. It's the hidden form of energy not perceivable easily. It resides in the center-spot of srichakra, gives rise to work (vinayaga) and heat (skanda) and through that binds all matter and beings.

Meenakshi pancharatnam - Stanza 4

Shriimat-Sundara-Naayikaam Bhaya-Haraam Jnyaana-Pradaam Nirmalaam
Shyaama-[A]abhaam Kamala-[A]asana-Arcita-Padaam Naaraayannasya-Anujaam |
Viinnaa-Vennu-Mrdangga-Vaadya-Rasikaam Naanaa-Vidhaam-Ambikaam |
Miinaakssiim Prannato-[A]smi Santatam-Aham Kaarunnya-Vaaraam-Nidhim

рокропроо் роиீроХ்роХிроЯுроо் роиாропроХி роЕро┤роХாроХுрооாроо் роЮாройроо் родро░ுроо் рооாроЪро▒்ро▒родாроо் 
роХро░ிроп родாрооро░ை ро╡ீро▒்ро▒ோро░் (роЕроЯி) рокрогிро╡ро░ாроо்  роиாро░ாропрогрой் родроЩ்роХைропாроо் 
ро╡ீрогை роХுро┤ро▓் роо்ро░ுродроЩ்роХ роЗроЪை ро░роЪிроХ்роХுроо் рокро▓ро╡ро▒்ро▒ிрой் роЕрой்ройைропாроо் 
рооீройாроХ்ро╖ி роЪро░рогேроОрой்  роЕроХроо் роиிро▒ைроХ்роХுроо்  роХாро░ுрог்роп роХроЯро▓ாроХிроЯுроо் 

filled with shri (shrimat) beautiful heroine (sundara naayikaam) removes fear (bhaya haraam) gives jnana (jnanan pradaam) defect free (nirmalaam) dark like (shyama aabham) residing in lotus (kamala asana) serving (arcita) feet (padaam) sister of narayana (narayanasya anujaam) vina, flute, mrdanga instruments enjoyer (vina venu mrdanga vaadya rasikaam) different types of ambika (nana vidhaam ambikaam) I surrender to minakshi that pervades my inside, the wealth of ocean of karunya. (minakshim pranato asmi santatam aham karunya vaaram nidhim)

She is beautiful leader of all, remover of fear, giver of wisdom, defect free. Her feet is served by those divinities seated on the lotus, dark-skinned, sister of narayana. She enjoys the music of different instruments, mother of different types of things. Surrender to that meenakSi, who fills the 'self' as ocean of 'mercy'.

This zero-point energy is dark, basis of all divinities, defect-free, gives all the wisdom/entropy/information content, sister of narayana (combination of dark matter and matter), removes fear, enjoys/hosts different types of excitations, mother of different things.

Meenakshi pancharatnam - Stanza 5

Naanaa-Yogi-Munii-[I]ndra-Hrtsu-Vasatim Naanaa-[A]rtha-Siddhi-Pradaam
Naanaa-Pusspa-Viraajita-Angghri-Yugalaam Naaraayannena-Arcitaam |
Naadabrahmamayiim Paraatpara-Taraam Naanaa-[A]rtha-Tattva-Atmikaam |
Miinaakssiim Prannato-[A]smi Santatam-Aham Kaarunnya-Vaaraam-Nidhim 

рокро▓ ропோроХ рооுройி роЗрои்род்ро░ роЕроХроо் роЗро░ுроХ்роХுроо் рокро▓ рокொро░ுро│் роЖроХ்роХுрооாроо் 
рокро▓ рокூроХ்роХро│் роПро▒்роХுроо் роЗро░ு рокாродроЩ்роХро│ாроо் роиாро░ாропрогройே рокோро▒்ро▒ுро╡ாрой் 
роЖродாро░ ро╕்ро░ுродி роЕройைрод்родுроо் роХроЯрои்родродாроо் рокро▓்рокொро░ுро│் рооெроп்роЕроХрооாроо் 
рооீройாроХ்ро╖ி роЪро░рогேроОрой்  роЕроХроо் роиிро▒ைроХ்роХுроо்  роХாро░ுрог்роп роХроЯро▓ாроХிроЯுроо் 

different (naana) yogi, muni, indra in the heart (hrtsu) resides (vasatim) different (naana) matter forms (artha) gives accomplishment or makes them (siddhi pradaam). different (naana) flowers (puspa) adorn/decorate (viracita) the feet pair (anghri yugalam) by the narayana (narayana ena) submits/worships (arcitam) basic rhythm that expands (naada brahmam) outside of everything (paratpara taraam). different matter forms (naana artha) truth (tattva) soul/self (aatmikaam) I surrender to minakshi that pervades my inside, the wealth of ocean of karunya. (minakshim pranato asmi santatam aham karunya vaaram nidhim)

She creates different matter forms being in the heart of yogis, munis, indra et al. Narayana worships her feet decorated with different flowers. She is the fundamental note hidden beyond everything that expands the Universe and is deep inside all the matter forms. Surrender to that meenakSi, who fills the 'self' as ocean of 'mercy'.

The zero-point energy creates all matter forms by being inside yogi, muni, indra etc. The nArAyaNa, the dark matter-matter combination submits to this zero-point energy  and is the fundamental note of all matter forms that exists deep inside.

