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Totaka ashtakam


Totaka ashtakam details the characteristics and attributes of Shankara. 

We understand Shankara had the understanding of all the shastras, upanishads, learnt various philosophies, made people to self-realize and understand the concepts of Isvara and Jiva, created thoughts that become good deeds,  made them desire for neutral/equanimous perspectives, walked and travelled across like a ray of light, had none other in comparison to being in oneness.

That's quite a breadth of information on Shankara.  

Totaka ashtakam is said to be written by one Shankara's disciples (mookha kavi) who never spoke for a long time and the first words he spoke were the totaka-ashtakam.  The disciple declares that he knows very little and has little wealth and wants to surrender at the feet of Shankara to gain knowledge.

It's so intriguing to note that this description of Shankara remains an apt description for mahA-periyava.

Summary of Totaka-ashtakam

You know the ocean of sastras, meanings of upanishadic ocean. My heart is filled with your feet. Shankara, I surrender to you.

Ocean of mercy, please protect me. Alleviate the sufferings of ocean of birth. Make visible various philosophies to me. Shankara, I surrender to you.

People become happy by you, self-realize, investigate happy mindedly, fully know isvara and jiva. Shankara, I surrender to you.

You are the manifestations,  arise in my mind completely, making me eagerly interested, encompassing me with ocean of moha, Shankara, I surrender to you.

Good deeds creating thoughts become manifold. Desire for neutral perspectives/views manifest. To protect me, the extremely weak, Shankara, I surrender to you.

To protect the world of beings, absorb them mentally, the greatest of great light that walks and travels across, that shines like warm rays of sun, Shankara I surrender to you.

Best of best gurus, the residence/source of them, no other wise equal to you in oneness with him, who is kind to the surrendered, wealth of tattva, Shankara I surrender to you.

I know not even a single branch of knowledge clearly and don't have even a little of wealth. Give me, naturally, quickly your compassion. Shankara, I surrender to you.


महितोपनिषत् कथितार्थनिधे ।
हृदये कलये विमलं चरणं
भव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम् ॥ १॥

hrudaye kalaye vimalam charanam
bhava Shañkara deshika me sharanam.(1)

அறிவாய் எல்லாம் சாத்திர பாற்கடலே
ஆழ்வேத உட்பொருள் சொல்லும் ஆழி நீயே 
உன் தூய அடியே இதயம் முழுதும் 
ஆவேன் சங்கர தேசிக னிடம் சரணம்

You Know (vidita) universe's (akhila) shastra (shastra) ocean of nectar or ocean of milk (sudha jaladhe) greatest of (mahita) upanishads explain (katitha) ocean of meaning (artha nidhe) in heart (hrdaye) is full of (kalaye) pure (vimalam) feet (caranam) become (bhava) I surrender to sankara desikan (sankara desika me saranam)

You know the ocean of sastras, meaning of upanishadic ocean. My heart is filled with your feet. Shankara, I surrender to you.

करुणावरुणालय पालय मां
भवसागरदुःखविदूनहृदम् ।
भव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम् ॥ २॥

karunávarunalaya pálaya mám
bhava Shañkara deshika me Sharaïam.(2)

கருணை கடலென காத்திடுவாய் மனம் 
பிறவி கடல்துயர் நீக்கிடுவாய் அகம் 
அகிலத் தத்வங்கள் தெரியவைப்பாய் நிதம் 
ஆவேன் சங்கர தேசிக னிடம் சரணம்

ocean (residence of varuna)  of karuna (karuna varuna alaya)  protect me (palaya mam) ocean of birth (bhava sagara) pain/suffering (duhkha) remove (viduna) in heart/inside (hrudam) make visible (racaya darsana) universe's (akhila) various philosophies (tattva vidam) become (bhava) I surrender to sankara desikan (sankara desika me saranam)

Ocean of mercy, please protect me. Alleviate the sufferings of ocean of birth. Make visible various philosophies to me. Shankara, I surrender to you.

भवता जनता सुहिता भविता
निजबोधविचारण चारुमते ।
भव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम् ॥ ३॥

bhavatá janatá suhitá bhavitá
nijabodhavichárana chárumate
bhava Shañkara deshika me sharanam.(3)

உம்மால் மக்களும் சுகமா (க) ஆகிடவே 
அகம் உணர் ஆய்வுகள் மனம கிழ்ந்திடவே
ஈசனும் ஜீவனும் முழுது ணர்ந்திடவே 
ஆவேன் சங்கர தேசிக னிடம் சரணம்

By you (bhavata) people (janata) become happy (suhita bhavita) realize self (nija bodha) enquiry/investigate/research (vicArana) happy mind (caru-mati) fully (kalaya) ishvara jiva realize variously (viveka vidam) become (bhava) I surrender to sankara desikan (sankara desika me saranam)

People become happy by you, self-realize, investigate happy mindedly, fully know isvara and jiva. Shankara, I surrender to you.

भव एव भवानिति मे नितरां
समजायत चेतसि कौतुकिता ।
मम वारय मोहमहाजलधिं
भव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम् ॥ ४॥

bhava eva bhavániti me nitarám
samajáyata chetasi kautukitá
mama váraya mohamahájaladhim
bhava shankara deshika me sharanam.(4)

தோற்றமே தாங்கள் தான் என முழுதும் 
மனதினுள் தோன்றிடும் ஆர்வம் மிகும் 
எனை சூழ்ந்திடும் மோகப் பெருங்கடலும் 
ஆவேன் சங்கர தேசிக னிடம் சரணம்

Manifestations (bhava) only (eva) you (bhavan) thus (iti) completely (nitaram) equally arising (sama jayata)  in the mind (cetasi)  eagerly interested (kautu kita) encompassing my (mama varaya)  ocean of moha (moha maha-jala adhim) become (bhava) I surrender to sankara desikan (sankara desika me saranam)

You are the manifestations arises in my mind completely, making me eagerly interested, encompassing me with ocean of moha, Shankara, I surrender to you.

सुकृतेऽधिकृते बहुधा भवतो
भविता समदर्शनलालसता ।
अतिदीनमिमं परिपालय मा
ंभव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम् ॥ ५॥

sukrute dhikrute bahudhá bhavato
bhavitá samadarsanalalasata
atidinamimam paripálaya mám
bhava Shañkara deshika me sharanam.(5)

நல்வினை எண்ணங்கள் பன்மடங் காகிட 
நடுநிலை பார்வையை நானும் விழைந்திட 
நலிவுற்ற எனையும் நாளுமே காத்திட 
ஆவேன் சங்கர தேசிக னிடம் சரணம்

good deeds (sukrte) creating thoughts (dhi-krte) in manifold (bahuda) becomes (bhavato)  desire equal/neutral perspectives/views (lalasa sama darsana) manifests (bhavita) extremely weak (ati dInam) this (imam) protect me (paripalaya maam) become (bhava) I surrender to sankara desikan (sankara desika me saranam)

Good deeds creating thoughts become manifold. Desire for neutral perspectives/views manifest. To protect me, the extremely weak, Shankara, I surrender to you.

जगतीमवितुं कलिताकृतयो
विचरन्ति महामहसश्छलतः ।
अहिमांशुरिवात्र विभासि गुरो
भव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम् ॥ ६॥

jagatimavitum kalitákrutayo
vicharanti mahamahasashchalatah
ahimámsurivatra vibhási guro
bhava Shañkara deshika me sharanam.(6)

அவனியை காக்க மனம் கவர்ந்திடவே 
பயணம் செய்திடும் பெரும் ஒளி நடையே 
குளிரற்ற கதிர்போல் ஒளிர்விடும் குருவே 
ஆவேன் சங்கர தேசிக னிடம் சரணம்

world of beings (jagatim) protect (avitum) absorb mentally (kalita) do (krtaya) travel (vicaranti) greatest of lights (maha mahas) move (calatah) not cold (ahima) rays (amzur) like (iva) there (atra) lightening guru (vibhasi guru) become (bhava) I surrender to sankara desikan (sankara desika me saranam)

To protect the world of beings, absorb them mentally, the greatest of great light that walks and travels across, that shines like warm rays of sun, Shankara I surrender to you.

गुरुपुंगव पुंगवकेतन ते
समतामयतां नहि कोऽपि सुधीः ।
शरणागतवत्सल तत्त्वनिधे
भव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम् ॥ ७॥

gurupuñgava puñgava ketana te
samatá mayatám nahi ko pi sudhi:
Sharanágatavatsala tattvanidhe
bhava Shañkara deshika me sharanam.(7)

சிறந்ததில் சிறந்த குரு உறைவிடமே 
நிகராய் ஒன்றிட இல்லையே புத்தி (அறிவு) 
சரண்புக அன்பெனும் தத்வ களஞ்சியமே 
ஆவேன் சங்கர தேசிக னிடம் சரணம்

best of best (pungava pungava) of gurus (guru), residence/source of them (ketana te) equal to that oneness with him (samata mayatam) no other wise (nahi ko api sudhi)  kind of those who take refuge (sharanagata vatsala) wealth of tattva (tattva nidhi)  become (bhava) I surrender to sankara desikan (sankara desika me saranam)

Best of best gurus, the residence/source of them, no other wise equal to you in oneness with him, who is kind to the surrendered, wealth of tattva, Shankara I surrender to you.

विदिता न मया विशदैककला
न च किंचन काञ्चनमस्ति गुरो ।
द्रुतमेव विधेहि कृपां सहजां
भव शंकर देशिक मे शरणम् ॥ ८॥

viditá na mayá vishadaikakalá
na cha kimchana kánchanamasti guro
drutameva vidhehi krupám sahajám
bhava Shañkara deshika me sharanam.(8)

தெளிவாய் அறியேனே நான் ஒரு கலையும் 
சிறிதேனும் செல்வமும் இல்லையே என்னிடம் 
விரைவாய் தருவாய் இயல்பாய் பரிவும் 
ஆவேன் சங்கர தேசிக னிடம் சரணம்

Not know (vidita na) to me (maya) clearly (vizada)  one (eka) knowledge (kalA) and (ca) not smallest (na kinchana) wealth (kancanam) exists (asti) guru. fastly (druta) give me (vidhehi) naturally (sahajam) compassion (krpa). become (bhava) I surrender to sankara desikan (sankara desika me saranam)

I know not even a single branch of knowledge clearly and don't have even a little of wealth. Give me, naturally, quickly your compassion. Shankara, I surrender to you.
