Vinayaga (in matter forms) is 'Work' or 'Action' or 'வினை' in tamil. It is the 'Work' in science parlance as well.
In science, the property of Energy (Shiva) added to a system has two effects. It results in 'Work' or 'Heat'. 'Work' is the vinayaka. 'Heat' is the Skanda.
Work in matter forms take five different forms. They are
1. Work in terms of change in position or motion
2. Work in terms of change in 'Pressure' and 'Volume'
3. Work in terms of change in potential due to moving of charge in electric field
4. Gravitational Work in terms of change in potential due to moving of object due to gravity
5. Quantum work in terms of change in quantum energies at quantum level.
The pancha-ratna deals with this 'Work' or 'Action' or 'வினை' in these five forms.
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