How the Universe expanded in Cosmic Inflation epoch and came into existence is explained here (1). The inflation potential (dakSa) interacting with force-fields (panchajani) creates the particles. The kinetic energy of the particles of Universe, brings Universe to existence is called 'Sati'.In the 'expanded space' (Brahma) rudras (force-fields) manifest one by one. The force-fields are different ways in which energy is distributed with different properties. There are eleven force-fields and they are explained here (2).
'maruts' are 'quanta' of energy in different force-fields.There are 49 puStis (Fermions) and 14 Tustis (Bosons) making it totally 63 maruts (3).
All the Universe is originated by Rsis. Rsi is said to be derived from drSi which means to see. Rsi is interpreted as one who ‘sees’ or ‘observes’. Actually Rsi means one who makes it ‘visible’. Rishi makes it ‘visible’ to others. More than ‘See-ers’ themselves, Rishis are those who make it ‘visible’ to others (4).
What makes something visible..? It is the breaking of Symmetry. In a human society, those who break the existing symmetries, make new things visible, evolve the society in a new direction are called the Rsi (4).
Various Rsis or symmetry breaking events originate everything in the Universe. Marici is the Higgs field acquiring Vacuum Expectation Value. Kashyapa is the Electroweak symmetry breaking event. Bhrgu is quantum tunneling. Angiras is the appearance of massless quark condensates due to gluons. Kavi is the formation of neutral atoms (4).
Rsi Pulastya is excitation of Virtual and Real 'mesons' which are composite bosons. The excitation of virtual mesons is Agastya (potted in nucleus). The excitation of real mesons is Vizravas,which is streamed forth. These can be Charged Scalar, neutral Scalar, Charged Vector, neutral vector bosons which are the Gandharvas, YakSas, RakSas and Pisacas respectively. The glue-ball is the Kuvera and apsaras are the excitation caused by absorption of electromagnetic radiation (5).
Rsi Vasistha is exchange of virtual gluons. Rsi Visva-mitra is the exchange of virtual photons. Rsi Agasthya is the exchange of virtual mesons (11).
Rsi Atri is the neutrino decoupling process (10) (6). SvarabhAnu is the three way oscillation of weak force-field. When the energy of oscillation of weak-force-field comes down, or 'mAya' of svarabhanu fades out, neutrinos stop interacting with protons (Indra), a fixed proton-neutron ratio emerges, which then determines the evolution of atomic nucleus and all the matter as we see it today (7).
Chandra-atri or Soma being a son of Ati symbolizes the predominance of baryons post Atri. Datta-atri symbolizes the more 'benovolent' weak interactions in an Universe where rate of weak interactions fall down below a level due to expansion of Universe. Dur-vAsa are excited matter states that reside longer than before Atri, but cannot reside longer in the state and return soon to original states.
Now let's understand Rishi Pulaha and Kratu.
Kamadhenu effect of Vasishta
Vasistha is the exchange of virtual gluons between the quarks in confinement. The gluon field between a pair of color charges forms a narrow flux tube (or string) between them. Because of this behavior of the gluon field, the strong force between the particles is constant regardless of their separation (8).Therefore, as two color charges are separated, at some point it becomes energetically favorable for a new quark–antiquark pair to appear, rather than extending the tube further. Thus as more energy (excitation of gluon field, kAma) goes into the gluon fields, they start producing (dhenu) quark pairs. This is the kAmadhenu of Vasistha.
The electric field established by exchange of virtual photons (visva-mitra) does not have this kAmadhenu effect. The electric field decreases as the distance between pair of charges increase. But visvamitra can never acaquire kAmadhenu effect, as only vasistha can possess kAmadhenu.
Rishi Pulaha - Energy added to matter
Pula is horripilation. Horripilation is erection of hairs on skin due to some energy interaction (cold/fear, excitement). When energy is added to any matter forms made of atoms, they 'horripilate', as atoms either rearrange themselves or move around or get excited in some form.
Pulaha, the Rishi or symmetry breaking event is this addition of energy to atomic matter causing horripilation/excitation of atomic matter forms. The energy added/excited can be in the form of potential and/or kinetic energy in matter.
Pulaha, the Rishi or symmetry breaking event is this addition of energy to atomic matter causing horripilation/excitation of atomic matter forms. The energy added/excited can be in the form of potential and/or kinetic energy in matter.
Pulaha's wives - Potential (Ksama) and Kinetic (Gati)
Pulaha has two properties.
The energy added can be used for 'endurance' of the atomic matter in the same physical space which is then called potential energy.
It can be used for motion of atomic matter which is then called kinetic energy. These two properties are depicted as Pulaha's wives. They are kSama (enduring/potential) and Gati (motion/kinetic).
The energy added can be used for 'endurance' of the atomic matter in the same physical space which is then called potential energy.
It can be used for motion of atomic matter which is then called kinetic energy. These two properties are depicted as Pulaha's wives. They are kSama (enduring/potential) and Gati (motion/kinetic).
The forms of Potential energy - Pulaha's sons through Ksama
Pulaha's sons through KSama are Kardama, KanakapIta and Urvarivat. The 'potential energy' in any system manifests as
1. Occupying space (Pressure * Volume)
2. Unavailable energy (Temperature * Entropy)
3. Available energy (Gibbs free energy).
1. Occupying space (Pressure * Volume)
2. Unavailable energy (Temperature * Entropy)
3. Available energy (Gibbs free energy).
Kardama - Brahma's shadow - Occupying space
When work is done on any system, the pressure * volume of the system changes occupying the three dimensional space.
The manifestation of potential energy by occupying physical space is Kardama. Kardama is known as Brahma's shadow. Brahma, the Hiranyagarbha, is the four dimensional spacetime. Kardama the three dimensional space occupied by a system (as a potential) is a 'shadow' of that four dimensional spacetime, the Brahma.
KanakapIDa - Unavailable Energy
The manifestation of potential energy as unavailable energy is KanakapIDa. KanakapIDa is known as attendant of Skanda, the heat. Kanaka-pIDa means the 'golden limitation'. It is the golden limitation of energy that can be extracted from any system. In other words it is the unavailable energy in a system. It is the temperature * entropy of a system that cannot be extracted. Hence it is called the Unavailable energy.
Urvarivat - The 'fat' in the system, available energy
The manifestation of potential energy as available energy is Urvarivat. It is the 'fat' in the system that can be tapped. It is the Gibbs free potential of a system. Urvarivat means being fatty.
The forms of Kinetic energy - Pulaha's sons through Gati
Pulaha's sons through Gati are KarmaZrestha, variyamsu and sahiSnu. The 'Kinetic energy' in any system manifests as1. Mechanical energy
2. Radiant energy
3. Thermal energy.
Karma-ZresthA - Energy in Motion
Mechanical energy is energy in the 'motion'. It is called 'Karma ZresthA'. The best-in-class of any Karma or action is physical movement/motion. This is the mechanical energy.
variyaMzu - Energy in Radiance
Radiant energy is energy of electromagnetic radiation. It is called 'VariyaMzu'. Variyas means farther and farther away or radiation. This is the Radiant energy.
SahiSnu - Thermal energy
Thermal energy is energy in the 'heat' (vibrations of matter). It is called SahiSnu. The vibrations of matter are like 'potential' in the sense they are 'endured' in the same physical space. But they are kinetic in the sense there is an oscillatory motion. Sahisnu is the 'bearing' of 'heat' or temperature.
KimPurushas - The Black Holes
Pulaha is said to 'father' kimpurusha. Kimpurusha means 'Are they purusha'..? It is used to denote those that are in-between Purusha and Prakrti.
Purusha are the 'dark' part of energy and matter. Prakrti is the perceptible part of energy (used for creation of matter) and matter.
Purusha are the 'dark' part of energy and matter. Prakrti is the perceptible part of energy (used for creation of matter) and matter.
Kimpurusha as scions of Pulaha (energy in atomic matter forms) are the 'black-holes'. They are neither part of Purusha, the 'dark matter', nor part of Prakrti, the perceptible matter. As more and more energy builds up at a point in spacetime, it tends to become a black-hole or 'kimpurusha'.
Rishi Kratu - The Intelligence
Kratu is 'intelligence'. What is 'intelligence'..? Intelligence is the ability to 'interact' breaching barriers and evolve into newer forms. Intelligence is the ability to 'interact' with information across barriers and evolve newer knowledge.
Intelligence is Evolutionary Interaction that breaches existing barriers to produce new knowledge.
Rishi Kratu, the evolutionary interaction are those interactions that breach barriers by Quantum tunneling. Since Bhrgu is Quantum tunneling, Rishi Kratu is known as a Bhargava, a descendant of Bhrgu.
The reheating leads to Quark-Gluon-Plasma, which is called 'mrta-anda' or the 'Dead Egg'. This could not evolve further as no evolutionary interactions were possible in the Quark Gluon Plasma.
In the nucleosynthesis process there are numerous quantum tunneling interactions that happen. Some of these quantum tunneling interactions overcome the electromagnetic repulsion between particles and fuse them.
For eg. our sun fuses hydrogen to produce helium and releases energy in electromagnetic spectrum in that process. But protons are positive charged and repel each other. In reality our Sun is not so massive that the electrostatic repulsive force is overcome by gravity. Yet nuclear fusion runs in the sun.
Protons breach the electrostatic repulsive barrier due to quantum tunneling and fuse releasing small amount of energy in the fusion. Though the amount of protons that do this fusion due to quantum tunneling is small, the energy released is enough to kick-start a larger proton-proton fusion (9).
These kind of numerous quantum tunneling interaction during nucleo-synthesis that overcome the electromagnetic repulsion are called the 'bAla-khilyas'.
'bAla' means young. 'khilya' means a mass or hump. bAlakhilyas are quantum tunneling interactions of these young/small humps or particles with mass (like proton, neutron) during nucleosynthesis. Hence bAla-khilyas are said to hang around the chariots of Surya (nucleosynthesis process).
bAlakhilyas, the quantum tunneling interactions that overcome electromagnetic repulsion are described as young pygmy/short sages because they are short ranged.
bAlakhilyas,the qauntum tunneling interactions that overcome electromagnetic repulsion are described as hanging upside down, as they overcome the natural order of repulsion between like charges and fuse the protons.
bAlakhilyas play a very important role in the stellar nucleosynthesis of most stars like our sun, as they create the fuel for larger nuclear fusion.
Hence Kratu is defined as 'intelligence'.
Garuda is the rest-mass energy of particles.
How..? In the next blog...
Intelligence is Evolutionary Interaction that breaches existing barriers to produce new knowledge.
Rishi Kratu - The quantum tunneled Interactions
In particular Kratu is that interaction which breaches barriers. Bhrgu is Quantum tunneling. Bhargavas are descendants of Bhrgu, the quantum tunneling.Rishi Kratu, the evolutionary interaction are those interactions that breach barriers by Quantum tunneling. Since Bhrgu is Quantum tunneling, Rishi Kratu is known as a Bhargava, a descendant of Bhrgu.
Rishi Kratu loses his testicles
During dakSa Yajna or 'Reheating epoch', the 'testicles' of Rishi Kratu is knocked out. It means Rishi Kratu, the quantum tunneled interactions cannot produce offsprings.The reheating leads to Quark-Gluon-Plasma, which is called 'mrta-anda' or the 'Dead Egg'. This could not evolve further as no evolutionary interactions were possible in the Quark Gluon Plasma.
bAlakhilyas - the Quantum tunneling interactions in Nucleus
It is said that Rishi Kratu is reborn in the Vaivasvatha Manvantra (in nucleosynthesis times) with testicles. Vivasvan are the nucleosynthesis that happens in stars. Our Sun is a Vaivasvatha, a descendant of Vivasvan (as nucleosynthesis happens in it).In the nucleosynthesis process there are numerous quantum tunneling interactions that happen. Some of these quantum tunneling interactions overcome the electromagnetic repulsion between particles and fuse them.
For eg. our sun fuses hydrogen to produce helium and releases energy in electromagnetic spectrum in that process. But protons are positive charged and repel each other. In reality our Sun is not so massive that the electrostatic repulsive force is overcome by gravity. Yet nuclear fusion runs in the sun.
Protons breach the electrostatic repulsive barrier due to quantum tunneling and fuse releasing small amount of energy in the fusion. Though the amount of protons that do this fusion due to quantum tunneling is small, the energy released is enough to kick-start a larger proton-proton fusion (9).
These kind of numerous quantum tunneling interaction during nucleo-synthesis that overcome the electromagnetic repulsion are called the 'bAla-khilyas'.
'bAla' means young. 'khilya' means a mass or hump. bAlakhilyas are quantum tunneling interactions of these young/small humps or particles with mass (like proton, neutron) during nucleosynthesis. Hence bAla-khilyas are said to hang around the chariots of Surya (nucleosynthesis process).
bAlakhilyas, the quantum tunneling interactions that overcome electromagnetic repulsion are described as young pygmy/short sages because they are short ranged.
bAlakhilyas,the qauntum tunneling interactions that overcome electromagnetic repulsion are described as hanging upside down, as they overcome the natural order of repulsion between like charges and fuse the protons.
bAlakhilyas play a very important role in the stellar nucleosynthesis of most stars like our sun, as they create the fuel for larger nuclear fusion.
Kratu, the evolutionary interactions - Intelligence
But it does not stop with that. Kratu are all types evolutionary interactions in matter forms and biological beings. All such evolutionary interactions are like quantum tunneling as new thoughts evolve suddenly out of the blue, breaking the potential barriers around them.Hence Kratu is defined as 'intelligence'.
Garuda helps bAlakhilyas
The bAlakhilyas, the quantum tunneling interactions of particles with mass that overcome electromagnetic repulsion are helped by Garuda.Garuda is the rest-mass energy of particles.
How..? In the next blog...
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