During the Cosmic inflation epoch, the dark energy scalar field expanded, creating 'space' with vacuum inside it. Visualize it as the dark energy expanding suddenly on all sides leaving out an empty space in-between.
As the dark energy scalar field expanded (1) on all sides during cosmic inflation epoch, leaving space or creating vacuum in between, this like a 'work done' on the field. Whenever there is a 'Work done', there is a potential energy created. The potential energy created is the 'inflation potential'..
The inflation potential (dakSa) interacting with force-fields (panchajani) creates the particles. The kinetic energy of the particles of Universe, brings Universe to existence is called 'Sati'.
The inflation potential (dakSa) interacting with force-fields (panchajani) creates the particles. The kinetic energy of the particles of Universe, brings Universe to existence is called 'Sati'.
These particles were propagating in the maximum speeds of light. Hence Universe is said to be filled with radiation at this point of time. When Universe is filled with radiation, dark energy scalar field does not expand. The 'havis' is not given to Shiva.
All energy flows into the force-fields, they get heated up and the particles become Quark Gluon Plasma. This is the dakSa Yajna and burning of Sati (matter particles) in the dakSa Yajna. This is called Re-heating.
I described the Sons of dakSa (haryazavas and savalazvas) and daughters of dakSa through prasUti (2). The haryazavas and savalazvas are energies of strong and electro-weak force-field caused by dakSa, inflation potential.
All energy flows into the force-fields, they get heated up and the particles become Quark Gluon Plasma. This is the dakSa Yajna and burning of Sati (matter particles) in the dakSa Yajna. This is called Re-heating.
I described the Sons of dakSa (haryazavas and savalazvas) and daughters of dakSa through prasUti (2). The haryazavas and savalazvas are energies of strong and electro-weak force-field caused by dakSa, inflation potential.
The daughters of dakSa through prasUti are those properties of force-fields brought out (pra-sUti) by dakSa.
'maruts' are 'quanta' of energy in different force-fields.There are 49 puStis (Fermions) and 14 Tustis (Bosons) making it totally 63 maruts (3).
All the Universe is originated by Rsis. Rsi is said to be derived from drSi which means to see. Rsi is interpreted as one who ‘sees’ or ‘observes’. Actually Rsi means one who makes it ‘visible’. Rishi makes it ‘visible’ to others. More than ‘See-ers’ themselves, Rishis are those who make it ‘visible’ to others (4).
What makes something visible..? It is the breaking of Symmetry. In a human society, those who break the existing symmetries, make new things visible, evolve the society in a new direction are called the Rsi (4).
Various Rsis or symmetry breaking events originate everything in the Universe. Marici is the Higgs field acquiring Vacuum Expectation Value. Kashyapa is the Electroweak symmetry breaking event. Bhrgu is quantum tunneling. Angiras is the appearance of massless quark condensates due to gluons. Kavi is the formation of neutral atoms (4).
Rsi Pulastya is excitation of Virtual and Real 'mesons' which are composite bosons. The excitation of virtual mesons is Agastya (potted in nucleus). The excitation of real mesons is Vizravas,which is streamed forth. These can be Charged Scalar, neutral Scalar, Charged Vector, neutral vector bosons which are the Gandharvas, YakSas, RakSas and Pisacas respectively. The glue-ball is the Kuvera and apsaras are the electromagnetic radiation (5).
'maruts' are 'quanta' of energy in different force-fields.There are 49 puStis (Fermions) and 14 Tustis (Bosons) making it totally 63 maruts (3).
All the Universe is originated by Rsis. Rsi is said to be derived from drSi which means to see. Rsi is interpreted as one who ‘sees’ or ‘observes’. Actually Rsi means one who makes it ‘visible’. Rishi makes it ‘visible’ to others. More than ‘See-ers’ themselves, Rishis are those who make it ‘visible’ to others (4).
What makes something visible..? It is the breaking of Symmetry. In a human society, those who break the existing symmetries, make new things visible, evolve the society in a new direction are called the Rsi (4).
Various Rsis or symmetry breaking events originate everything in the Universe. Marici is the Higgs field acquiring Vacuum Expectation Value. Kashyapa is the Electroweak symmetry breaking event. Bhrgu is quantum tunneling. Angiras is the appearance of massless quark condensates due to gluons. Kavi is the formation of neutral atoms (4).
Rsi Pulastya is excitation of Virtual and Real 'mesons' which are composite bosons. The excitation of virtual mesons is Agastya (potted in nucleus). The excitation of real mesons is Vizravas,which is streamed forth. These can be Charged Scalar, neutral Scalar, Charged Vector, neutral vector bosons which are the Gandharvas, YakSas, RakSas and Pisacas respectively. The glue-ball is the Kuvera and apsaras are the electromagnetic radiation (5).
Varuna-Mitra and Visva-Mitra
Varuna is the QCD vacuum (6). It is the ground state of gluon and quark condensates. Mitra-Varuna is the fluctuation of these ground states that produces pairs of quarks and quark condensates.Mitra-Varuna produces fractionally electric charged quarks interacting through strong interaction. Such Quarks and Quark condensates are subjected to Strong, Residual strong and Electromagnetic interactions, depending on their place of existence.
Thus Mitra-Varuna can cause exchange of virtual gluons for strong interaction, virtual mesons for residual strong interaction and virtual photons for electromagnetic interaction.
Visva-Mitra are the energy in the fluctuations of QED vacuum states. Visva-mitra means universal fluctuations of energy and pair production. Compared to strong interaction which is a very short range force and the fluctuations that produces pairs in it in short range, the electromagnetic radiation is of unlimited range and is spread universally. The pair-production from Electromagnetic radiation is caused all over the Universe. Hence it is called 'Visva-Mitra'.
Thus visva-mitra produces fully electric charged particles interacting onl y through electromagnetic interaction. Thus visva-mitra causes exchange of virtual photons to establish an electromagnetic field.
The story of Mitra-varuna and Urvasi
Once Mitra-Varuna saw 'Urvasi' the apsaras. Urvasi is the daughter of Sages Nara-nAryaNa.On seeing her, Mitra-varuna 'spilled' their sperm. When the sperm fell into a pot, it became Agastya. When it fell on land, it became Vasistha. When it fell on 'waters' it became Matsya.
Birth by spilling sperm on 'seeing' - Exchange of virtual particles
The fluctuations of energy in QCD vacuum produces particles made of Quarks. These particles have the ability to interact with Electromagnetic radiation due to the property of 'fractional electric charge' they have in them. These quark pairs out of QCD vacuum are the 'Mitra-Varuna'.When Quark pairs (mitra-varuna) 'absorb' electromagnetic radiation/energy (apsaras), they produce excitation of quarks (uru-azi).
These excitation of quarks results in different kinds of bindings between particles resulting in different types of matter forms, depending on where the excitation happened. The excitation of quarks on absorption of energy, is the 'spilling of the sperm'. The spilling of the sperm or excitation of quarks, can happen in three different settings.
It can happen on individual quarks, inside hadrons or in atomic nucleus. In each of them different virtual particles are 'exchanged'. The exchange of virtual particles are three different Rishis produced.
Birth of Agastya - Exchange of virtual mesons
Inside the atomic nucleus, the excitation of proton and neutrons (by absorbing energy from electromagnetic radiation or apasaras) results in them binding together by exchange of virtual mesons.In that pot of atomic nucleus, the exchange of virtual mesons (agastya) between the excited protons and neutrons, emerges and binds the nucleus by mediating residual strong force. This exchange of virtual mesons is Agastya (6)
Since Agastya is exchange of virtual mesons, Agastya is said to be son of Pulastya as well as son of Mitra-Varuna.
Birth of Vasistha - Exchange of virtual gluons
In any baryon or meson, between the quarks with electric charge, the excitation of quarks (by absorbing energy from electromagnetic radiation or apsaras) results in them binding together and becoming a baryon or mesons. This excitation of quarks results in exchange of virtual gluons mediating the strong interaction creating a 'land' of hadrons.The exchange of virtual gluons between the Quarks, facilitate quarks binding together and forming hadrons. The virtual gluons exchange is the Vasistha.
Asymptotic freedom - Vasistha and Arundhati
This introduces a concept called asymptotic freedom, wherein Quarks and Gluons are bound together by strong interaction, but are not merged into each other. This is like a 'marriage' of two beings who are two independent beings but remain bound to each other. This is the Vasistha and arundhati symbolism. The exchange of virtual gluons is the Vasistha.Vasistha, the exchange of virtual gluons holds the quarks together. 'Arun' are the 'gluons' with 'energy'. The property of Vasishtha, the action of exchange of virtual gluons, is to 'hold' the quarks together. Arun-dhati is the holder of the gluons. Hence Vasistha is said to have married Arundhati.
This symbolism of asymptotic freedom is what is in the 'bi-star' of Vasistha and arundhati also. Here there are two independent stars, which revolve each other. Hence during marriages, bride and groom are asked to see and emulate Vasistha and Arundhati.
Bridge and groom remain independent, but bound to each other, as in asymptotic freedom.
Birth of Matsya - Exchange of virtual weak bosons
When quark pairs of QCD vacuum get excited due to electromagnetic energy absorption (mitra-varuna spill sperm on seeing urvazi), they also start interacting with weak field. They exchange virtual weak bosons due to weak interaction and decay due to weak force.Rishi Matsya is the exchange of virtual weak bosons in the process of weak interaction.
The only quark that is not subjected to strong force (hadronization) is the Top Quark, which decays by weak interaction before it could even hadronize.
Hence Top Quarks are called the 'matsyA'.
Visva-Mitra and Vasistha : The Brahma Rsi question
The virtual exchange of gluons (Vasistha) which is establishing strong interaction as well as the virtual exchange of photons (Visva-mitra) which is establishing electromagnetic interaction are two big symmetry breaking events in the Universe's evolution. Hence these are both Maha-Rsis.The question is which is the 'Brahma Rsi'. Brahma Rsi is the symmetry breaking event that furthers the evolution (brahman). Both strong interaction by exchange of virtual gluons and electromagnetic interaction by virtual photons further the evolution.
But strong interaction by exchange of virtual gluons is the basis of protons. The electromagnetic interaction between protons and electrons which is the fundamental basis of all matter in the Universe is built upon the strong interaction in proton. In fact this strong interaction by exchange of virtual gluons in proton expresses the electromagnetic interaction by exchange of virtual photons.
Hence Vasistha is the Brahma Rsi and it expresses/establishes Visvamitra as the next Brahma Rsi.
More to come
Atri, Pulaha, Kratu-TBT
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