In the previous blog posts I had talked about vAk a four-fold design pattern in the evolution of Universe.
- If Universe's evolution is seen as evolution of energies, particles and states of matter, essentially cosmological evolution, then Rg Veda talks of vAk from Universe's cosmological evolution.
- If Universe's evolution is modeled as a biological body, then Brhadharanyaka Upanishad talks of vAk as a biological evolution.
- If Universe's evolution is modeled as consciousness, then Mandukya upanishad talks of vAk as human consciousness evolution.
- If Universe's evolution is modeled as speech, then vAkyapadiya talks of vAk as evolution of speech.
vAkyapadiya in terms of ‘expression’
Rgveda in terms of Universe
Upanishad in terms of biological being
Upanishad in terms of consciousness
saMkhya kArika in terms of Instruments of Atman, the karaNas
The 'knower' inside |
The Virtual
Unseen energy in vacuum |
Ekibhuta prajna/
Deep Sleep part |
Background quantum oscillations of vacuum
Rudras |
prAna, Rudras
Sub-Conscious or Dream part |
Aham-kAra that makes the ‘aham’ or ‘self’
Probabilistic Quantum force-fields
Caksu (Light detection, Sight), Zrotram (Pressure detection, hearing)
bAhis prajna/
Conscious or Waking up part |
Ten Indriyas as bAhya karaNas
Deterministic Classical particles
In this background how do we understand wavefunction collapse..?
Rudra - Force-fields
Rudra means howler or that vibrates, oscillates. Eleven Rudras are the eleven force-fields through which energy manifests at different points of time.
Brhadharanyaka Upanishad Sloka 3.10.4 says Rudra are the prANas of the puruSa.
Brhadharanyaka Upanishad Sloka 3.10.4 says Rudra are the prANas of the puruSa.
katame rudrā iti; daśeme puruṣe prāṇā ātmaikādaśaḥ; te yadāsmāccharīrānmartyādutkrāmantyatha rodayanti; tadyadrodayanti tasmādrudrā iti
What are the Rudras..? The ten prAnas of Purusha with Atma eleven, those which ascends/rises the 'mortal sarira', vibrating/weeping at the lowest level. That which vibrates therefore they are rudra. roda in translated as 'weeping'. It is 'vibrating'. antya is the lowest levels.
Ru-dras are those that vibrate at the lowest level. Ru-dra means that fluctuates/howls. Rudras are the force-fields of the Universe that vibrate at the lowest levels of Universe. They lay the foundation of the Universe. There are ten force-fields and eleventh is the Atma itself says the sloka.
The Standard Model force-fields, Rudras
In Standard Model, we can find these ten force-fields or the Rudras.2. Electro-weak force-field
3. Strong force field
4. Higgs field
5. The field in which Cold Dark Matter manifests
6. Weak force field
7. Electromagnetic field
8. The field in which different types of Quarks manifest
9. The field in which different types of electrons manifest
10. The field in which Neutrinos manifest
The eleventh according to Brhadharanyaka Upanishad is Atma, in itself that manifets as a Rudra or force-field that binds all the manifestations. This the eleventh force-field.
11. Manas- Atmanas - The virtual 'field' that binds all manifestations.
Why prANas of the puruSa
prANa means 'filled' or 'full'. prANa that fills the Universe are the energy that fills the Quantum force-fields or the Rudras.prANa are the energy that manifests in these force-fields and ascends/arises through these force-fields to become new manifestations. There are ten 'energies' or prANas that manifest through the force-fields. The eleventh is the Atma, the virtual.
In the blog on pancha mahA yajna (1), I had talked about Purusha (the dark component) and Pazu (the visible component). The /34th Purusha is dark, non-interacting but catalytic. Pazu is the 1/4th, interacting, visible (and hence pazu), evolving and hence said to be sacrificed. I had explained the five purushas, five pazus and five Yajnas in that blog.
For eg. Adi Purusha is the 3/4th dark energy from which 1/4th energy that manifests in spacetime in a single unified force-field. Stri is the 1/4th energy in the vacuum of empty space, that fills the AkAsa (1).
The 3/4th purusha does not oscillate or fluctuate. It is always 'static' or 'zero'. The 1/4th Stri is which 'fluctuates', which oscillates. This is the 'manthan' (to and fro movements) that is undergone by the 1/4th part that is described in (2).
From the Unified force-field, other force-fields split one by one according to standard model, establishing ten different force-fields at different points of time.
This looks like a huge 3/4th puruSa lying down and in the 1/4th of the top of it, prANa, the energy of force-fields go up and down or oscillating. Hence they are called prANa of the puruSa.
The dual nature of prANa, pratigrahah, apratigrahah
The prANa, energy in the the quantum force fields, exhibit a probabilistic wave nature, because they go up and down, oscillate all the time. They cannot be individually 'seized' or 'captured' (a-prati-grahah) or localized as they are probabilistic wave natured.
Energies keep getting oscillated, distributed, mixed up with each other, causing interference between themselves. They exist as what is called as a 'quantum superposition' of states in the sense the energies can be superposed like waves on each other. Hence there is no fear of annihilation.
But then there are excitations (kAma) that keeps happening on prANa, the energy of force-fields.
The excitations (kAma) on prANa, the energy in the quantum force-fields causes the energies to become prati-grahah or individually 'seizable' or 'captured' (prati-grahah) or localized. Particles and anti-particles keep coming out of these force-fields only to get annihilated immediately and spread out as energy in the force-fields again.
So there are two key differences between the probabilistic wave nature and deterministic particle nature of energy in the force-fields.
1. One is the 'prati-graha' or 'aprati-graha', which is if they can be individually seized/captured/ localized or not. Probabilistic wave nature cannot be seized or captured or localized. Deterministic particles can be captured or seized or localized.
2. Another is creation and annihilation. In probabilistic wave nature, there is no fear of destruction, as waves can superpose, add up together at some points and cancel at some points. Deterministic particles appear and dis-appear. They get destroyed.
Due to excitations of the prANa, particles and anti-particles keep getting created and destroyed continuously in these force-fields. Thus prANa, the energy in force-fields has a dual nature. They are both aprati-grahah and prati-grahah. They have a probabilistic non-localized wave natured energy oscillating up and down. They also have deterministic localized particles and anti-particles that are getting created and destroyed out of these fields all the time. Hence they exhibit dual nature.
This dual nature and the fear of destruction of prANa is explained in Brhadharanyaka Upanishad Sloka 4.1.3.
"prāṇasya vai samrāṭ kāmāya ayājyaṃ yājayati, apratigṛhyasya pratigṛhṇāti, api tatra vadha aśaṅkaṃ bhavati yāṃ diśameti prāṇasyaiva samrāṭ kāmāya"
Yajnavalkya says "Emperor, by excitation of prAna, those that are not capable of yajna, they do the Yajna. Those that are not individually captured/seized (a-prati-grhasya), they are individually captured (prati-grahnAti). Also there manifests fear of death/destruction in whichever disa the prAna is excited".
How does this Classicality emerge..?
Sat is existence. Satyata is deterministic existence which is the 'reality' of the Classical world we live in. What brings Satyata, the deterministic existence or reality of the Classical world.?Observation causes the Satyata
Since all the Universal energy and matter arises from the force-fields, the entire Universe has this dual nature. But the classical Universe that we observe is totally made of deterministic particles. Atleast we do not see the quantum nature of the particles in the classical world.How does this Classicality emerge..?
It is answered in the next sloka, after prANA, in sloka 4.1.4.
Yajnavalkya says
"cakśuṣā vai samrāṭ paśyantam āhur adrākśīr iti, sa āhā adrākśam iti, tat satyaṃ bhavati".
Who observes, said to be individually seeing, thus that 'speaks of' or describes what is individually seen, then deterministic existence or reality manifests. Such an observation that can be spoken of or described gives prANa, a deterministic 'existence' (satyata) or reality.
There is no 'satyata' or deterministic existence or reality before cakSu.
cakSu is translated as 'sight' or becoming visible. cakSu is perceiving of information. So when the information in prANa is perceived in such a way that it can be described, then satyata or deterministic existence or reality of classical world manifests.
What 'Information' is observed..?
What is the 'information' in the prANa, the energy of force-fields that is observed by cakSu..?In prANa, the energy of force-fields, there is kAma, the excitations, as we saw in the previous section. This excited state of energy, in particular its distribution, is the 'information' or 'entropy' that is shared or observed.
But these excitations cause the interactions between force-fields. From the interactions of force-fields, more complex forms of matter like protons, neutrons, electrons, atoms and larger molecules form.
There are five different types of kAma or excitations. They are
1. kAma: The excited unstable state
2. niSkAma: The state completely devoid of excitation (Ground state or Vacuum state)
3. akAma - These are De-generate ground states, which are without excitation. A particle could have several de-gennerate ground states it returns to at different times.
4. AptakAma - These are meta-stable states which are excited states but stable states.
5. AtmakAma - The excitation of virtual particles that bind the particles like virtual gluons, virtual photons, phonons etc.
With more complex molecules, the energy states and the distribution of these energy states become more complex information. The entropy or information content which is the distribution of energy states goes on increasing with more complex molecules.
What causes the Satyata on observation?
The dual nature of prANa, the energy in force-fields is aprati-grahah and prati-grahah. It is both non-localized, non-seizable as well as localized, seizable.But the mere act of cakSu, the perception of information or energy states in prANa makes it prati-grahah, which is individually seizable, deterministic, causing Satyata or reality of classical world. This means that on perception of energy states of prANa (by any external observer), the non-localized probabilistic wave natured force-fields becomes localized, deterministic particle nature.
This change from aprati-grahah to prati-grahah on observation/CakSu is the Wavefunction collapse.
When different force-fields interact or see each other, perceive information in each other, the otherwise temporary prati-grahah/deterministic/localized nature becomes permanent/Satya. Satyata or permanance of prati-grahah nature comes up in this case.
This 'Satyata'/permanence of 'prati-grahah'/capturability caused by cakSu/observation or perception of information when energies of different force-fields (prANa) interact is the wavefunction collapse.
This happens due to the fact that energy state distribution in the force-fields is disturbed in such a way they accumulate towards each other, to get 'observed' or 'captured' (pratigrahah) by each other. This is the nature of prANa.
Emergence of Classical Universe - Observers and Observed
All the force-fields and matter forms that are involved in an interaction are both observers and observed, as they transact the energy states of each other.Hence every interaction between different force-fields brings up more 'satyata' or 'deterministic existence' or 'reality' for the involved force-fields and particles with respect to each others.
As Universal matter forms evolve more complex, there are more observers and observed and hence the Universe becomes more and more Satya or comes into existence in a Classical plane. The dual nature of prANa the force-fields gets hidden in these complex interactions.
But the more complex macroscopic forms of matter have lot more information content. When they interact with primitive force-fields or particles forms with less information content, the 'observer' tends to be more macroscopic molecules/objects and 'observed' tends to be more microscopic particles.
For eg in an electron detector detecting an electron, the electron detector apparatus is the 'observer' and electron particles that arise out of a Dirac-Fermi field are the 'observed'. Similarly macroscopic light detectors are 'observers' and microscopic photons become 'observed'.
How is wavefunction collapse observed..?
The wavefunction collapse or energy state accumulation towards each other is not possible to be observed at quantum force-fields level as it is too weak for any possible detection or measurement. At that level, the observer and observed are the same and they should be disturbing each other energy states.But in the interaction between a macroscopic object and a microscope force-field this nature is more measurable as the macroscopic object with more information content becomes the 'observer' predominantly and the microscopic force-field or particle becomes the 'observed' predominantly.
Depending on the strength of 'observation' of the macroscopic observer (strength of interaction), the observed force-field or particles change their distribution of energy states or accumulate more to be captured (pratigrahah) or observed.
Hence the wave-function collapse is more observed in photons interacting with screens, electrons interacting with electron detectors and even with buckyballs (C-60), which are all experiments between macroscopic objects and microscopic particles.
Is Satyata related to our prajna or consciousness..?
To sum up, prANa the energy in force-fields have both prati-grahah and aprati-grahah nature. When different force-fields interact or see each other, the 'prati-graha' (localized/deterministic) nature of the energy in the force-fields acquire 'Satyata' or permanence.That is the determinism/localization becomes permanent/satya and thereby the classical world emerges. This is the wavefunction collapse. This happens due to the fact that energy state distribution in the force-fields is disturbed in such a way they accumulate towards each other, to get 'observed' or 'captured' (pratigrahah) by each other. This is the nature of prANa.
But Upanishads are clear. Satyata is related to cakSu or observation or perception of information alone and not to prajna/consciousness. So there is a reality irrespective of human consciousness.
But then Upanishad also says Atma itself manifests as eleventh 'Rudra', a virtual force-field that binds all manifestations.
More about it later.
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