Atman establishes Purusha and Stri. The empty space is filled with Stri. Stri are background oscillations of energy that fill the vacuum. Purusha is the 'dark' component (dark energy). On top of the stri that fills the vacuum, brahman manifests first.Brahman is the process of evolution. This brahman, the process of evolution is inside of everything. It is ati-sRsti, the super-creation, in which higher and higher order beings evolve from lower order matter and beings.
The Atman manifests as Izvara, the virtual binding between all manifestations, make them interact and evolve. But for evolution, this binding has to be between independent 'self'. It cannot be like a domesticated cattle which becomes dependent on manuSya.
An example from science domain is the EM binding in an atom and strong force binding in Quark-Gluon Plasma. The EM binding mediated by virtual photons between proton and electron enables them to retain the 'self' (their identity), interact and evolve. The strong force binding in Quark-Gluon-Plasma makes them to lose their self and hence it cannot evolve.
Thus we can say the EM binding mediated by virtual photons between particles is the Izvara.
The process of evolution (Brahman) embedded in Stri, then evolves kSatra (Energy) , Vizam (dwelling/mass) and Zudra (QCD Binding energy which is pUsan).
Post the QCD binding energy, which physically contributes to the mass that happens in hadronization (where baryons and mesons are created), the laws of Universe (dharma) becomes 'Satya'/True. The current laws of Universe comes into existence after the hadronization.
Summary of Sloka 1.4.15 and 1.4.16
Unlike the kSatriya (Energy), vaizya (mass due to higgs) or Sudra (Mass due to binding energy), brahman (Evolution) has no form. So it manifests as 'Agni'.
Agni is the process of transaction of usable/transferable energy or energy. Hence it is equated to 'fire', which is a process of transfer of energy. Evolution of matter is driven through this 'Agni', the process of transacting usable/transferable energy, transacted between different matter forms. Thus Agni in the devas desire the worlds.
Agni is called the 'Purohita' or 'Brhaman', the knowledge provider amongst the 'devas' for this reason, as it drives their evolution.
Agni is called the 'Purohita' or 'Brhaman', the knowledge provider amongst the 'devas' for this reason, as it drives their evolution.
As lokas/worlds evolve, some (energies and masses) depart their own world without seeing, thus remain unknown and not growing. Some of these grow with great punya karma, but in the end get destroyed.
Thus the Universe goes through phases of creation and annihilation in the initial stages. These are the hadron epochs and lepton epochs which grow and get destroyed and thus remain unknown like the vedas not expressed, tasks not done.
So what remains are those worlds that remain on Atma. Their karma is not destroyed totally. Whichever that Atman excites/oscillations (kAmayate) are those that are born further and further.
As we saw earlier (1), Atman manifests as Izvara the 'virtual' binding between matter forms. So what remains are those that are excited by the virtual bindings.
That is the world of atoms. Atoms, which are formed by binding of proton and electron, bound by Electromagnetic force are mediated by virtual photons. These are born further and further.
As those worlds (of atoms) that remain on Atma/Izvara/virtual bindings evolved further, the world remained was of 'bhutA'. bhutA are 'matter'forms made of atoms.
This bhutA, the matter forms made of atoms, became the oblation in sacrifice. Then the RSi's (which are Symmetry breaking events) declare the devas (energy and matter of Classical world).
In this evolutionary sacrifice, those matter forms made of atoms (bhutA) that desired offspring became the 'Pitrs'. The difference between bhuta (non-living matter) and Pitr (living being) is Pitr desires praja. bhutA does not desire prajA.
Those matter forms that ‘desire’ offspring, right from the replicating RNA are our Pitrs.
Bhutas exist. They don’t have iccha for praja. Pitrs Survive. They have iccha for praja. This iccha for praja is the survival instinct.
From the 'Pitrs' comes the manuSya. Who are manuSya..? They are the ones who reside in a place and grow food.
This is how evolution occurs through Ksatriya (Enegy), Vaizya (Mass due to Higgs), Zudra (Mass due to binding energy), Bhuta (world made of atoms), Pitrs (those bhutA that desire prajA) to manuSya (that reside and grow food).
Sloka 1.4.15
tad etad brahma kṣatraṃ vid śūdraḥ;
tad agninaiva deveṣu brahma abhavat; brāhmaṇo manuṣyeṣu,
That those brahma ksatriya know the zudra, in those brahman manifests in the Agni. In manuSya the 'brAhmana'.
Unlike the kSatriya (Energy), vaizya (mass due to higgs) or Sudra (Mass due to binding energy), brahman (Evolution) has no form. So it manifests in the 'Agni'.
Zudra mentioned here is pUsan. pUsan is an Aditya, the QCD binding energy that contributes to most of the mass in hadrons. That is, after hadrons form, (that is the zudra/pUsan becomes known), brahman manifests as Agni in them.
Agni is process of transaction of usable/transferable energy. Hence it is equated to 'fire'. Evolution of matter is driven through this 'Agni', the transaction of usable/transferable energy, between different matter forms.
kṣatriyeṇa kṣatriyo, vaiśyena vaiśyah, sūdreṇa śūdraḥ;
kSatriya (Energy) manifests as kSatriya (Energy), vaizya (mass due to higgs) as vaizya (mass due to higgs), sudra (mass due to binding energy) as sudra (mass due to binding energy).
tasmād agnāveva deveṣu lokam icchante, brāhmaṇe manuṣyeṣu,
etābhyāṃ hi rūpābhyāṃ brahma abhavat |
Therefore Agni amongst the devas desire the worlds, brAhmana amongst the manuSya (desire the worlds), by these only, by these forms, brahman/evolution manifest.
Brahman/evolution has no rupA unlike energy and mass. It manifests in agni amongst the devas, in brahmanas amongst the manuSya, triggering the 'desire' for the lokas/worlds to evolve.
atha yo (yah) ha vā asmāl lokāt svaṃ lokam adṛṣṭvā praiti,
sa enam avidito na bhunakti,
yathā vedo vānanūktaḥ, anyadvā karmākṛtam;
Then which from our world, depart the world without seeing their own world, those unknown, those not growing/exploited, like the veda not recited or other tasks not done
Like not said/recited Vedic verses or tasks not done, the unknown, not growing, departs their own world without seeing the world.
yad iha vā apyan evaṃ vin mahat puṇyaṃ karma karoti,
taddhāsyāntataḥ kṣīyata eva;
ātmānameva lokamupāsīta; sa ya ātmānameva lokamupāste,
na hasya karma kṣīyate |
asmāddhyevātmano yadyatkāmayate tattatsṛjate
Which here grows, does great punya karma, of that in the end, gets destroyed also. All the worlds remain only on the Atma. That which worlds remain on Atman, the karma of that is not destroyed. Whatever that our Atman excites/oscillates that that are born/manifest.
Meaning of Sloka 1.4.15
Unlike the kSatriya (Energy), vaizya (mass due to higgs) or Sudra (Mass due to binding energy), brahman (Evolution) has no form. So it manifests as 'Agni'.
Zudra mentioned here is pUsan. pUsan is an Aditya, the QCD binding energy that contributes to most of the mass in hadrons. That is, after hadrons form, (that is the zudra/pUsan becomes known), brahman/evolution manifests as Agni in them.
Agni is the process of transaction of usable/transferable energy or energy. Hence it is equated to 'fire'. Evolution of matter is driven through this 'Agni', the transaction of usable/transferable energy between different matter forms. Thus Agni in the devas desire the worlds
As lokas/worlds evolve, some (energies and masses) depart their own world without seeing, thus remain unknown and not growing. Some of these grow with great punya karma, but in the end get destroyed.
Thus the Universe goes through phases of creation and annihilation in the initial stages. These are the hadron epochs and lepton epochs which grow and get destroyed and thus remain unknown like the vedas not expressed, tasks not done.
So what remains are those worlds that remain on Atma. Their karma is not destroyed totally. Whichever that Atman excites/oscillations (kAmayate) are those that are born further and further.
As we saw earlier (1), Atman manifests as Izvara the 'virtual' binding between matter forms. So what remains are those that are excited by the virtual bindings.
That is the world of atoms. Atoms, which are formed by binding of proton and electron, bound by Electromagnetic force are mediated by virtual photons. These are born further and further.
Sloka 1.4.16
atho ayaṃ vā ātmā sarveṣām bhūtānāṃ lokaḥ;
sa yaj juhoti,
yad yajate, tena devānāṃ lokaḥ.
atha yad anubrūte tena rṣiṇām,
atha yat pitṛbhyo nipṛṇāti,
yat prajām icchate, tena pitṛṇām;
atha yan manuṣyānvāsayate,
yadebhyo’śanaṃ dadāti, tena manuṣyāṇām
Meaning of Sloka 1.4.16
Then all the loka reigned by Atma was bhuta.
Which is the oblation in sacrifice
Which sacrifice (arises) those worlds of deva
Then which declares the deva are the RSis
Then of which pours from them (the bhuta)
That ‘desires’ offsprings are the Pitr
Those that reside and give/grow food are the manuSya
Evolution from bhuta to manuSya
As those worlds (of atoms) that remain on Atma/Izvara/virtual bindings evolved further, the world remained was of 'bhutA'.bhutA are 'matter'forms made of atoms. This bhutA, the matter forms made of atoms, became the oblation in sacrifice. Then the RSi's (which are Symmetry breaking events) declare the devas (energy and matter of Classical world).
In this evolutionary sacrifice, those matter forms made of atoms (bhutA) that desired offspring became the 'Pitrs'. The difference between bhuta (non-living matter) and Pitr (living being) is Pitr desires praja. bhutA does not. Both are made of atoms.
Those matter forms that ‘desire’ offspring, right from the replicating RNA are our Pitrs.
Bhutas exist. They don’t have iccha for praja. Pitrs Survive. They have iccha for praja. This iccha for praja is the survival instinct.
From the 'Pitrs' comes the manuSya. Who are manuSya..? They are the ones who reside in a place and grow food.
This is how evolution occurs from Bhuta to manuSya, through Pitrs.
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