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Brhadharanyaka Upanishad - Sloka 1.4.11 to 1.4.14


Atman establishes Purusha and Stri. The empty space is filled with Stri. Stri are background oscillations of energy that fill the vacuum.  Purusha is the 'dark' component (dark energy). On top of the stri that fills the vacuum, brahman manifests first.

Brahman is the process of evolution. This brahman, the process of evolution is inside of everything. It is ati-sRsti, the super-creation,  in which higher and higher order beings evolve from lower order matter and beings.

The Atman manifests as Izvara, the virtual binding between all manifestations, make them interact and evolve. But for evolution, this binding has to be between independent 'self'. It cannot be like a domesticated cattle which becomes dependent on manuSya.

The process of evolution embedded in Stri, then evolves kSatra (Energy/power) , Vizam (dwelling/mass)  and Zudra (physically nourishing).  This is how the social classification of humans into Ksatriyas, Vaizyas and Zudras evolved. Let's see how it happens in these slokas.

Sloka 1.4.11

brahma va idamagra āsīdekameva; 
tadekaṃ sanna vyabhavat | 

Brahman manifests first alone. But that 'one' does not flourish.

tacchreya ur ūpamaty asṛjata kṣatram ya anya etāni devatrā kṣatrāṇi—
indro varuṇaḥ somo rudraḥ parjanyo yamo mṛityurīśāna iti | 

That best (zreya), largest (uru), higher-most (upamat) emitted/produced/created (asrjata) ksatram, who amongst other devas are Ksatriyas, Indra, varuna, soma, rudra, parjanya, yama, mrityu, isana etc..

The best, largest, excellently produced kSatra, those other kSatras in the devas, Indra, varuna, soma, rudra, parjanya, yama, mrityu, isana etc..

tasmāt kṣatrāt paraṃ nasti;

Therefore nothing is higher than kSatra.

tasmāt brāhmaṇaḥ kṣatriyam adhastād upāste rājasūye, kṣatra eva tadyaśo dadhāti;

Therefore the 'brAhmana' is below/foundation of the KstriyaM in rajasUya yajna, the ksatra gives the external splendour/glory. brAhamana is the 'foundation' inside.

sa eṣā kṣatrasya yonir yad brahma | 
tasmād yady api rājā paramatām gacchati brahmaivāntata upaniśrayati svām yonim;

With these the Yoni of Ksatra which is brahman. Therefore, even though the rAja attains supremacy, the Yoni of that 'self' clings onto/leans on the brahman inside

ya u enaṃ hinasti svāṃ sa yonim ṛcchati, sa pāpīyān bhavati, yathā sreyāṃsaṃ hiṃsitvā 

which those destroys itself reaching upto the Yoni, with that papa manifests, like/as if the best/leading property is destroyed.

The best of ksatra are the Indra, varuna, soma, rudra, parjanya, yama, mrtyu isana etc. If the 'brahman' is destroyed, the best of the ksatra get destroyed.

To destroy them, the destruction of the 'Yoni' which is the 'brahman' has to happen.

Summary of 1.4.11

Brahman manifests first. Ksatra manifests on top of Brahman. The excellent of ksatra are Indra, Varuna, Soma, Rudra, Parjanya, Yama, Mrtyu, Isana etc.. Brahman is the foundation inside. Ksatra is the splendour/glory inside.

The 'Yoni' of kSatra is Brahman. Yoni is the 'passage' through which birth happens. kSatra's yoni, through which kSatra multiples/produces more kSatras is Brahman.

Brahman, the process of evolution is by which kSatra multiplies or produces more of it. So if the Yoni of kSatra, which is  the brahman, the evolutionary process is destroyed, then kSatra will not multiply and will get destroyed.

kSatra is translated as 'power'. Power is energy divided by time which means energy applied in a specific period of time.  kSatra is thus Energy.

Energy multiplies through evolution. If evolution stops, energy is gone.

Energy is present in vacuum (Varuna), particles (indra, parjanya), interactions (Soma, mrtyu), Excitations of force-fields (Yama, Rudra, isAna). This energy present in various forms, evolve and govern the evolution of Universe.

Hence the group of people who have energy/power and  govern the evolution of their societies are called kSatriyas.

Sloka 1.4.12

sa naiva vyabhavat, sa viśamasṛjata, yānyetāni devajātāni gaṇaśa ākhyāyante—vasavo rudrā ādityā viśvedevā maruta iti

With that also did not flourish, the dwellers were born, that are known to create groups/sets of devas, the Vasu, Rudra, Aditya, Visvedeva, maruts etc..

viSam means 'dwellers' or 'those that dwell in a place' or 'reside in a place'. It can indicate a group of people who reside in a place. Hence it can indicate a 'tribe' or 'class' of people who reside together.

In Universe parlance, dwellers are particles with mass. When energy 'resides', mass manifests. Energy is characterized by momentum. Higgs field interacts with energy, 'condenses' it or make it reside or impedes its movement and creates the perception of 'mass'.  So viSam are particles with mass.

Particles with 'mass' are those that are known to  create 'groups/sets' of matter. Excitations of Quark field (Rudra, Maruts) when it interacts with Higgs field and acquires mass, form baryons, 'sets' of baryons (Aditya) form nucleus, set of nucleus and electrons forms atoms (Vasu), set of atoms form element and compound molecules (Visve-deva), set of molecules form polymers, set of polymers form cells, set of cells form organ systems, set of organ systems form living biological beings.

In essence, 'dwelling' or 'residing' of energy, which is 'mass', creates groups of matter particles or production of various matter forms.

Hence those who create/provide materials (agriculture, traders) are called vaizyas, those that derive from vizam (dwelling). Vaizyas provide the materials for a 'resident' society (in comparison with nomadic society).

Sloka 1.4.13

sa naiva vyabhavat, sa śaudraṃ varṇamasṛjata pūṣaṇam; iyaṃ vai pūṣā, iyaṃ hīdaṃ sarvaṃ puṣyati yadidaṃ kiṃca
Even after energy evolution, evolution of 'ganas' of 'dwellers' (particles with mass), Universe does not floursh. Hence was born the Zudra named 'pUsa'. Everything is nourished by pUsa, even if it is little.

Evolution manifests. Then energy with evolution manifests. Then particles with mass manifests. Yet nothing could flourish in the Universe.

Then hadronization happens in Universe. The principle of pUsan is hadronization. pUsan is the energy of the sea-quarks which surround the valence quarks of a hadron. It is where most of what is called QCD Binding energy exists.

pUsan, the energy of sea quarks is the most massive part of a hadron. But it does not contribute to the characteristic of the hadron as the characteristics are determined by valence quarks.  The Pusan, energy of sea quarks do not even contribute to the interactions of a hadron. They are very vital nourishers in the sense they give the 'mass', but not contributing to information or energy of a particle. This part is the Zudra.  

Hence those who do contribute to information or evolutionary interactions, but nourish the society with their 'mass'  are called Zudra. Zudra are labor.

Sloka 1.4.14

sa naiva vyabhavat, tatchreyorūpamatyasṛjata dharmam;

With that too, it did not flourish. The excellent form of dharma was born.

tadetat kṣatrasya kṣatraṃ yaddharmaḥ, tasmāddharmādparaṃ nāsti;

Those that power/energy (Ksatrasya) is powered by the dharma, therefore there is nothing supreme to the dharma.

atho abalīyān balīyāṃ samāśaṃsate dharmeṇa, yathā rājñaivam; 

Then by dharma weak trusts/assigns to the strong, like by the king

yo vai sa dharmaḥ satyaṃ vai tat, tasmāt satyaṃ vadantamāhuḥ, dharmaṃ vadatīti, dharmaṃ vā vadantam satyaṃ vadatīti, etaddhy eva etad ubhayaṃ bhavati

Dharma is satyam/existence/truth, therefore one who expresses/speaks the existence, speaks the dharma, Speaking dharma is speaking existence, these both manifest.

Summary of sloka 1.4.14

Dharma are the laws of Universe. Following hadronization caused puSan, the energy of sea-quarks in the QCD binding energy, which nourishes the hadrons,  laws of the Universe manifest.

The current laws of Universe manifest after this hadronization. These laws of Universe are Satyam ; they are what exists now.  Those who speak what exists speak the laws of universe, who speak laws of Universe speak what exists.

Summary of Sloka 1.4.11 to 1.4.14

The process of evolution embedded in Stri, then evolves kSatra (Energy/power) , Vizam (dwelling/mass)  and Zudra (physically nourishing) one after another.

kSatra means energy, power. The energy in force-fields, interactions of force-fields and particles manifest. 

Energy is present in vacuum (Varuna), particles (indra, parjanya), interactions (Soma, mrtyu), Excitations of force-fields (Yama, Rudra, isAna). This energy present in various forms, evolve and govern the evolution of Universe.

Vizam means those that dwell. When energy 'dwells' (impeded by Higgs field) it becomes 'mass'. Those that dwell becomes groups/ganas. Particles with mass interact and become 'sets' or groups.

Particles with 'mass' are those that are known to  create 'groups/sets' of matter. Excitations of Quark field (Rudra, Maruts) when it interacts with Higgs field and acquires mass, form baryons, 'sets' of baryons (Aditya) form nucleus, set of nucleus and electrons forms atoms (Vasu), set of atoms form element and compound molecules (Visve-deva), set of molecules form polymers, set of polymers form cells, set of cells form organ systems, set of organ systems form living biological beings.

Zudra are those that nourish by their physical prowess.  pUsan, the energy of sea quarks is the most massive part of a hadron. But it does not contribute to the characteristic of the hadron as the characteristics are determined by valence quarks.  The Pusan, energy of sea quarks do not even contribute to the interactions of a hadron. They are very vital nourishers in the sense they give the 'mass', but not contributing to information or energy of a particle.

After the hadronization, the current laws of Universe comes into existence.

Social evolution mimics Universe's evolution

The social classification of professions arose from this classification of Universal evolution. Universe's process of evolution embeds the evolutionary zeal inside of all manifestations, evolves different types of energies that facilitate interaction, massive particles that form larger and larger 'sets', energies that do not facilitate interaction, but nourish by their physical presence.  The laws of Universe evolve on top of this.

The Universe's evolution has

  1. The 'evolutionary zeal' inside all manifestations is brahman. (entropy that keeps increasing)
  2. The 'interaction facilitating energy' in all manifestations is kSatriya (Energy of different fields, particles, interactions, binding energies)
  3. The 'mass' in all manifestations is vaizya (particles with mass)
  4. The 'energy that has value only for its physical presence' is zudra (QCD binding energy that provides the most mass in hadrons)
At all times human social evolution will have
1. Knowledge providers - Brahman
2. Providers of energy that govern the society, societal interactions and services -kSatriyas
3. Providers of goods/materials - vaizyas
4. Providers of physical labor - Zudras.

The human social evolution mimics the design pattern of Universe's evolution of matter.

