Like speech is the expression of beings, this Universe is the expression of that Atman.Rg Veda Mandala 1 Hymn 164 talk of four-fold vAk, which is the four-fold expression of Universe. vAkyapadiya maps this four-fold expression to human speech.
Rg Veda Mandala1 Hymn 164 says what is being talked about are all those in the fourth stage only. The rest three are only known to the learned of the Brahmanas. vAkyapadiya also says the vaikhAri, the fourth stage is what is expressed outside and other three are hidden.
vAk is Atma's prajnA - What it means..?
This four-fold expression is also described in Brhadharanyaka Upanishad. Brhadharanyaka Upanishad describes this four-fold expression of Universe the 'vAk' as 'prajnA'. prajnA means 'first of the knowings', the consciousness.vAk, the four-fold expression of Universe is prajnA, the consciousness of the Atman.
Like the Prajna/consciousness that arises in few organic molecules evolves the biological beings with capabilities of hrdaya (heart), caksu (sight) and zrotram (hearing) run by a 'virtual' manas/mind, the vAk proceeds from hrdaya, the background quantum oscillations of vacuum , to prAna, the quantum force-fieldscaksu/zrotram, to Caksu/zrotram, the classical manifestation of particles detection of light and pressure, facilitated by 'virtual' particles.
Since vAk/prajnA/consciousness of Atman is ever evolving, Brahman (evolution) is said to be residing in it and never leaves it.
Four-fold Universe
Brhadharanyaka Upanishad
describing Universe evolution as Prajna/ consciousness evolution |
vAkyapadiya in terms
of Speech |
The 'Virtual' that causes newer
evolution of matter |
Manas (Mind)
Background quantum oscillations
of vacuum, the first one to be established as Stri |
Hrdaya (Heart)
Quantum force-fields
prAna (breathing)
Classical thermodynamics
run Universe |
CakSu, Zrotram (Sight, hearing)
What is known to everyone which we talk about is the classical thermodynamics part of Universe. This is the part of the Universe which is perceived outside. The other three parts are not easy to be known. Only the learned of the Brahmanas know it.
This external expression of Universe, which is the thermodynamics part is what we see as large empty spaces with galaxies and matter sprinkled all over.
The four states of Atma's prajnA
Brhadharanyaka Upanishad talks of Universe's evolution as Consciousness/PrajnA of Atma evolving capabilities across biological beings from manas to Hrdayam to cakSu and zrotram.Mandukya Upanishad talks of four-fold Universe as the four-fold manifestation of Consciousness of Atman.
Consciousness manifests in four states. They are waking up state, dream state, sleeping state with just thoughts and a state of no thoughts (only consciousness).
- The Waking up state of the Atma's consciousness/prajnA is the 'gross', 'sthula', the classical Universe. This is the bAhis-prajnA. This is a 'deterministic' state.
- The dreaming state of Atma's consciousness is the 'taijasa', madhyama or middle between the deterministic state of matter and absence of matter. This is the probabilistic state (hence defined as 'dreamy' state). This is the antaH-prajnA.
- The sleeping state of Atma's consciousness is the background Quantum oscillations of vacuum. This is the ekibhuta prajnA. Here the vacuum is filled with oscillations of energy in an undifferentiated way. Hence it is ekibhuta prajna. They are the pazyanti, the first seen, as the first to be established in Cosmic inflation.
- The fourth state (turiya) beyond of this is the background quantum oscillations in vacuum.This is beyond all perception. Hence it is the Para or the 'manas'. It is the 'virtual' that manifests in all the above three states and facilitates further evolution of matter. Examples are virtual gluons that mediate strong force to form baryons, virtual pions that mediate nuclear force to form atomic nucleus etc..
Mandukya Upanishad talks of the waking up, sleepy and dreamy states not of a person, but of the prajnA of the Atman.
Mandukya Upanishad - Second Verse
sarvaṃ hyetad brahmāyamātmā brahma so 'yamātmā catuṣpāt
All of these (Universe) are brahman (evolution). This Atma is brahman/evolution. This evolving/brahman Atma is of four parts.bAhis (Classical) and antaH (Quantum) prajnA
The bAhis prajnA, the waking up state and antaH prajnA, the dream state differ in seven ways. They are
1. Manas
2. Citta
3. Buddhi
4. Aham-kAra
5. Buddhi-Indriyani
6. Karma Indriyani
7. Pancha-bhuta
- A person in a dream state and waking up state may have totally different minds (manas).
- These states will have totally different 'thoughts' (citta), information/knowledge (buddhi), self (ahamkAra) in the dream.
- These states also may have different perceptions of smell, taste, touch, hearing and sight in dream (buddhi indriyani).
- These states also may have different perceptions of the motor organs (karma indriyani)
- The person may also have different perceptions of the physical body (pancha-bhuta).
In the same way, Quantum and Classical Universe have different manas, citta, buddhi, aham-kAra, buddhi Indriyani, karma indriyani and pancha-bhuta.
The Classical Universe, the bAhis-prajnA of Atman
This bAhis-prajnA of Atman is the Classical Universe. This is the Universe of thermodynamics. This thermodynamics Universe has its own manas, citta, buddhi, ahamkAra, pancha-bhuta, buddhi-indriyani and karma-indriyani.
Pancha- bhutA - The five states of Matter
There are umpteen states of matter observed in the Classical Universe that are possible. But there are five states which make the Classical Universe that we observe.They are
1. Solid - Planets are mostly solids (Prthvi)
2. Liquid - Water that spawns life is liquid (jal)
3. Gas - Large molecular clouds/galaxies/stars/atmosphere are neutral gases (vAyu)
4. Plasma - Ionized matter burning/giving energy in core of earth, stars, galaxies etc (Agni)
5. Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) - The interstellar space is BEC (AkAsh)
These five different forms of matter that are observable in the classical Universe very much are the pancha-bhuta.
Manas - The property of mass
Manas is curd that floats on top when the ocean of consciousness is churned.It is equivalent to 'mass' (or the property of mass) of matter forms, that forms the basis of all matter forms.
Citta - The background quantum oscillations of space
Citta are 'thoughts' that manifest on the manas. They are similar to the background quantum oscillations of space or the zero point energy.
In classical Universe's thermodyamics, it is the Internal energy that makes a system.
Buddhi - The energy and entropy
Buddhi are the 'knowledge potential' that arise from the thoughts. Buddhi is the 'potential' that drives 'kinetic' actions.
In classical thermodynamics, Entropy is the quantity which is equivalent to the information content of a system. Entropy defines the number of possible micros-tates a system can occupy and hence it is the information content of a system.
This entropy or information content of a system is the 'buddhi' of a person.
Aham-kAra - The Internal energy of a system
Aham-kAra is that makes an 'aham' or 'self'. It is what makes every classical object/system as it is.In classical Universe's thermodyamics, it is the Internal energy that makes a system.
Buddhi Indriyani - The entropy increasing potentials
The functions that contribute to buddhi or information content are sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch.
Entropy of a thermodynamic system is impacted by
- EM bonds (sight / cakSu)
- Pressure changes (Hearing / zrotram)
- Temperature changes (Touch / tvac)
- Chemical changes (Taste / rasana)
- Magnetization (smell / ghrana)
If we visualize any thermodynamic 'system' as a person like us, it
- Sees by EM field like we do
- Hears by pressure changes like we do
- Senses touch by temperature changes like we do
- Tastes by chemical changes like we do
- Smells by magnetization field from a distance like we do.
Karma Indriyani - The work performing processes
Karma Indriyani are 'processes' by which a work is performed. In thermodynamics these are the five thermodynamic processes. They are
- Adiabatic Processes
- Process in which work is done but with no transfer of heat or substance.
- Happens in Gravitational collapse (spacetime warping) of molecular clouds which leads to generation of new elements
- This is the Upa-Stha (generative organs), the generative process which leads to newer elements
- Reversible Process
- Process in which work is done by Physical movement/laws of motion in spacetime
- These are reversible processes.
- This is the pAda (Leg), the processes where work is done by physical movement
- Isobaric Process
- Process in which work is done, but pressure does not change
- Chemical reactions and biological evolutions that happen in the surface of earth happen at constant pressure
- This is pAni (Hands), the process by which most work is done in earth or by human being.
- Isochoric
- Process in which work is done, but volume does not change
- Processes which occur in the earth's crust or say inside a piston, which happen at constant/limited volume
- This is pAyu (the digestive/excretion process which happens in a limited volume space), the process by which work is done within a limited volume.
- Isothermal
- Process in which work is done, temperature does not change
- Phase changing processes (solid to liquid, liquid to gas etc) maintain temperature.
- This is the Vac (the Speech which is a phase changing process that converts the thoughts to sounds), the process by which new matter forms are expressed by phase changes.
Thus the waking up state of the 'Being' of Universe, which is the Classical Universe can said to be made of Seven parts and Nineteen faces.
The Seven parts are Manas, Citta, Buddhi, AhamkAra, Buddhi indriyani, Karma Indriyani and the Pancha-bhuta.
The nineteen faces by which the Classical Universe is seen are 5 bhutas + 5 buddhi indriyani + 5 karma indriyani + 1 manas + 1 citta + 1 buddhi + 1 ahamkAra
More to come..
The Seven parts are Manas, Citta, Buddhi, AhamkAra, Buddhi indriyani, Karma Indriyani and the Pancha-bhuta.
The nineteen faces by which the Classical Universe is seen are 5 bhutas + 5 buddhi indriyani + 5 karma indriyani + 1 manas + 1 citta + 1 buddhi + 1 ahamkAra
More to come..
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