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The dasa mahA vidhyA


Shiva is Energy in matter domain. Shiva is consciousness in biological domain. In matter domain, Shakti is the momentum through which Shiva, the energy, is expressed or perceived. In biological domain, Shakti is the 'Signaling' through which Shiva, the consciousness is expressed or perceived.

In matter domain, Shakti and Shiva are Energy-Momentum couple. They are ardha-nArIsvara. They cannot be separated.  In biological domain, Shiva and Shakti are the consciousness-signaling couple. They cannot be separated.

Vid means to know. Vidya is that is known or learnt. mahA-vidyAs are 'greatly known' or 'well learnt' forms of Shakti.


In matter domain, Shiva-Shakti, the Energy-Momentum couple fills this  three dimensional empty space that is common to all the three worlds. Hence Shakti is called tripura-sundari.  This tripura-sundari is perceived in 16 different ways. Hence she is called Shodasi.

In biological domain, Shiva-Shakti is also the Consciousness-signaling couple that is the basis of all biological beings.  This Cit-Shakti is also perceived in 16 different ways. Hence the name Shodasi applies here also.
Of these 16, 10 ways of knowing or learning this energy are fundamental in nature. Hence these are the dasa mahA vidyAs or the ten great ways to know the Shakti. The other six are built/evolve on the ten ways of knowing shakti.

mahA vidyAs

The dasa mahA-vidyAs are also a design pattern in matter and consciousness domain. They are

1. Expansion of Space that causes all the play in the Universe or the Cit-Shakti the power of expanding Consciousness that is fundamental to growth and reproduction of biological beings called Lalita.
2. Excitations of particles or the kAmA of biological beings (response to stimuli)called Chinnamasta or pracanda.
3. Mechanical/acoustic movements of particles enabling their expansion or growth or the process of consumption that enables expansion/growth in biological beings (energy processing)  is called tArA
4  Strong Interaction of Particles or the physical form of biological beings (order) called KamalAtmika
5. Weak force decay of particles or the process of ageing/decay over time (regulation) called kAli
6. Electromagnetic Radiation enabling loss of energy from matter forms or process of distribution in biological beings (homeostasis) is called Bagalamukhi
7. Manifestation of particles with 'mass' (Higgs Interaction) that make the worlds Or the 'manas' or mAyA or perception of biological beings  - Bhuvaneswari
8. Heat or thermal vibrations of particles or the 'Will' that drives the biological beings  - Tripura- Bhairavi
9. Zero-point energy of particles or the 'Self-Identity' or 'AhamkAra' of biological beings - Dhumavati
10. Entropy or micro-states of particles or the 'Memory'  or 'Knowledge' of biological beings - Matangi

There are six other ways we learn or perceive of Shakti. These six ways are in some ways built on the above ten ways.  They are

11. Potential Energy (Uma)
12. Kinetic energy (durgA)
13. Internal Energy
14. Enthalpy
15. Gibbs potential
16. Helmholtz potential

Hence Shakti is called Shodasi, one who is of sixteen types.

The dasa mahA-vidhyAs


When Shakti is perceived as momentum  of energy or signaling of conciousness, that keeps expanding or evolving ever,  she is lalita, the playful. (doing it for no specific reason, just playfully, randomly).

In matter domain, Lalita is the momentum part of energy, that expands the Universe's space that leads to all the creation in the Universe. Hence she is called 'Lalita', the one that causes all the play in the Universe.

In biological domain, Lalita is the Cit-Shakti, the signaling part power of consciousness that underlies all biological beings and evolves their abilities.

cchinnamastha or prachanda

When Shakti is perceived as particle excitations or kAmA,  she is cchinnamasta or prachanda.

cchinnamastha represents the piercing the granthis or knots that block the movement of energy. It is the excitations of energy or the free flow of energy overcoming barriers. This is represented as feminine figure cutting off and holding her head in hand and drinking her own blood. 

In matter domain, it is the excitation of particles that break potential barriers that help them to adapt and reproduce newer forms of matter. (like tunneling helps nuclear fusion in Sun). 

In biological domain, this piercing the knots overcoming barriers is the 'kAmA' or desire or excitation of biological beings to overcome barriers to  'adapt' and also to 'reproduce', that defines biological beings.


When Shakti is perceived as mechanical movement of particles or acoustic oscillations in space or the process of consumption in biological beings, she is tArA.

tArA are the baryonic acoustic oscillations or any mechanical movement of particles in space. Hence tArA is often associated with Aum, the pranava or 'sound' or the 'word'. The baryonic acoustic oscillations or other mechanical movements give matter forms the ability to consume other matter forms thus helping their expansion or growth.

In biological domain, tArA is the process of consumption that enables their growth and expansion. It could be consuming knowledge (speech-hearing) or consuming wealth (other matter forms/food). 

tArA and Bagalamukhi are the twin processes of adaptation in biological beings.


When Shakti is perceived as organized physical form, she is KamalAtmika.

Kamala is the 'lotus' pedestal on which all matter forms evolve. She hosts the wealth of matter forms or Lakshmi or 'bears' the lakshmi. In matter domain, she is the energy in the atomic nucleus that gives a physical form to atoms, enabling their evolution.

In biological domain, it is the 'organization or physical form or health' of the beings.


When Shakti is perceived as the weak force decay of particles or the ageing of biological beings, she is kAli.

Weak force decay is an arrow of time. Hence it also indicates time. Weak force decay gives life, as massive weak bosons, whose range is limited, lead to three generations and ten types of particles.

In biological domain, she is the 'ageing' and death over time.


When Shakti is perceived as the Electromagnetic Radiation, the process of giving out energy  Or process of elimination in biological beings, she is Bagalamukhi

If tArA are the mechanical/acoustic oscillations of particles (the sound or word), then bagalamukhi is the radiance or light.  She is the  electromagnetic radiation that takes away energy and delivers it to some other place. The EM radiation from matter forms eliminates or removes energy as well as entropy from them. 

In biological domain, she is the process of elimination or giving away. It could be the process of eliminating/losing  knowledge (speech -hearing) or eliminating/losing wealth (food, other matter forms).

tArA (accumulation/growth) and Bagalamukhi (elimination) are the twin processes of adaptation in biological beings.


When Shakti is perceived as manifestations of particles with mass that arise due to 'observation' and make all the worlds OR is the perception of biological beings, she is bhuvaneswari.

Particle with mass manifestations are the cosmic embryos that arise all the worlds. They create the stage on which Kali performs her dance of life and death. 

In biological domain,  bhuvaneswari is our manas, which is the sum of our illusory perception or mAyA.   Bhuvaneswari is the observer in our manas (manas-sAksi) as well as our manas itself. She is the mAyA as well as the one that gives us the ability to break the mAyA.

Tripura Bhairavi

When shakti is perceived as the thermal energy that drives the evolution or the 'will' of biological beings, she is tripura bhairavi. Since the heat fills the 3 dimensional space and manifests in all 3 worlds, she is called tripura bhairavi.

She is the nature of fire (Tejas). She is the raw energy.  She is the supreme light and heat power, the flame of consciousness itself (Cidagni) which is the ultimate knowledge of truth. She is the tapas (heat or penance). She is the basic will power of life, which controls all manifestations.

In biological domain, tripura bhairavi is the 'will' that drives the actions of beings, the 'flame' of consciousness.


When shakti is perceived as zero-point energy of particles or the underlying self-identity or ego, she is dhumavati.

Dhuma means “smoke.” Dhumavati is “one who is composed of smoke.” Her nature is not illumination but obscuration. However, to obscure one thing is to reveal another. By obscuring or covering all that is known, Dhumavati reveals the depth of the unknown and the unmanifest. Dhumavati obscures what is evident in order to reveal the hidden and the profound.

Dhumavati is the feminine principle devoid of the masculine principle. She is Shakti without Shiva as a pure potential energy without any will to motivate it. Thus she contains within herself all potentials and shows the latent energies that dwell within us

In biological domain, dhumavati is the 'inner self'  or 'self-identity' or 'aham-kArA' of the beings.


When shakti is perceived as entropy or microstate of particles or the memory/knowledge of biological beings, she is mAtangi.

mata literally means “a thought” or “an opinion.” mAtangi is information content. It is the entropy or micro-states of particles. Matangi bestows knowledge, talent and expertise.

In biological domain, mAtangi is the knowledge or 'information content' of the beings.

dasa mahA vidhyA in biological domain

Summarizing for biological domain, these are the ten ways by which self-deterministic biological beings are known

1. Signaling (Lalita)
2. desire to adapt/reproduce (pracanda, kAmA)
3. metabolism (tArA)
4. organization of physical form (kamalatmika)
5. ageing/decay/death (kAli)
6. growth and reduction (bagalamukhi)
7. Ego or self-identity (aham) (dhumavati)
8. manas or mAya or perception (bhuvaneswari)
9. 'Will' that drives the self-determinism (tripura bhairavi)
10. Knowledge or Memory (matangi)

dasa mahA-vidyAs in tantra system

These design patterns in biological beings lay the foundation for the tantric system, which try to invoke that capability or 'shakti' in us (the biological beings) by the 'worship' or 'upasaka' of a particular devi.
  1. Lalita helps to invoke/control our underlying consciousness
  2. Cchinnamasta or prachanda helps to invoke/control the kAmA, help us adapt.
  3. tArA devi helps to invoke/control the consumption in the process of adaptation
  4. kamalAtmika helps to invoke/control our physical form/health
  5. kAli helps to invoke/control our ageing and death
  6. Bagalamukhi helps to invoke/control elimination in the process of adaptation
  7. Bhuvaneswari helps to invoke/control the Manas
  8. Tripura Bhairavi helps to invoke/control the Will
  9. dhumavati helps to invoke/control the self or ahamkAra
  10. mAtangi helps to invoke/control our Knowledge

