Evolution of matter and biological beings follow a similar design pattern. Vedic divinities are indicative of this design pattern.
- In matter domain, shiva is energy, vishnu is mass.
- In biological domain, shiva is consciousness, vishnu is the 'manas'.
There are 6 properties common to both matter and biological forms in both these domains. These are recognized as the 12 names/forms (nama-roopa) of Vishnu.
- Transact energy
- Equilibrium
- Follow an organization/order
- Growth
- Respond to forces
- Regulation /Control by Gravity
- Energy processing
- Equilibrium - Homeostasis
- Follow a definite Order/Organization
- Growth
- Respond to stimuli
- Regulation/Control
The quantum domain in matter forms follows a similar design pattern as consciousness domain in biological beings. The classical domain in matter forms follow a similar design pattern as physiological domain in biological beings.
Twelve names of Vishnu
Twelve names of Vishnu are Kesava, nArAyaNa, mAdhavA, govindA, vishnu, madhu-sUdana, tri-vikrama, vAmanA, sri-dhara, hrsikesa, padma-nAbhA, dAmo-dara.
These are the six properties in quantum domain and six properties in classical domain of matter forms that have mass.
- Energy transacting property in primitive particles (quantum domain) form is Kesava.
- Energy transacting property in atoms/compounds (classical domain) is nArAyaNa. Here nara are the charged particles that become the basis of atoms/compounds.
- Property of maintaining equilibrium in primitive particles (quantum domain) is mAdhava.
- Property of maintaining equilibrium in atoms/compounds (classical domain) is Govinda.
- Maintaining Order/Organization in primitive particles (quantum domain) is Vishnu, the mass, as mass causes the order and organization in quantum domain.
- Maintaining Order/Organization in atoms/compounds (classical domain) is caused by seeking equilibrium and hence called madhu-sUdana. sUdana means ordering. madhu is that is in equilibrium for long. Ordering/orgnaziation by seeking equilibrium is madhu-sUdana.
- Property of growth in primitive particles (quantum domain) is tri-vikrama. It is the higgs coupling that grows across three generations of particles.
- Property of growth in atoms/compounds (classical domain) is vAmana, the dwarf that grows.
- Property of responding to external forces in primitive particles (quantum domain) holds them and is the sridhara. Sri-dhara is that 'holds' the Sri.
- Property of responding to external forces in atoms/compounds (classical domain) holds them and is the Hrsi-kesa.
- Property of control in primitive particles (quantum domain) is quantum control, which is the padma-nAbha.
- Property of control in atoms/compounds (classical domain) is the center of gravity due to gravitational effect (dAma- control udara - center). It is dAmodara.
These are also the six properties in physiological domain and six properties in psychological domain of biological beings that have 'manas'.
- Energy transacting property (mental energy) in thoughts (psychological) form is Kesava.
- Energy transacting property in physical body (physiological) is nArAyaNa. Here nara are mortal beings. nara-ayana is that resides in mortal beings.
- Property of maintaining equilibrium (mental balance) in thoughts (psychological) is mAdhava.
- Property of maintaining equilibrium in physical body (homeostasis) (physiological) is Govinda.
- Maintaining Order/Organization in thoughts (psychological) is Vishnu, the manas, as manas causes the order and organization in psychological domain.
- Maintaining Order/Organization in physical body (physiological) is by seeking equilibrium called madhu-sUdana. sUdana means ordering. madhu is that is in equilibrium for long.
- Property of growth in thoughts (psychological) is tri-vikrama. Growth in thoughts/consciousness grows across instincts, emotions and logic.
- Property of growth in physical body (physiological) is vAmana, the dwarf that grows.
- Property of responding to stimuli in thoughts (psychological) holds them and is the sridhara. Sri-dhara is that 'holds' the Sri (Sri is the wealth of thoughts)
- Property of responding to stimuli in physical body (physiological) holds them and is the Hrsi-kesa. Hence Hrsi-kesa is called lord of the senses.
- Property of control in thoughts (psychological) is mind control, which is the padma-nAbha.
- Property of control in physical body (physiological) is the body control, which is the dAmodara.
Go-vinda- Finder of equilibrium
When we lose our state (matter forms that we own which is our wealth, our body health etc) we shout Govinda, Govinda. Govinda is supposed to be the 'finder' of our original state of equilibrium, in terms of wealth, health etc.
Invoking Go-vinda means we are at loss and we want that equilibrium back. Hence at times, shouting Govinda is equated to 'loss', but actually Go-vinda is the rectifier of the loss or restorer of our state of equilibrium.
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