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Patanjali Nataraja Stotram


Universe originated as a bundle of energy. Shiva is Energy. Universe matter and beings originate from the property of Mass. Vishnu is this property of Mass(1). 

Universe's matter evolution started with Higgs field acquiring vacuum expectation value (vev), which enables it to interact with particles giving them the property of mass, which in turn leads to all matter and biological forms of this Universe, through evolution.  This Higgs field acquiring vev is the starting point of all evolution.  It can be called the reminder or residue that remains.  How..?

There are multiple levels of annihilations in the Universe and multiple remainders/residues at every level.  For eg. living biological beings die and become objects that keep chemically reacting. Here remainder of biological life are chemical reactions.

When the chemical reactions also die out, they become physical substances that get annihilated physically or very slowly chemically.  The remainder of the chemical reactions are physical substances. 

These physical substances may disintegrate into atoms and radioactively decay further into sub-atomic fundamental primitive particles over a period.  Assume all matter is annihilated. What will still remain is energy and a Higgs field with a vev. 

Since Higgs field is ultimate (and first if we look from the direction of origin of Universe) reminder of all, it is called Adi Sesha (2).  It is on this Adi Sesha, the Higgs field with a vacuum expectation value, that Vishnu the property of mass reclines or rests upon.

When this Higgs field interacts with particles it leads to innumerous or endless fundamental/primitive particles with 'mass'. This form is called 'Ananta-Sesha'.  

Ananta-Sesha is the remainder next to Adi-Sesha. So some purAnas depict Ananta-Sesha as the younger brother of Adi-Sesha.

Patanjali Nataraja Stotram (3) is written as Ananta-Sesha (the innumerous primitive particles with mass) looking at the dance of shiva/energy beneath it and describing it.

anjali means offering salutations/flowers/water to ancestors/departed. Pat-anjali is doing that to who resides below or our foundation.

The one that dances ever underneath everything, below all primitive particles is Shiva, the Energy. Hence Shiva, the Energy is called 'Nata-raja', the King of dance (4).

Patanjali Nataraja stotram describes this dance of energy below offering salutations to that dance that makes us all.

If in the evolution of matter, Shiva is the underlying energy, in the evolution of consciousness, Shiva is the underlying consciousness. Vishnu is the 'manas' that gives identities (ahamkAra) and knowledge (buddhi). So Nata-raja is also the dance of consciousness.

Executive summary of Patanjali Nataraja Stotram

From Patanjali's (ananta-sesha, the prmitive particles with mass that first appear) view, Shiva is seen as dancing Nataraja underneath. His body looks like a pillar of light with dark clouds (of particles) appearing as dark throat or like a garland of jasmine with bees swarming around at a place like a dark throat. 

The feet of Nataraja seems always bent, moving continuously, happily moving, but at the same time steady in being the base or foundation of all (matter forms) of the Universe. 

At the same time Nataraja is the ocean of consciousness that  appears as the light in the 'manas' (in biological beings).

Shiva, the energy, burns up the 3 dimensional space through that dancing feet and creates innumerous lightened objects. As spacetime curvature (brahma) and property of mass (vishnu) dictates or plays the maddala, creating a laya, Shiva, the energy overcomes the temporary underlying excitations (kAma)(5)  stage and helps build/evolve the Universe by being present in the matter forms and biological beings.

How is Shiva present in matter and beings..?  The Soma or the strong interaction shines as 'Moon' creating the atomic nucleus above the ananta sesha/patanjali (which are innumerous primitive particles with mass). Shiva is also present as the 'ganges' or Kinetic energy that facilitates 'agni' or dhanaMjaya the fire,  that moves energy between matter and beings. 

Shiva, the energy  breaks Yama, the electric charge(6) property of particles thereby building or breaking matter forms and thus facilitating evolution. Pranava, the baryon acoustic oscillations, help accumulate the energy for evolution by creating cosmic seeds.

Shiva is the sun (energy) and Universe is the lotus (that consumes energy). Shiva creates innumerous lotus and sun systems in the Universe. Hence Shiva is equivalent to innumerous such systems.

One who realizes that everything in this Universe is based on the dance of Shiva, the detached dancing energy underneath, is also the ocean of consciousness that shines in  our manas, becomes detached and overcomes all pains and sufferings due to birth.

Science Summary of Patanjali Nataraja stotram 

Always bent, happily bent, shortened, being the base/foundation, with unsteady jala-jala movement of katakam. Yet the basse/foundation is steady/unmoving as seen clearly (ointment eye) by patanjali (the massive primitive particles all over Universe) without any contamination. This base/foundation removes the 'birth'.  Universe's space  is called Kadamba vana as it sports globular clusters all over its space (7). All through the lightened up space (kadamba colored), the particle clouds look like the dark throat of shiva. 

The ocean of consciousness, the one that enlightens the manas. Heartful worship to this external dance.

Hara (Shiva, the Energy is called Hara, because it burns up the three dimensional space) burns up the three dimensional space (tripura) making infinite 'kankanas'/ligtened up objects  with no end due to its wide grace. It is the foundation meditated/thought of by Brahma (four dimensional spacetime) (8), Devas (forces, energies, matter forms) and Indra (immortal proton) (1). 

He wears the young moon (Soma, the strong interaction in atomic nucleus)(6)  as crown above the (particle) clouds. From patanjali/ananta sesha/primitive fundamental particles view, the strong interaction is above, while the energy excitations are below.

He breaks the Yama (the electric charges)(6) as primitive particles become electrically charged. He wears ashes all over, is feared by kAma (kAma are excitations overcome by Shiva (the Energy) and go underground as Universe evolves and becomes matter dominated) and is eternal.

Pranava (the baryon acoustic oscillations)(9) create the prosperity by accumulating. Heartful worship to this external dance.

This dance of energy protects the world from breaking up, beyond all the properties of matter forms and is imperceptible fundamental nature of energy. It manifests as the strong interaction (soma), flows as kinetic energy of all forms of universe, in the ten internal dimensions of matter forms, creates the biological beings and their offspring, hence being known as 'praja-pati'. 

It 'observes' the Universe through exchange/transfer of energy (agni/fire) (10) of electrons and  strong interaction in the core of atomic nucleus.

Different shining matter forms originate (navaratna) and react/interact with each other (make sounds) as dictated by spacetime curvature (gravity/Brahma)  and mass (vishnu).  Around this dance of energy, properties of mass (vishnu), thermal energy (karthikeya) (12), along with different impulses (munis) and forces evolve.

All the Universe's mater forms submit to that infinitely powered energy and is inside all matter forms (as potential energy) like space, earth, wind, moon, sun,  

The external dance of Shiva looks like a huge jasmine bundle on which swarms of bees reside. The particle clouds that emerge out of the energy look like the bees and the energy is the jasmine bundle. 

The forces produced by these particles with mass (ahi are forces produced by particles with mass)(11) look like kundalas/ear-rings around the dancing energy.  Hara overcomes 'elephantine forces' (Higgs field) to produce matter and biological beings (pasupathi). The transfer of energy (fire, dhanaMjaya) produces prosperirty as matter forms submits to the energy.

Shiva, the Energy that originates the Universe is the oldest of sun-lotus systems (giver of energy and user of energy), the one detached from the rest of Universe though making it, one that filters off all the decaying weak forces.

Energy carries and moves all the Universe's matter forms like a 'chariot'. The horses that drive this chariot are the evolutionary wisdom (vedas). With chandika (in the form of chandika), Shiva, the energy fills the 3 dimensional space. 

The peaks of energy excitation in the 3 dimensional space are the bow, the forces produced in different fields are the bow-string and the arrow released are particles with vishnu, the property of mass.

Shiva, the energy gives rise to several lotus-sun systems, though it is formless, because of fire it holds. Hence it is equivalent to several such systems and submitted to by all matter forms.

The dancing Nataraja form of Shiva, the energy is as seen by ananta (primitive particles with mass).  The feet of this Nataraja has no permanent peaks or troughs (always oscillating) on which spacetime curvature, property of mass and all the directions of universe manifest and impact. 

One who realizes this can easily get out of the pains and sufferings associated with our birth and death cycle as the 'big-picture' is seen.

Summary of Patanjali Nataraja Stotram

Always curved, happy contracted feet,  with unsteady movement of kadagam, the 'ointment' for patanjali's eyes makes patanjali see (or hides the truth to patanjali), clear immovable base/foundation that cuts off the birth. In the luster of kadamba vana, dark clouds  look like its throat.  The jewel of ocean of consciousness that illumines the manas like sun. Heartful worship to the external dance of chidambaram.

Hara burns up the tripura, makes infinite kanganas, with no end due to his grace. He is meditated by braham, Indra.He wears the young moon, breaks Yama, wears ashes, feared by kAma and eternal, accumulated through pranava.

Protects the worlds from breaking up, above all the gunas and hence imperceptible, holds the moon, holds the waving river of devas wifully, eliminates the pride of non-evolving asuras, eliminates birth, spreads in all ten internal dimensions, creates biological beings and their offspring and hence known as prajapati, has eyes of fire and moon that rovers around, heartful worship to this external dance.

Endless navaratnas shine in the kataka which sounds as kinkini as the dance goes according to the maddala laya sound of vishnu and brahma. With vishnu, karthikeya, nandi, shringi, riti, bhringi kind of ganas around, sananda and sanaka kind of munis submit to that feet. Heartful worship to that external dance.

With infinite power, all the thirty divine forces submit, purely resides inside muni, takes form as clouds, space, earth, wind, moon, sun, the head of all sacrifices, infinite wealth/prosperity, the jewel inside the three worlds that burns up the three dimensional space, worshipped by sananda. Heartful worship to that external dance.

Throat appears like innumerous bees swarming a part of jasmine bundle which is his body. To this one who wears serpents as kundala, devas and their kind Indra submit to. Never moving out wide grace that gives wealth and prosperity. Slayer of Gajapati, the pasupati, to whom the fire submits to and praises and gives happiness, Heartful worship to that external dance.

Shiva, the best of Suras, that burns the puras, lord of pazus, gives rise to ganapati and shanmukha, with golden flaming jata, the oldest of all the sun-lotuses, the manas, the chandra, detached mind, one that swallows the poison that arise out of the ocean and hence surpassing all gunas, moon-faced that gives peace and happiness.

Unborn chariot of 'earth', whose bow-string are serpents, bows are golden peaks, holds sword, parasu, damru and a deer, vishnu is the arrow, horses are the veda, along with chandika burns the space, heartful worship to that external dance.

Prevents the formless, though unborn bears Universe due to its grace, holds the fire with flames, destroys the antaka and hence saluted by Indra, gives raise to lotus-sun systems, holy form that unites several of these suns.

These verses created by the best of the serpents (ananta), if read everyday, will lead to discover His feet which is beautiful and which has no peaks or troughs.It is the place where Brahma, vishnu and the directions submit to or praise. If we understand that underlying feet then we get ride of all the pains arising out of the birth cycles.

Sloka 1

sadaJNchita mudaJNchita nikuJNchita padaM jhalajhalaJNchalita maJNju kaTakam.h
pataJNjali dR^igaJNjana manaJNjana machaJNchalapadaM janana bhaJNjana karam.h
kadamba ruchimambaravasaM param  ambuda kadamba ka viDamba ka galam.h 
chidambudhi maNiM budha hR^id ambuja raviM para chidambara naTaM hR^idi bhaja

நிதம்வட்ட (வளைந்திட்ட)  மகிழ்ந்திட்ட    குறைந்திட்ட  தடம்   சலசல ச்செல்லும் அழகு  கடகம்
பதஞ்சலி  தெரிந்திட்ட தெளிந்திட்ட  நிலையான  தடம்  பிறப்பு அறுக்க செய்யும்  
அகண்டவெளி ஒளிஎங்கும்இரும் திரண்ட முகில் -அண்டமிதில்-விடமுண்ட-கண்டம் 
உணர்கடல்அணி  செய்யும்மனம்எழும்ஒளி  வெளி-சிதம்பரநடம் மனம் தொழ 

always bent (sada ajcita) happily bent (muda ajcita) shortened (nikujcita) feet (padam) sound of falling drops (jhala jhala) shaking/unsteady (calita) beautiful bracelet or ring worn in legs..? (manju katakam)
medicine/color for eyes of patanjali (patanjali drg anjanam) space/atmospher/sky/free from color (ananjana) not (ma) shaking (cancala) feet (padam) birth (janana) destroyer (bhajjana) maker (karam). kadamba colored (kadamba rucim) dwell in universe's space (ambara vasam) ouside of everything, supreme (param) cloud (ambuda) of kadamba (kadambaka) resemble (viDambaka) throat (galam) cit (consciousness) ocean (ambudhi) jewel (maNim) intelligence awakened biological beings (budha) lotus heart (hrd ambuja) sun (ravi) outside/off/external (para) cit (consciousness) universe's space (ambara) dance (natam)  the heart/heartful worship (hrdi bhaja)

Always curved, happy contracted feet,  with unsteady movement of kadagam, the 'ointment' for patanjali's eyes makes patanjali see (or hides the truth to patanjali), clear immovable base/foundation that cuts off the birth. In the luster of kadamba vana (Universe's space is kadamba vana as it sports globular clusters like kadamba tree), dark clouds  look like its throat.  The jewel of ocean of consciousness that illumines the manas like sun. Heartful worship to the external dance of chidambaram.


The oscillations of energy at the base of all the Universe looks always bent, happily bent, shortened, being the base/foundation, with unsteady jala-jala movement of katakam. Yet the base/foundation is steady/unmoving as seen clearly by patanjali (the massive primitive particles all over Universe) without any contamination. This base/foundation removes the 'birth' as all annihilated matter becomes energy.  All through the lightened up space (kadamba colored), the particle clouds look like the dark throat of shiva. 

The ocean of consciousness, the one that lightens the manas, whose external dance our manas worships.

Sloka 2

haraM tripura bhaJNjanaM anantakR^ita kaN^kaNaM akhaNDadaya mantarahitaM 
viriJNchi surasaMhati purandhara vichintitapadaM taruNachandramakuTam.h | 
paraM pada vikhaNDita yamaM bhasita maNDita tanuM madana vaJNchana paraM 
chirantanam amuM praNava saJNchita nidhiM para chidambara naTaM hR^idi bhaja

அரன் முப்புறம்-அழிக்கும்   எண்ணற்றுஆக்ககங்கணம் அகண்டதயை  இல்லைஅந்தம் 
விதிஅமரர்சூழ-இந்திரனும் -சிந்திக்கும்தடம்   இளையமதிமகுடம் 
யமன்  பிளந்திடும்அவன்  தடம்  நீறுபூசியபுறம் மதனன்அஞ்சிடும்    சிவம்  
அவன்என்றும்இரும்  பிரணவம்சேர்த்திட்டவளம்  வெளி-சிதம்பர நடம் மனம் தொழ 

hara (haram) destroyer of tripura (tripura bhanjanam) kankana is made of ananta/infinite (ananta krta kankanam) wide grace (akhanda dayam) devoid of end (anta rahitam) 

Brahma (virinchi) union/alliance of devas (sura samhati) indra (puraMdara)  considered/thought of (vicintita) place/abode (padam). young (taruna) moon (chandra) crown (makutam)

supreme (param) foot (padam) breaks (vikhandita) yama (yamam) ashes (bhasita) adorned (mandita) body (tanum) kama (madana) cheat (vajcana) supreme (param)

existing from ancient times (cirantanam) this/that/him (amum) pranava heaped together (samcita) treasure (nidhim) external chidambara dance (para chidambara natam) worships the  heart (hrdi bhaja)

Hara burns up the tripura, makes infinite kanganas, with no end due to his grace. He is meditated by braham, Indra.He wears the young moon, breaks Yama, wears ashes, feared by kAma and eternal, accumulated through pranava.

Protects the worlds from breaking up, above all the gunas and hence imperceptible, holds the moon, holds the waving river of devas wifully, eliminates the pride of non-evolving asuras, eliminates birth, spreads in all ten internal dimensions, creates biological beings and their offspring and hence known as prajapati, has eyes of fire and moon that rovers around, heartful worship to this external dance.


Hara (Shiva, the Energy is called Hara, because it burns up the three dimensional space) burns up the three dimensional space (tripura) making infinite 'kankanas'/ligtened up objects  with no end due to its wide grace. It is the foundation meditated/thought of by Brahma (four dimensional spacetime), Devas (forces, energies, matter forms) and Indra (immortal proton).

He wears the young moon  as crown above the (particle) clouds,  breaks the Yama (the electric charges), wears ashes all over, is feared by kAma (excitations overcome by Shiva, the Energy and go underground as Universe evolves) and is eternal. 

Pranava (the baryon acoustic oscillations) create the prosperity by accumulating. Heartful worship to this external dance.

Sloka 3

avantam akhilaM jagat abhaN^ga guNa tuN^gam amataM dhR^ita vidhuM surasarit.h\- 
taraN^ga nikuramba dhR^iti lampaTa jaTaM shamana dambha suharaM bhavaharam.h | 
shivaM dashadigantara vijR^imbhitakaraM kara lasan mR^igashishuM pashupatiM 
haraM shashidhanaJNjayapataN^ganayanaM parachidambara naTaM hR^idi bhaja

காக்கும்அகிலம்  உடையா உலகம்  உணராகுணஉச்சம்  மதிதாங்கும்  கங்கைநதி 
கற்றையாய்-இச்சையொடு--அலையும்சடை-தங்கும்  அழிக்கும்அசுரசெருக்கும்  பிறப்பறும் 
சிவம் திசைபத்தனைய  விரிந்திடும்கரம்   செய்யும்ஒளிர்உயிர்சேய்  பசுபதிம் 
அரன்   மதிநெருப்பனைய  அலையும்விழியும்  வெளி சிதம்பர நடம் மனம் தொழ

protecting (avantam) universe (akhilam) worlds (jagat) unbroken (abhanga) peak (tungam) imperceivable (amatam) hold (dhrta) moon (vidhum)

waves (taranga) flock/mass/multitude (nikuramba) hold (dhrti) greedy/dissolute (lampata) jata (jatam) calming/soothing /destruction (zamana) pride (dambha) asuras (suhara) birth (bhava) remove (haram)

shivam (shivam)  ten (dasa) space (dik) internal (antara) expanded hands (vijrmbhita karam) doing (kara) play /shining/ moving all over (lasan) young biological beings (mriga sishu)  pasupatim

hara (haram) moon (shashi) fire (dhanamjaya)  flying (patamga) eyes (nayanam) external chidambara dance (para chidambara natam) worships the  heart (hrdi bhaja)

Protects the worlds from breaking up, above all the gunas and hence imperceptible, holds the moon, holds the waving river of devas wifully, eliminates the pride of non-evolving asuras, eliminates birth, spreads in all ten internal dimensions, creates biological beings and their offspring and hence known as prajapati, has eyes of fire and moon that rovers around, heartful worship to this external dance.


This dance of energy protects the world from breaking up, beyond all the properties of matter forms and is imperceptible fundamental nature of energy. It manifests as the strong interaction (soma), flows as kinetic energy of all forms of universe, in the ten internal dimensions of matter forms, creates the biological beings and their offspring, hence being known as 'praja-pati'. 

It 'observes' the Universe through exchange/transfer of energy (agni/fire) of electrons and  strong interaction in the core of atomic nucleus.

Sloka 4

ananta navaratna vilasat kaTaka kiN^kiNi jhalaM jhalajhalaM jhalaravaM 
mukundavidhi hastagata maddala layadhvani dhimiddhimita nartana padam.h | 
shakuntaratha barhiratha nandimukha shR^iN^giriTibhR^iN^gigaNasaN^ghanikaTam.h 
sanandasanaka pramukha vandita padaM parachidambara naTaM hR^idi bhaja

எண்ணற்றநவரத்ன ஒளிரும்கடக கிங்கிணி ஜலம் ஜலஜலம் என்றொலிக்கும் 
உவணரத  மயில்ரத  நந்திமுக ஷ்ரிங்கிரிடிபிருங்கிகணகூட்டமிணையும்  
சநந்தசனகாதியரும்- வணங்கும்தடம் வெளி சிதம்பர நடம் மனம் தொழ

ananta (endless) nine jewels (navaratna) shining /appearing (vilasat) kataka kinkini  jhalam jhala jhalam jhala  sound (ravam)

vishnu (mukunda) brahma (vidhi)  procured/obtained (hasta gata) maddala  laya dhvani dhimdhimi dance (nartana) feet (padam)

garuda (in this place), a large bird of prey (shakunta) charioted (ratha) peacock (barhi) charioted (ratha) nandi faced (nandi mukha) horned (zrngi) crackling/roaring of flames (riTi) fig tree/bees (bhrngi) assembly of ganas (gana sangha) near (nikatam)

sananda, sanaka, lead by (pramukha) submit to that feet (vandita padam) external chidambara dance (para chidambara natam) worships the  heart (hrdi bhaja)

Endless navaratnas shine in the kataka which sounds as kinkini as the dance goes according to the maddala laya sound of vishnu and brahma. With vishnu, karthikeya, nandi, shringi, riti, bhringi kind of ganas around, sananda and sanaka kind of munis submit to that feet. Heartful worship to that external dance.


Different matter forms originate and react with each other as dicated by spacetime curvature (gravity/Brahma)  and mass (vishnu).  Around this dance of energy, properties of mass (vishnu), thermal energy (karthikeya), along with different impulses (munis) and forces evolve.

Sloka 5

ananta mahasaM tridasha vandya charaNaM muni hR^idantara vasantam amalam.h 
kabandha viyat indv avani gandhavaha vahni makha bandhu ravi maJNju vapushham.h |
anantavibhavaM trijagad ntara maNiM trinayanaM tripura khaNDana param.h 
sananda muni vandita padaM sakaruNaM para chidambara naTaM hR^idi bhaja

எண்ணற்றதிறன் முப்பதின்மர்சரணம் முனிஅகம்உள்(ளே) வசிக்கும்வெளிச்சம் 
மேகமுடைவானம்நிலம்    காற்றுமதி வேள்விதலை சூரியனாய் அழகுவடிவம் 
எண்ணற்றவளமும் மூவுலகின்அழகுஅகமும் முக்கண்ணன் முப்புரம் எரித்த சிவம்  
சநந்தமுனி வணங்கும்இடம்   கருணைமுகம்   வெளி சிதம்பர நடம் மனம் தொழ

infinite (ananta) knowledge (mahasam) thirty devas (tri-dasa) submit to feet (vandya charanam) muni heart (hrd) inside (antara) flawless (amalam) spring (vasantam)

with water (kabandha) sky (viyat) moon (indv) earth (avani) fragrance carrying vehicle (gandha vaha vahni) sacrifice bound (makha bandhu) sun (ravi) beautiful (manju) bodily form (vapsham)

infinite (ananta) opulence/power (vibhavam) three worlds (trijagad) inner beauty (anta ramani) three eyed (tripura) breaking (khandana) supreme (param)

sananda mui bows (vandita) feet (padam) with grace (sa karunam) external chidambara dance (para chidambara natam) worships the  heart (hrdi bhaja)

With infinite power, all the thirty divine forces submit, purely resides inside muni, takes form as clouds, space, earth, wind, moon, sun, the head of all sacrifices, infinite wealth/prosperity, the jewel inside the three worlds that burns up the three dimensional space, worshipped by sananda. Heartful worship to that external dance.


All the Universe's mater forms submit to that infinitely powered energy and is inside all matter forms (as potential energy) like space, earth, wind, moon, sun,  

Sloka 6

achintyam ali vR^inda ruchi bandhura galaM sphurita kunda nikuram badhavalam 
mukunda sura vR^inda bala hantR^i kR^ita vandana lasantam ahikuNDala dharam.h |
akampam anukampita ratiM sujana maN^galanidhiM gajaharaM pashupatim.h 
dhanaJNjaya nutaM praNata raJNjana paraM para chidambara naTaM hR^idi bhaja

எண்ணடங்கா வண்டுறையும் எண்ணாத கண்டம்  வெண்மல்லி சரமாய் ஒளிரும் உருவம் 
முகுந்தனுடன்தேவ இந்திரனும் ஒளிவந்தனம்செய்திடும் அரவ குண்டலத்திடம் 
அகலா  அருங்கருணை ஈர்க்கும்  நல்லோர் நன்னல செல்வம் பசுபதி கஜமழிக்கும்  
தீபணிய  புகழ் வணங்க மகிழ்வை  தரும் வெளி சிதம்பர நடம் மனம் தொழ

unfathomable (acintya) bee (ali) multitude (vrnda) colored (ruci) bondage (bandhura) throat (galam) quivering (sphurita) jasmine (kunda) flock/mass (nikuramba) white/dazzling (dhavalam)

vishnu (mukunda) devas (sura) flock /troop (vrnda) strong (bala) killing/striking (hantr) doing (krta) salutations (vandana) shining (lasantam) snake (ahi) ear-ring (kundalam) bearer (dharam)

steady (akampam) favoring/mercied/compassionate (anukampita) attraction/attention (ratim) good people (su-jana) treasure of auspiciousness (mangalanidhi) gaja killing (gaja haram) pasupati

Fire (dhananjaya) praised (nutam) bowed (praNata) pleasing (ranjana) supreme (param) external chidambara dance (para chidambara natam) worships the  heart (hrdi bhaja)

Throat appears like innumerous bees swarming a part of jasmine bundle which is his body. To this one who wears serpents as kundala, devas and their kind Indra submit to. Never moving out wide grace that gives wealth and prosperity. Slayer of Gajapati, the pasupati, to whom the fire submits to and praises and gives happiness, Heartful worship to that external dance.


The external dance of Shiva looks like a huge jasmine bundle on which swarms of bees reside. The particle clouds that emerge out of the energy look like the bees and the energy is the jasmine bundle. 

The forces produced by these particles with mass (ahi are forces produced by particles with mass) look like kundalas/ear-rings around the dancing energy.  Hara overcomes 'elephantine forces' (Higgs field) to produce matter and biological beings (pasupathi). The transfer of energy (fire, dhanaMjaya) produces prosperirty as matter forms submits to the energy.

Sloka 7

paraM suravaraM puraharaM pashupatiM janita dantimukha shhaNmukhamamuM 
mR^iDaM kanaka piN^gala jaTaM sanakapaN^kaja raviM sumanasaM himaruchim.h | asaN^ghamanasaM jaladhi janmakaralaM kavalayanta matulaM guNanidhim.h 
sananda varadaM shamitamindu vadanaM para chidambara naTaM hR^idi bhaja

சிவம்  மிக்கதேவரும் புறம்அறும் பசுபதிம் ஈனும்பெரும்பல்முகம் ஆறுமுகமுடன்  
அருள் தங்கசடைநெருப்பெனும்   பழங்கமலசூரியன்   மனதாகும்  சந்திரன்  
பற்றற்றமனதும் கடல்உதித்தவிடமும் விழுங்கிடும் ஒப்பற்ற குண கடல்  
மகிழவரம்தரும் தணிக்கும்  மதிமுகம்  வெளி சிதம்பர நடம் மனம் தொழ

supreme (param) best of suras (sura varam) puram burning (pura haram) pasupati (pasupati) born (janita) ganapati (dantimukha) shanmugam (shanmugam) unto him (amum)

gracious (mrdam) golden (kanaka) fire (pingala) hair (jatam) ancient/former (sanaka) lotus (pankaja) sun (ravim) good manas (su manasam) cold (hima) colored/luster (rucim)

unattached (asanga) mind (manasam) ocean (jaladi) born (janma) poison (karalam) swallower (kavalyantam) unmatched/peerless (atulam) ocean of gunas (guna nidhim)

sananda (sananda) boon-giver (varadaM) calm (shamitam) moon (indu) face (vadanam) external chidambara dance (para chidambara natam) worships the  heart (hrdi bhaja)

Shiva, the best of Suras, that burns the puras, lord of pazus, gives rise to ganapati and shanmukha, with golden flaming jata, the oldest of all the sun-lotuses, the manas, the chandra, detached mind, one that swallows the poison that arise out of the ocean and hence surpassing all gunas, moon-faced that gives peace and happiness.


Shiva, the Energy that originates the Universe is the oldest of sun-lotus systems (giver of energy and user of energy), the one detached from the rest of Universe though making it, one that filters off all the decaying weak forces.

Sloka 8

ajaM kshitirathaM bhujagapuN^gavaguNaM kanaka shR^iN^gi dhanushhaM karalasat.h 
kuraN^ga pR^ithu TaN^ka parashuM ruchira kuN^kuma ruchiM DamarukaM cha dadhatam | 
mukunda vishikhaM namadavandhya phaladaM nigama vR^inda turagaM nirupamaM sachaNDikamamuM jhaTiti saMhR^itapuraM parachidambara naTaM hR^idi bhaja

பிறவா  புவிரதம்       நாண்சிறந்தஅரவம்    வில்தங்கச்சிகரமாய் கையாண்டிடும் 
கலைமான்  பெரும்கத்திபரசும் ஒளிரும் குங்குமநிறம் உடுக்கையும் ஏந்திடும் /ஏந்தும் 
விஷ்ணுஅம்புடைய  பணியபலம்தந்திடும்  புரவிகூட்டங்கள்வேதம்  இணைஅறும் 
சண்டிகையுடன் இணைந்து அழிக்கும் புறம் வெளி சிதம்பர நடம் மனம் தொழ

unborn (ajam) earth chariot (ksiti ratham)  best of snake (bhujanga pungava) thread /string (guNam) golden (kanaka) horned (shrngi) bow (dhanusham) makes (kara) hanging/glittering (lasat)

antelope (kuranga) big (prithu) sword (tagka) axe (parashum) glittering/colored (rucira) red (kumkuma) colored (rucim) damaru (damarukam) and gives/carries (dadhatm)

vishnu (mukunda) arrows (vishikam) saluting (namat) worth-while (avantya) fruit-giver (phaladam) collection of essays (nigama vrnda) finest of horses (turamga nirupamam)

with chandi (sa chandikam) unto him (amum) entangled or mixed with (jhat iti) slays the puram (samhrita puram) external chidambara dance (para chidambara natam) worships the  heart (hrdi bhaja)

Unborn chariot of 'earth', whose bow-string are serpents, bows are golden peaks, holds sword, parasu, damru and a deer, vishnu is the arrow, horses are the veda, along with chandika burns the space, heartful worship to that external dance.


Energy carries and moves all the Universe's matter forms like a 'chariot'. The horses that drive this chariot are the evolutionary wisdom (vedas). With chandika (in the form of chandika), Shiva, the energy fills the 3 dimensional space. 

The peaks of energy excitation in the 3 dimensional space are the bow, the forces produced in different fields are the bow-string and the arrow released are particles with vishnu, the property of mass.

Sloka 9

anaN^ga paripanthinam ajaM kshiti dhurandharam alaM karuNayantamakhilaM
jvalantamanalaM dadhatamantakaripuM satatamindramukhavanditapadam.h | 
udaJNchadaravindakula bandhushata bimbaruchi saMhati sugandhi vapushhaM 
pataJNjalinutaM praNavapaJNchara shukaMpara chidambara naTaM hR^idi bhaja

அருவம்தடைசெய்திடும்   பிறவாபுவி தாங்கிடும் நிறை கருணையாகும் அகிலம் 
தீயெழும்  பிழம்பும்  ஏந்திடும் அழிவெரிக்கும் என்றென்றும் இந்திரரும்பணியும்தடம் 
எழுப்பிடும்கமலமலர்-பருதிபலஉருவம்  இணைந்திட்ட புனிதவடிவம் 
பதஞ்சலிபுகழ் பிரணவசிறையில்விழும்  வெளி சிதம்பர நடம் மனம் தொழ

bodyless (an-anga) hindering (paripanthin) unborn (ajam) earth (ksiti) burden bearing (dhuraMdhar) amalam (pure) causeless mercy till end (karunayantam) of universe (akhilam) 

burning (jvalantam) fire (analam) holding (dadhatam) destruction (antaka) adversary (ripuM)  always (satata) indra's face/ indra etc/ (indra mukha) salutes (vandita) feet (padam)

lifted/raised (udancita) lotus (aravinda) family (kula) relative (bandhu) hundred (shata) images (bimba) colored (ruci) keeping together/accumulation (samhati) fragrant (sugandhi) form /body (vapusham)

patanjali praised (patanjali nutam)  pranava  caged parrot (pranava pajjara zukha) external chidambara dance (para chidambara natam) worships the  heart (hrdi bhaja)

Prevents the formless, though unborn bears Universe due to its grace, holds the fire with flames, destroys the antaka and hence saluted by Indra, gives raise to lotus-sun systems, holy form that unites hundreds of these suns.


Shiva, the energy gives rise to several lotus-sun systems, though it is formless, because of fire it holds. Hence it is equivalent to hundreds of such systems and submitted to by all matter forms.

Sloka 10

iti stavamamuM bhujagapuN^gava kR^itaM pratidinaM paThati yaH kR^itamukhaH 
sadaH prabhupada dvitaya darshana padaM sulalitaM charaNa shR^iN^ga rahitam.h | 
saraHprabhava sambhava haritpati haripramukha divyanuta shaN^karapadaM 
sa gachchhati paraM na tu janur jalanidhiM parama duHkha janakaM duritadam.h || 10||

சிறந்தஅரவமும்  அவனருளியமந்திரம் அனுதினம் படித்த ஆன்றோர்யாவரும் 
அவன்  உயர்இருதிருவடி கண்டிடும்இடம் அழகிடம் அங்கில்லைஏற்றஇறக்கம் 
ஆழிஉறையோன்உதித்த -திசைகளும் -அரிமுதலோர் புகழ்ந்திடும் சங்கரதடம் 
இப் பிறவி கடல் து  யர் துக்கங்களனைத்தும் ஆக்கும்அப்பதம்அடைய  நீங்கிடும் 

thus (iti) hymns (stava) unto him (amum) best of snake (bhujanga pungava) maker (krtam) each day (prati dinam) patati (reads) who (yah) skilled (krtamukha)

seat/assembly (sadas)  abode of prabhu (prabhu pada) two (dvitaya) show (darshana) feet (padam) beautiful/playful (su-lalitam) devoid of a charanam /foot /low and shrnggam/high/peak  (rahita charana shringa)

water/lake (saras) born first (pra-bhava) manifesting (sambhava) quarter of the sky/vishnu (harit) lord (pati) hari faced/ hari others (hari pramukha) divinely praised (divya nuta) he (sa)  reaches the shankara's abode (shankara padam sa gacchati)

sa (with) reach (gacchati) supreme (param)  not indeed (na tu)  birth (janur) ocean (jalanidhim) greatest of sorrows (parama-duhkha) generative/begetting (janaka) giving sins (durita dam)

These verses created by the best of the serpents (ananta), if read everyday, will lead to discover His feet which is beautiful and which has no peaks or troughs.It is the place where Brahma, vishnu and the directions submit to or praise. If we understand that underlying feet then we get ride of all the pains arising out of the birth cycles.


The dancing Nataraja form of Shiva, the energy is as seen by ananta (primitive particles with mass).  The feet of this Nataraja has no permanent peaks or troughs (always oscillating) on which spacetime curvature, property of mass and all the directions of universe manifest and impact. 

One who realizes this can easily get out of the pains and sufferings associated with our birth and death cycle as the 'big-picture' is seen.


