All forms in the Universe with 'property of mass' are called 'matter forms'. These matter forms are said to be six-footed or grounded with six properties, because of their property of 'mass'. The six properties are
1. All matter forms with mass are 'real' (not virtual), get annihilated and become energy.
2. All matter forms get impacted by Electromagnetic radiation by absorption, reflection or physical scattering. The property of mass is like the pollens that propagate more matter forms by Light/EM radiation.
3. All matter forms travel at non-relativistic speeds or less than the speed of light, due to their property of mass. Hence they are also subjected to 'time'. Thus they can never become timeless.
4. All matter forms have a 'temperature' or some kinetic energy. They can never reach absolute zero. Hence the property of mass always help manifest and never casts aside to zero.
5. All matter forms occupy space physically in various sizes, shapes, volumes and densities.
6. All matter forms hold a specific property called 'mass', which causes these above characteristics in them. Thus the property of mass is said to provide different set of characteristics from massless ones.
Vishnu Shat-padi - The six parts of Vishnu
Vishnu is the property of 'mass'. Hence Vishnu can be described through the six properties, as follows.
1. Vishnu eliminates mirage/virtual, brings reality, eliminates pride or arrogance of existence.
2. Vishnu is the Universal bliss enjoyed by all like a river of pollens/makaranda enjoyed by flowers (matter forms)
3. Vishnu, though immortal, makes mortal matter forms that can never become immortal (subjected to time, due to relativistic speeds)
4. Vishnu manifests everything, never casts aside anything, thus protects everything. (no absolute zero)
5. Vishnu descends in the Universe in various avatars of size, shape and form. (avatara)
6. Vishnu is the holder of a 'guna', that provides the above characteristics to particles that arise after Higgs field acquire vacuum expectation value. (after samudra manthan)
Executive Summary of Vishnu Shat-padi stotram
Vishnu Shatpadi stotram talks of these six footed properties of Vishnu in six stanzas. They are
Stanza 1: Vishnu removes virtual (mirage) and brings reality. Hence said to eliminate immodesty in us.
Stanza 2: Vishnu spreads as makaranda river, the Universal bliss enjoyed by all. Hence said to remove fear and sorrows.
Stanza 3: Though as Sat, the immortalty, Vishnu is present in all, we are only mortal manifestations like waves of an ocean. Hence we never become the Sat, the immortal.
Stanza 4: Vishnu' makes everything to manifest and never casts aside anything. Hence said to be like Sun and Moon.
Stanza 5: Vishnu keeps descending on earth continuously in various forms. Hence said to drive away the fears of 'self'. (protects)
Stanza 6. Vishnu holds this guna and provides it to all that come out of samudra manthan, Hence called damodara, the controller.
Summary of Vishnu Shatpadi stotram
- Vishnu takes away the immodesty/arrogance, is mind that controls, relieves from the mirages/false perception. Expands his Universal benevolence to sail in the ocean of material existence.
- The fragrant river of makaranda that everything (in the Universe) enjoy, the Universal bliss, the lotus feet of sripati that cuts off fear and sorrow, I offer my obeisance's to it.
- Though the difference with Sat goes away, Lord, I can never become your 'self'. In ocean waves manifest. Ocean is not made of waves.
- Carrier of mountain, younger brother of breaker of mountain, enemy of danuja, sight of sun and moon, (whose) sight becomes manifestations does not become what becomes concealed/neglected/chastised/abused.
- Beginning with matsya avatar, several avatars continuously descend in planet Earth. Your governorship of Parameswar makes distance the fears of 'self'.
- Damodar (who controls with a string in the middle) that houses all the gunas, the lotus faced beautiful govinda, in all those that came from the churning ocean of milky ocean, you relieve their fears.
- Narayana, full of compassion, let me surrender unto your feet. Thus these six steps/quarters/parts given to me reside ever in me as lotus-faced.
Vishnu Shatpadi Stotram
Stanza 1
avinayam apanaya viṣṇo damayama naḥśama yaviṣaya mṛgatṛṣṇām |
bhūta dayāṃvis tāraya tāraya saṃsāra sāgarataḥ || 1 ||
கர்வத்தை அகற்றும் விஷ்ணு அடக்கிடும் மனதாய் பொய்வடிவம் அழித்திடுமாம்
சர்வ தயாளனாய் படருமே, போகவே (இவ்)வாழ்க்கை மாகடலில்
Vishnu takes away the immodesty/arrogance, is the mind that controls, relieves from the mirages/false perception. Expands his Universal benevolence to sail in the ocean of material existence.
Stanza 2
divyadhunī makarande parimaḷa paribhogasac cidānande | śrīpati padāravinde bhavabhaya khedac chidevande || 2 ||
திவ்யநதி மகரந்தமே நறுமண துய்க்கும்ஆழ் பெருமானந்தமே
திருவடி நற்றாமரையே பயம்துயர் அறும்தாள்பணிந் தேன்
divine/celestial (divya) sounding /agitating/ like a river (dhuni) honey (makaranda) fragrance/copulation/attractive (parimala) all around sense enjoyment (pari bhoga) saccidananda Lakshmi/Sripati (sripati) lotus feet (padara vinde) manifests (bhava) fear (bhaya) sorrow (kheda) cut off (chida) I offer my respect (vande)
The fragrant river of makaranda that everything (in the Universe) enjoy, the Universal bliss, the lotus feet of sripati that cuts off fear and sorrow, I offer my obeisance's to it.
Stanza 3
satyapibhedaa pagame nāthatavaahaṃ namāma kīnastvam | sāmudro hi taraṅgaḥ kvacana samudro na tāraṅgaḥ || 3 ||
மெய்யுடன்பேதம் போயினும் நாதன் உன்அகம் நானாக முடியாதே
மாகடல் எழும்அலைகள் எங்குமே அலைகளால் கடல்எழா
Existence (sat) api (though) bheda (difference) apagama (goes away) lord (nAtha) you (tava) self (aham) not (na) principle of my/mine (mAmakIna stvam) in/from the ocean (sAmudro) only (hi) waves (tarangah) somewhere (kvacana) ocean (samudro) not (na) from the waves (tArangah)
Though the difference with Sat goes away, Lord, I can never become your 'self'. In ocean waves manifest. Ocean is not made of waves.
Stanza 4
uddhṛta naganaga bhidanuja danuja kulaamitra mitra śaśidṛṣṭe | dṛṣṭe bhavatiprabhavatinabhavati kiṃbhava tiraskāraḥ || 4 ||
ஏந்திடும் மலைமலை யறுநம்பி தானவ குலமெதிர் சூர்ய சந்த்ர பார்வை
பார்வை செய்திடும் வெளிப்பட செய்திடாது எதையும் (மே) புறம்தள்ள
Carried (uddhrta) mountain (naga) breaker of mountain (nagabhid) younger brother (anuja) sons of danu (danuja) enemy of their family (kula amitra) sun, moon (mitra zasi) sight (drste). sight (drste) becomes (bhavati) manifests (prabhavati) not (na) becomes manifested (bhavati) what (kim) becomes/exists/situated (bhava) neglected/abused/offended/cast aside (tiraskara)
Carrier of mountain, younger brother of breaker of mountain, enemy of danuja, sight of sun and moon, (whose) sight becomes manifestations does not become what becomes concealed/neglected/chastised/abused.
Stanza 5
matsyā dibhirava tārair avatār avatā' vatāsadā vasudhāṃ ।
paramēś varapari pālyō bhavatā bhavataapabhīt ō' haṃ
மச்ச முதல்அவ தாரங்கள் தொடர்ந்து அவதரி ப்பாய்என்றுமே புவியில்
பரமேஸ் வரபரி பாலனம் செய்திட தள்ளும் தூர மனோ பயம்
From beginning with matsya (matsyadhibhir) several incarnations (avatarair) descend (avatara) from/downwards (ava) for so long (tavata) always (sada) in planet earth (vasudham). Easwar (parameswar) governorship (paripalya) by your good self (bhavatA) manifest/make (bhavata) away (apa) fears (bhIta) of self (aham).
Beginning with matsya avatar, several avatars continuously descend in planet Earth. Your governorship of Parameswar makes distance the fears of 'self'.
Stanza 6
dāmo daraguṇa mandira sundara vadanaaravinda govinda | bhavajala dhimathana mandara paramaṃ daram apanaya tvaṃ me || 6 ||
தாமோ தரகுணம் தாங்கிட சுந்தர கமலாமுகத்த கோவிந்த
பாற்கடல் கடைதலில் தோன்றிய அனைத்திலும் பயம் அகற்றுவாய் நீயே
Damodar (who controls with a string in the middle) that houses all the gunas, the lotus faced beautiful govinda, in all those that came from the churning ocean of milky ocean, you relieve their fears.
Stanza 7
nārā yaṇakaru ṇāmaya śaraṇaṃ karavāṇitāvakau caraṇau | iti ṣaṭpadī madīye vadana saroje sadā vasatu ||
அன்பால் நிறை நாராயண சரணம் செய்தேன்னுந்தன்பாதங்கள் இரண்டும்
இவ்வாறுப்படி என்னுள்ளே தாமரை முகமாய் என்றும் வசிக்கும்
Narayana, full of compassion, let me surrender unto your feet. Thus these six steps/quarters/parts given to me reside ever in me as lotus-faced.
Super sir, your content rocks