Entropy – Information Content – Knowledge – Buddhi
The possible micro-states matter can occupy is called Entropy. It is the ‘information content’ or ‘knowledge’ of any system made of matter forms.When spacetime holding the matter itself expands or contracts, the possible micro-states that matter can occupy changes. When there is expansion, possible micro-states or entropy or information content increases. When there is contraction, it decreases.
Similarly when energy is added to matter/system, the vibrations of matter, which is the thermal energy of the system increases. But some part of the input energy also goes into increasing the possible microstates that matter can occupy. That is entropy also increases.
This perceivable /visible entropy/possible micro-states is the information content or knowledge or buddhi.
Prajna (Residual Entropy) and Buddhi (Entropy)
Pra-jna means the ‘first of knowings’ or ‘first of the information content’. It can also be seen as the residual knowing or residual information that remains. In living beings, as residual knowing that remains till life exists, it is translated as ‘consciousness’ of living beings.In thermodynamic systems, it is the residual entropy or residual information content at zero kelvin.
It is on this residual entropy or residual information that further information builds. It is on this consciousness or residual entropy that ‘buddhi/knowledge’ or the perceivable ‘entropy’ appears.
In Universe’s terms, the four-stage vAk, the expression of this whole Universe (Quantum Background oscillations, Quantum, Emergence of classicality and Classical world) start with residual entropy at zero kelvin. In biological terms, the human expression starts with consciousness.
In Universe’s terms, Buddhi is the information content or entropy above zero kelvin. In biological terms buddhi is the visible/perceivable knowledge that appears on top of consciousness.
Tree and Leaves
If prajna, the residual entropy is the tree, then buddhi are the leaves.Like the tree that shed its leaves can regenerate them again and again, prajna, expressions of matter with residual entropy has the capacity to regenerate buddhi (information content or entropy) again and again, in Universe’s terms.
In biological terms, as long as there is prajna, it can grow buddhi.
Buddhi grows by Vidhya, the learning
Buddhi, the entropy or knowledge grows by Vidhya, the process of learning.In Universe’s terms, vidhya is process of acquiring new microscopic states or information content or entropy due to addition/subtraction of energy or expanding into space.
In Biological terms, Vidhya is learning new information that increases knowledge/buddhi.
While buddhi increases by Vidhya (the learning), brahman (the evolution) occurs by both Vidhya and Avidhya. Brahman, the evolution happens through the process of learning and un-learning.
In Universe’s terms, Avidhya is the process of losing some microscopic states or information content or entropy due to addition/subtraction of energy or change in occupation of space.
For eg. a gravitational collapse of a star. As matter collapses due to spacetime warping or gravitation, the possible states that it can occupy, its information content or entropy gets reduced. This is a process of Avidhya or unlearning. But this process of avidya or unlearning increases the thermal energy which ultimately makes it to break the electromagnetic barriers and causes proton-proton fusion creating far advanced elements.
Thus unlearning ultimately leads to newer evolution of matter.
In biological terms, avidhya is losing some existing information in such a way, the current barriers are overcome and newer evolution occurs. For eg. when sea levels rise, separating land-masses, biological beings have to unlearn some of their survival/energy consumption techniques and learn new energy consumption techniques in the process of adaptation, which leads to evolution of totally new species with new capabilities.
Un-learning or Avidhya is vital for evolution. What is un-learnt effectively determines evolution to new species, in both matter and beings.
Brahman, evolution through Vidya and Avidya
Vidhya is learning. Avidhya is Un-learning.While buddhi increases by Vidhya (the learning), brahman (the evolution) occurs by both Vidhya and Avidhya. Brahman, the evolution happens through the process of learning and un-learning.
In Universe’s terms, Avidhya is the process of losing some microscopic states or information content or entropy due to addition/subtraction of energy or change in occupation of space.
For eg. a gravitational collapse of a star. As matter collapses due to spacetime warping or gravitation, the possible states that it can occupy, its information content or entropy gets reduced. This is a process of Avidhya or unlearning. But this process of avidya or unlearning increases the thermal energy which ultimately makes it to break the electromagnetic barriers and causes proton-proton fusion creating far advanced elements.
Thus unlearning ultimately leads to newer evolution of matter.
In biological terms, avidhya is losing some existing information in such a way, the current barriers are overcome and newer evolution occurs. For eg. when sea levels rise, separating land-masses, biological beings have to unlearn some of their survival/energy consumption techniques and learn new energy consumption techniques in the process of adaptation, which leads to evolution of totally new species with new capabilities.
Un-learning or Avidhya is vital for evolution. What is un-learnt effectively determines evolution to new species, in both matter and beings.
The Intelligence of Atman
We, the matter and beings are the thoughts/knowledge of the Atman. This Veda/knowledge of the Universe, its information content, is of three types. They are trayi-Veda. The knowledge of Universe is distributed in Rca, sAma and Yajur. Apart from them is the atharvana. Refer (1).
Yajna is the sacrifice of matter (or) information, in which evolution of new matter forms/information occur. This evolution/expansion of matter forms/information is the Brahman.
This Brahman/Evolution, which is the evolution of matter forms/information/knowledge is the only reality to be seen in this Universe.
If matter is information/knowledge of Atman, if Yajna is the sacrifice that evolves more information/knowledge (expands it), then the performance of this sacrifice is the ‘intelligence’ of the Atman.
Hence kratu is also known as ‘intelligence’ of Atman as well as performance of Sacrifice.
This Brahman/Evolution, which is the evolution of matter forms/information/knowledge is the only reality to be seen in this Universe.
If matter is information/knowledge of Atman, if Yajna is the sacrifice that evolves more information/knowledge (expands it), then the performance of this sacrifice is the ‘intelligence’ of the Atman.
Hence kratu is also known as ‘intelligence’ of Atman as well as performance of Sacrifice.
Like performance of Yajna/sacrifice leads to new matter forms which in turn leads to newer sacrifice/yajna of newer type of matter, Intelligence leads to understanding newer information and newer information leads to newer intelligence.
Humans - Artificial Intelligence of Atman..?
Let's do this fantasy trip.
From thoughts of Atman, we the human beings with thinking capabilities and knowledge have evolved. We are Atman’s Artificial Intelligence in a way.
From thoughts of Atman, we the human beings with thinking capabilities and knowledge have evolved. We are Atman’s Artificial Intelligence in a way.
We have Brahman, the evolution/expansion of matter in us. Our thoughts, our knowledge are always evolving because we have the brahman, the evolution, the ultimate reality of this Universe.
-To be continued
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