In the last 2 blogs I had described the ‘scalar’, vector and spinor fields and particles that rise from the spinor field. Apart from Sura, Asura, Rakshasa and Yaksha, there are few other celestial beings that are talked about in Vedas and Puranas. They are Daitya, Aditya, Apsaras, Gandharva and Devas. Let’s go into these..Force-fields as abodes and weapons
Shiva is energy. Vishnu is mass. Then there are three fundamental Quantum Vector force-fields. They are Strong, Weak and Electromagnetic force-fields. There is a Scalar force-field which is Higgs. The force-fields are either ‘celestial abodes’ or ‘celestial weapons’.
They are ‘abodes’ of Energy (Shiva), Mass (Vishnu) or Charge (Yama).
- Strong force-field are abode of Energy (Shiva). This is kailAsa.
- Weak force field are abode of Mass (Vishnu). This is vaikuNTha.
- Electromagnetic force-field are abode of Charge (Yama). This is Yamaloka.
These force-fields are weapons when they deliver the ‘forces’ in them.
- Kuvera’s Pushpaka Vimana delivers the strong force.
- Vishnu’s Sudarshan Chakra delivers the weak force.
- Shiva’s Trishula delivers the electromagnetic force.
We will see more on these ‘weapons’ and how the stories around these make sense.
Strong force-field -kAilasa
Strong force-field binds the Quarks into protons and neutrons. It also binds the protons and neutrons causing the Atomic nucleus. Though atomic nucleus is made of Quarks and masses of Quarks, the primary mass of nucleus comes from its binding energy caused by Strong interaction. That is strong force-field causes a huge binding energy and energy density which constitutes the 99% of mass of a nucleus.
Since a huge binding energy resides in strong force-field, this strong force-field is said to be the abode of ‘energy’ or Shiva. It is called ‘kailAsa’
The vector ‘weak’ force field, sudarshan chakra is capable of destroying/decaying all the five races of fermions (excitations of spinor field) anywhere. But this field becomes the ‘abode’ of Vishnu, the mass. It is because Vishnu, the mass takes abode in this field, this field is made ‘dull’ or ‘slow’ or ‘weak’.
Without Vishnu residing on it, this weak field would not have allowed any particle to be stable. Vishnu, the mass, by making this bosons massive, reduces the range and effect of this field and makes it very slow. Hence particles don’t get decayed or destroyed just like that. This ‘weak’ force-field takes a lot of time to decay the particles. Hence it is called ‘weak’ force-field.
kuNTha means ‘dull’ or ‘slow’ or ‘weak’. vikuNTha means definitely dull or weak or slow. VaikuNTha is that has this property of being dull or weak. The weak force-field in which Vishnu, the mass has taken shelter (or abode) is called vaikuNTha.
VaikuNTha is the Weak-force-field in which Vishnu, the mass resides.
Weak force-field - VaikuNTha
Weak force-field causes slow decay of particles into other forms of particles. It is ‘massive’ as it interacts with Higgs scalar field and acquires mass. Since mass is Vishnu, Weak-force-field is called sudarshan Chakra.The vector ‘weak’ force field, sudarshan chakra is capable of destroying/decaying all the five races of fermions (excitations of spinor field) anywhere. But this field becomes the ‘abode’ of Vishnu, the mass. It is because Vishnu, the mass takes abode in this field, this field is made ‘dull’ or ‘slow’ or ‘weak’.
Without Vishnu residing on it, this weak field would not have allowed any particle to be stable. Vishnu, the mass, by making this bosons massive, reduces the range and effect of this field and makes it very slow. Hence particles don’t get decayed or destroyed just like that. This ‘weak’ force-field takes a lot of time to decay the particles. Hence it is called ‘weak’ force-field.
kuNTha means ‘dull’ or ‘slow’ or ‘weak’. vikuNTha means definitely dull or weak or slow. VaikuNTha is that has this property of being dull or weak. The weak force-field in which Vishnu, the mass has taken shelter (or abode) is called vaikuNTha.
Electromagnetic force field - Yama loka
Electromagnetic field mediates electric charges (+ve and -ve). These charges are used to ‘bind’ nucleus and electrons forming atoms, binding atoms to form elements, molecules, compounds and larger macro structures of Universe. This binding is called ‘pAza’. It also causes instantaneous destruction of particles and their conversion to pure energy/light/electromagnetic field when particles opposite charges collide with each other. This annihilation is called ‘mrtyu’.VaikuNTha, kailAsa and Yamaloka
VaikuNTha is the ‘abode’ of Vishnu. Kailasa is the abode of Shiva. Yamaloka is the abode of Yama.VaikuNTha is the Weak-force-field in which Vishnu, the mass resides.
kailAsa is the strong-force-field in which Shiva, the energy resides.
Yamaloka is the Electromagnetic force-field in which Yama, the charges reside.
A particle can decay/change by Strong force-field, Weak force-field or Electromagnetic force-field. When a particle decays by weak force-field and becomes different other particles, it is said to go to ‘VaikuNTha’.
Yamaloka is the Electromagnetic force-field in which Yama, the charges reside.
A particle can decay/change by Strong force-field, Weak force-field or Electromagnetic force-field. When a particle decays by weak force-field and becomes different other particles, it is said to go to ‘VaikuNTha’.
When a particle annihilates due to charge-charge conjugate (+ve and -ve), it converts to pure energy and is said to go to ‘Yamaloka’.
When a particle decays by strong force-field and becomes different other particles, it is said to go to ‘kailAsa’.
VaikuNTha as Chakra-perumal
vaikuNTha is not only the abode of Vishnu the mass. It can also be seen as a name for Vishnu (mass) with Chakra (vector force-field). VaikuNTha as Vishnu is called Chakra-perumal or Chakra-th-aazhvaar. The vaikuNTha vishnu is depicted as Vishnu with Gada (mass) one one side and Chakra (weak field) on another side, both looking upto Vishnu in the middle.
An act of ‘drinking a liquid’ represents an ‘interaction’ with a particle. For eg.
Force-fields and Interactions
There are four important ‘fluids’ that are being talked about as ‘drunk’ by these particles. They are ‘Soma’, ‘madhu’, ‘Apa’ and ‘Amrt’.An act of ‘drinking a liquid’ represents an ‘interaction’ with a particle. For eg.
- Drinking ‘Soma’ means ‘Strong interaction’.
- Drinking ‘Amrt’ means Higgs interaction.
- Drinking ‘madhu’ means Weak interaction.
- Drinking ‘Apa’ means Electromagnetic interaction.
So what causes a particle to drink/interact with Soma (Strong), Madhu (Weak) or Apa (electromagnetic)..? These particles need to have a ‘tendency’ to drink Soma or Madhu or Apa.
This ‘tendency’ is called ‘Charge’ in quantum physics.
The electrons and positrons do not have Color charge. They don’t drink soma or don’t undergo strong interaction. The electrons and positrons drink madhu and hence undergo weak interaction. The electrons and positrons drink Apa and hence undergo electromagnetic interaction.
The neutrinos do not have Color charge. They don’t drink soma or undergo strong interaction. The neutrinos have Weak Charge. Hence they drink Madhu or undergo weak interaction. The neutrinos do not drink Apa and hence do not undergo Electromagnetic interaction.
This ‘tendency’ is called ‘Charge’ in quantum physics.
- A particle having Color charge drinks Soma or undergoes strong interaction.
- A particle having Weak Charge drinks Madhu or undergoes weak interaction.
- A particle having Electric Charge drinks Apa or undergoes electromagnetic interaction.
Particles and their interactions
Of the pancha-jana, the Quarks and antiquarks have Color Charge. They drink Soma or undergo strong interaction. The quarks and antiquarks have Weak charge. They drink madhu or undergo weak interaction. The quarks and antiquarks have Electic charge. They drink Apa or undergo electromagnetic interaction.The electrons and positrons do not have Color charge. They don’t drink soma or don’t undergo strong interaction. The electrons and positrons drink madhu and hence undergo weak interaction. The electrons and positrons drink Apa and hence undergo electromagnetic interaction.
The neutrinos do not have Color charge. They don’t drink soma or undergo strong interaction. The neutrinos have Weak Charge. Hence they drink Madhu or undergo weak interaction. The neutrinos do not drink Apa and hence do not undergo Electromagnetic interaction.
- The Color Charge is called Kubera in Vedic parlance. Hence those particles that have ‘kubera’ (Color Charge) in them undergo strong interaction or drink Soma.
- The Weak Charge is called ‘kAla’ in Vedic parlance. Hence those that have kAla (weak Charge) in them undergo weak interaction or drink Madhu.
- The Electric Charge is called ‘yama’ in Vedic parlance. Hence those that have Yama (electric charge) undergo Electromagnetic interaction or drink Apa.
Kubera (Color Charge), kAla (Weak Charge), Yama (Electric Charge)
There are five races, pancha-janas and further classifications of them based on handedness, flavor, color, charge etc.
These five races are excitations of spinor field, the fermions (the Conch). They are quarks, antiquarks, electrons, positrons and neutrinos. I did not add anti-neutrinos because I consider neutrinos as ‘majorana’ form and not dirac form (will delve more on dirac and majorana form later).
These races can be classified based on Chirality (Left or Right handed), Flavor (mass), Color Charge and electric charge and Weak charge.
kubera is Color Charge. Yama/Yami is the electric charge. kAla is the weak Charge. Will go through each one of them in separate blogs later.
Ku-bera is which is 'deformed'. It is the Color charge of Vaizravana, the gluons. I will delve on it separately later.
Yama is Charge and Yami is Charge conjugate. Particles that possess yama (Charge) are particles. Particles that possess Yami (Charge conjugate) are anti-particles. Yama (Charge) and Yami (charge Conjugate) are born together in a process called ‘pair production’. When High energy photons split, they split into fermions (Spinor field excitations, Conch) of Particle (Charge) and Anti-particle (Charge conjugate). Since they are born together as pair in particle and antiparticle, they are said to be brother and sister or ‘twins’. They should NOT ‘marry’ each other as the merger of particle and antiparticle causes annihilation.
kAla is the weak charge. Particles that possess kAla (weak charge) decay slowly as weak charge is ‘weak’. This is called ‘kSaya’. This is like aging (jara), becoming old and decaying.
‘kala’ means ‘anything very small/minute’, ‘a minute amount of time’. It is used to denote something very small. Very small period of time is called ‘kala’. Hence kAla is a very ‘weak’ charge and acts very ‘minutely’.
kAla, the weak charge also indicates the ‘arrow of time’. I will describe how arrow of time (kAla) maps to weak Charge ‘kAla’ later. But for now, kAla is the weak charge that enables particles to interact with weak force and decay these particles in a minute way, very slowly, over a great period of time. Hence kAla is the weak charge, destruction and time all combined.
There are particles that possess kAla and there are those that do not have kAla, the weak charge.
More to come
There are particles that possess kAla and there are those that do not have kAla, the weak charge.
More to come
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