The cosmological constant problem
As different fields of studies like Cosmology (involving gravitation and relativity theories), Quantum Electro dynamics (QED), Quantum Field Theory (QFT) emerged in their own ways, their contribution to each others also started emerging. A case in point was cosmological constant.
Einstein devised the cosmological constant (whose units are cm-2 ) from a cosmology (Gravitation and Relativity) perspective to balance the curvature of space and define a static universe. Einstein abandoned the concept after Hubble's 1929 discovery that all galaxies outside the Local Group (the group that contains the Milky Way Galaxy) are moving away from each other, implying an overall expanding universe.
From 1929 until the early 1990s, most cosmology researchers assumed the cosmological constant to be zero.
Since the 1990s, several developments in observational cosmology, especially the discovery of the accelerating universe from distant supernovae in 1998 (in addition to independent evidence from the cosmic microwave background and large galaxy redshift surveys), have shown that some ‘dark energy’ could be accelerating the expansion of Universe and it could contribute to 68% of the mass–energy density of the universe.
This has brought back the cosmological constant to significance once again. The cosmological constant is now seen as contributing to some kind of dark energy or vacuum energy density. This leads to the current standard model of cosmology known as the Lambda-CDM model, which provides a good fit to many cosmological observations as of 2016.
The idea that cosmological constant could be related to some vacuum energy density actually started taking root in Cosmology. Cosmologist G. Lemaitre explained that “Everything happens as though the energy in vacuo would be different from zero. In order that absolute motion, i.e. motion relative to vacuum, may not be detected, we must associate a pressure to the density of energy of vacuum”.
This thought process has further ingrained and has taken root and has become the mainstream understanding. Currently this is essentially the meaning of Einstein’s cosmological constant. A non-zero vacuum energy that kind of cancels out the motion relative to vacuum.
At the same time, Quantum Field theories started talking about energy in vacuum. In the quantum field theories (QFT’s) which underlie modern particle physics, the notion of empty space has been replaced with that of a vacuum state, defined to be the ground (lowest energy density) state of a collection of quantum fields. A peculiar and truly quantum mechanical feature of the quantum fields is that they exhibit zero-point fluctuations everywhere in space, even in regions which are otherwise ‘empty’ (i.e. devoid of matter and radiation). These zero-point fluctuations of the quantum fields, as well as other ‘vacuum phenomena’ of quantum field theory, give rise to an enormous vacuum energy density ρvac.
From observations of solar system, galactic and large-scale cosmology there is an upper bound for the value of cosmological constant (10 -56 cm-2 ) and the related vacuum energy density is
|ρvac| < 10−29 g/cm3 ∼ 10−47 GeV 4 ∼ 10−9 erg/cm3
By contrast, theoretical estimates of various contributions to the vacuum energy density in QFT exceed the observational bound by at least 40 orders of magnitude. This large discrepancy constitutes the cosmological constant problem
The vacuum energy density can also be calculated from Quantum Electro Dynamics (QED), which is the quantum theory of electromagnetic interactions. In QED the zero-point energy depends on the electromagnetic field interaction with other fields and depends on frequency scale and time-scales we deploy. Assuming we integrate the vacuum energy density upto ‘planck scale’, the vacuum energy density from QED perspective is
ρ vplanckac ∼ (1019 GeV ) 4 ∼ 1076 GeV 4 ∼ 10114 erg/cm3
These two show a difference of more than 120 orders of magnitude, which is too huge to reconcile. This also constitutes the cosmological constant problem.
Essentially the cosmological constant problem arises from the low value of energy density as computed from cosmology observations and very high values of energy density as in quantum theories such as QFT and QED.
The cosmological constant problem arises because of the understanding that the low value cosmological constant that was computed in Einstein’s equation from relativity perspective, which indicates some repulsive force which kept the matter in the space from getting crunched due to gravitation is vacuum energy density and it is same as the energy of the vacuum which gives rise to particles and anti-particles and essentially all matter of the Universe.
The Coincidence problem
Another problem that Quintessence model poses is the problem of coincidence.
Universe was known to have expanded greatly during cosmic inflation closer to time of Big Bang. Post that the expansion had slowed down. But again we see that Universe’s expansion has accelerated.
So the question is are we ‘born’ at a special time in which Universe has started accelerating again..? Is that a coincidence..?
Both of these can be answered if we look at them from the vedic ‘prism’. Let's see how these are addressed in the Vedas, in the next few blogs.
The Quintessence Model as aligned to Rg Veda Mandala 10.165
Universe has two scalar fields. One is the scalar field (as proposed in Quintessence model) that provides ‘dark’ Energy to all other fields and creates radiation and ‘particle anti-particle pairs’ out of these fields. Another is the scalar field (Higgs field) that provides ‘mass’ to all particles by interacting with other fields and impeding their movements at various strengths.
These two scalar fields provide Shiva (Energy) and Vishnu (Mass).
Quintessence model proposes a Scalar field (nRRti Rudra) that provides Energy (Shiva) to all other fields. In some models it has two components, Potential and Kinetic. In some models it has only Kinetic. Its kinetic energy depends on the rate of oscillations in the field strength; its potential energy depends on the interaction of the scalar field with other fields of matter like the dirac-spinor field.
Kinetic energy is the energy possessed from the ‘movement’ of energy (like an arrow or missile) from the scalar field. This kinetic energy of the scalar field couples with other fields and becomes the potential energy of other fields.
The difference between the potential and kinetic energies create a pressure. This pressure drives the field itself to expand or collapse. When Kinetic energy of the scalar field is more as in the beginning of the Big-Bang, the pressure is positive or the force exerted by the scalar field is attractive like gravitation.
The kinetic energy of scalar field transfers to other fields (this transfer is called agni). Due to its kinetic (moving nature, which is described as arrow/missile with wings) it interacts with other fields like Strong force field. The strong force field mediated by gluons produce quarks and anti-quarks (or matter particles). More and more energy is transferred from the scalar field (called agni) to other fields. More and more particles are created.
At the beginning, the kinetic energy of the scalar field is more than the potential energy in its interaction with other fields such as strong force field. The pressure is positive and force exerted by scalar field is attractive. The attractive force of the scalar field helps in forming large structures like galaxies, stars etc..
From the vedic mapping, I describe this transfer as transfer to Purusha (dark matter fields) and Go (strong force fields) which are described as the 'abode' that receives the agni. New particles and anti-particles are produced. These new particles and antiparticles are said to be sent to the residence of Yama (essentially acquire distinct electric charges, positive and negative) and hence become susceptible to mrtyu (annihilation).
When more and more matter particles are produced, the Universe moves from being energy dominated to being matter dominated at some point of time.
When more and more matter particles are produced, the Universe moves from being energy dominated to being matter dominated at some point of time.
This results in kinetic energy of scalar field becoming less than the potential energy of scalar field (that depends on interaction with matter). This leads to a negative pressure from the scalar field which starts driving matter away (compared to Gravity which is an attractive force). This leads to expansion and also acceleration of expansion of Universe.
The above is the Quintessence model (aligned to what is in the Rg vedic sloka 10.165) which assumes a scalar field providing energy causing the expansion of the Universe.
This would explain the cosmological constant problem as well as coincidence problem. I will explain it after going through the Rg Vedic sloka 10.165.
Yama - The first mortal to have died
Yama is the Charge. Yami is the charge Conjugate. Yama and Yami are ‘properties’ acquired by particles which leads them to ‘annihilation’ or ‘Mrtyu’ or death. Yama or ‘the property of charge’ leads to Mrtyu/death.
Yama is called ‘VaivastAya’. Vivasvan is radiation of High Energy photons. . Vaivasta is one who is borne out of that radiation. Science says pair production happens out of High energy radiation or photons. The pair production involves a Charged and Charge Conjugate particle.
The process of pair production at High energies is Tvasta. Since charge and its conjugate comes out of pair production, Yama and Yami can also be said to be ‘made’ by Tvasta. In the early Universe that had high energy density, the photons were pair producing charge and charge conjugate particles of quarks and leptons depending on the energy levels.
The pair produced charge and charge conjugate particles then would annihilate each other and become High energy photons. The photons would again pair produce particles. This oscillation between pair production and pair annihilation was the feature of early Universe.
The first birth of matter that happened was with pair production and first ‘death’ of matter that happened in the early Universe was the pair annihilation.
Since Yama and Yami are the charge and its conjugated particles out of pair production (tvasta) and the particle annihilation is the first ‘mortality’ in the Universe, charge and charge conjugate are visualized as the first mortals to have died.. Hence Yama and Yami are said to be the first mortals who died.
In fact all the life and evolution in Universe is associated with flow of charges or creation of charged bondings and all the death that happens in the Universe are related to stopping of the flow of charges or breaking of these charged bonds. For eg., when a human being dies, it is the death of brain, whose electric signal (flow of charges) stops completely.
At classical level, Yama can also be looked at as 'ionization' (acquiring charge) by knocking of electrons or adding electrons to matter.
At classical level, Yama can also be looked at as 'ionization' (acquiring charge) by knocking of electrons or adding electrons to matter.
Birds - Energies (kinetic and potential) of force-fields
Energy can be Kinetic of Potential. When the ‘bird’ flies like ‘missle/arrow’ with wings, it is Kinetic Energy. Kinetic Energy is the energy by the virtue of motion/what they do/action. When it rests in its nest, it is potential energy. The Potential energy is by the virtue of position/where it resides/what is carried.
Various birds mentioned in Vedas are energies of force-fields. These are identified as ‘Su-parna’ which means ‘well leaved’ or ‘well feathered’ one. Well-feathered or well-leaved indicates high energy, whether it is potential or kinetic. Su-parna can be of two types. One is active and other is inert. The active one is kinetic energy. The inert one is potential energy.
Some of the Birds mentioned are:
- `Scalar field of dark Energy called nRRti
- The energy of this field is kapota (Dove). It is kinetic in nature as it moves or flies.
- The potential energy this field imparts to other fields as a bird settles in its nest is Zakuna
- Energy of Dirac-Spinor field from interaction with dark energy scalar field
- The potential energy acquired by dirac-spinor and other fields, when they interact with the scalar field of dark energy (nRRti) is ulUka (owl), which is said to be the carrier of lakshmi. When fields acquire energy and manifest as matter particles (lakshmi is the wealth of matter particles), they go to the residence of Yama/charge and submit to death/mortality as charges can annihilate the mass and convert them to energy. For these reasons Lakshmi the wealth of matter particles is said to be riding on owl/ulUka (potential energy of scalar field nRRti).
Summary of Rg Veda Mandala 10 Hymn 165
The post-dawn matter is what the (Kinetic) energy (kapota) of scalar field came seeking; It enters/appears as the envoy of nRRti, the scalar field. The energy from that scalar field is worshipfully removed for the well-being of the force-fields (catuspade) and particle-pairs (dvipade).
The kinetic energy of the scalar field are transferred to other force fields (four-footed) and particle-antiparticle pairs (two-footed). Thus the energy from the scalar field gets removed.
The dark energy (shiva kapota) becomes the potential energy of matter like a bird dwelling in its nest (zakuno grhesu). Energy is the bird and matter is the nest. Agni, the transfer of energy is self-inspired or self-excited. With this transfer of energy (from kinetic of scalar field to potential of other fields), the arrow/missile with wings (the kapota which is like arrow/missile with wings and hence kinetic energy) consumes/removes the darkness (in the Universe at that time).
Vipra are those that are self-inspired. Hence they are called ‘wise’. The kinetic energy of the scalar field is transferred to other fields. This is Agni, the transfer of energy, which is self-excited (happens by itself).
When the energy comes to rest in our ‘dwelling’, like a bird in its dwelling, it becomes potential energy (zakuna). Zakuna is the potential energy of other fields.
The energy of scalar field (the kapota) is depicted as ‘arrow or missile with wings’ as the energy is fast moving. Hence this energy, kapota is kinetic in nature.
The arrow with wings (the Kinetic energy of scalar field) does not abandon/stop; our abode is made from receiving of this transfer of energy (from the scalar field). The Cold Dark Matter and the Strong force field are the abodes that receive this transfer of energy from the scalar field. The energy of the scalar field does not hurt the ordinary matter (produced from dirac-spinor fields).
The potential energy of the dirac spinor field produces expressions of matter and anti-matter particles. These remain ineffective when energy of scalar field makes our abode with the transfer of energy. All these expressions are sent to residence of ‘charge’ (or) yama (and hence particle-antiparticle pair) and meet with annihilation (or) mrtyu.
The energy of scalar field is driven away by meaningful complete expressions of matter , set in motion by the ‘arrows’ (the kinetic part), (when) internall fully excited dirac spinor fields gain leadership (from the strong force field and dark matter fields). They (the complete expressions of matter) express/come together, abandoning the bad times of Universe. The swify flying one, the energy of scalar field, spreads out or flies off.
Rg Veda Mandala 10 Hymn 165
devÀH kapota iZito yad ichan dUto nirRtyÀ idam ÀjagÀma
tasmÀ arcÀma kRNavÀma niSkRtiM ZaM no astu dvipade ZaM catuSpade
ZivaH kapota iZito no astv anÀgÀ devÀH Zakuno gRheSu
agnir hi vipro juSatÀM havir naH pari hetiH pakSiNI no vRNaktu
hetiH pakSiNI na dabhÀty asmÀn ÀSTryÀm padaM kRNute agnidhÀne
ZaM no gobhyaZ ca puruSebhyaZ cÀstu mÀ no hiMsId iha devÀH kapotaH
yad ulUko vadati mogham etad yat kapotaH padam agnau kRNoti
yasya dUtah prahita eSa etat tasmai yamÀya namo astu mRtyave
RcÀ kapotaM nudata praNodam iSam madantaH pari gÀM nayadhvam
saMyopayanto duritÀni vizvÀ hitvÀ na Urjam pra patÀt patiSThaH
devÀH kapota iSito yad ichan dUto nirRtyÀ idam ÀjagÀma
tasmÀ arcÀma kRNavÀma niSkRtiM ZaM no astu dvipade ZaM catuSpade
Kapota - dove, kinetic energy component of nRRti
iSita- desired, Seek, sought
Yad - which
Icchan - wanting/desiring
dUto nirRtya - messenger of nRRti or the scalar field of Shiva, the dark energy
Idam -this, this one, all these
AjagAma - appeared, came, sent to us
The post-dawn Matter (devAH) is what the (kinetic) energy of the scalar field came hither seeking, came as the envoy of the Scalar field ‘nRRti’
tasmA - unto the kapota
arcAma - worshipfully, adoringly
kRNavAma - is performed
niSKrtim - the removal (the rites conducted for removal)
Zam no astu dvipade zam catuspade - well be it the dvipada and catuspada
Unto that (energy of the scalar field), worshipfully performed the removal (funeral rites); Well be the force-fields and particle-pairs.
The post-dawn matter is what the (Kinetic) energy of scalar field came seeking; It enters/appears as the envoy of nRRti, the scalar field. The energy from that scalar field is worshipfully removed for the well-being of the force-fields and particle-pairs.
The kinetic energy of the scalar field are transferred to other force fields (four-footed) and particle-antiparticle pairs (two-footed). Thus the energy from the scalar field gets removed.
GODS, whatsoe'er the Dove came hither seeking, sent to us as the envoy of Destruction,
For that let us sing hymns and make atonement. Well be it with our quadrupeds and bipeds
For that let us sing hymns and make atonement. Well be it with our quadrupeds and bipeds
ZivaH kapota iSito no astv anÀgÀ devÀH Zakuno gRheSu
agnir hi vipro juSatÀM havir naH pari hetiH pakSiNI no vRNaktu
zivaH kapota - kinetic energy of dark energy scalar field
iZita - seek
no- not
Astu - may there be, let there be
anAgA - non-attained, sinless
devaH - matter
anAga devah - non-attained matter or pre-dawn/primordial matter
Zakuno - potential energy equated to a large bird
Grhesu - in the house, in its nest
The energy component of (ziva) kinetic energy scalar field (kapota) becomes the one sought after, dwells in sinless/harmless matter as potential energy.
Agnir hi - agnir/tranfer of energy or roce is the
Vipro - self-inspired, self-excited
juSatAM havir- who are partaking in the oblation
Nah - by us for us
pari - in, putting on
Het iH - missile,
pakSiNi no- winged one’s
Heti pakSiNi - arrow/missile with wings
Vrn - consume, eat
Aktu - tinge of light or tinge of darkness
This transfer of energy is self-excited of who are partaking in the oblation for us. The arrow with wings consumes the tinge of darkness in this way.
The energy part of the dark energy (shiva kapota) becomes the potential energy of matter like a bird dwelling in its nest. Energy is the bird and matter is the nest. Agni, the transfer of energy is self-inspired or self-excited. With this transfer of energy (from kinetic of scalar field to potential of other fields), the arrow/missile with wings (and hence kinetic) consumes/removes the darkness.
Vipra are those that are self-inspired. Hence they are called ‘wise’. The kinetic energy of the scalar field is transferred to other fields. It is said to be caused by Agni, the transfer of energy, which is self-excited.
When the energy comes to rest in our ‘dwelling’, like a bird in its dwelling, it becomes potential energy (zakuna). Zakuna is the potential energy of other fields.
The energy of scalar field is depicted as ‘arrow or missile with wings’ as the energy is fast moving. Hence this energy, kapota is kinetic in nature.
Auspicious be the Dove that hath been sent us, a harmless bird, ye Gods, within our dwelling.
May Agni, Sage, be pleased with our oblation, and may the Missile borne on wings avoid us.
May Agni, Sage, be pleased with our oblation, and may the Missile borne on wings avoid us.
hetiH pakSiNI na dabhÀty asmÀn ÀSTryÀm padaM kRNute agnidhÀne
ZaM no gobhyaZ ca puruSebhyaZ cÀstu mÀ no hiMsId iha devÀH kapotaH
hetiH - missile
pakSiNi - winged
hetiH pakSiNi - winged missiles
Na dabhAty - not hurt/abandon
asmAn - our
ASTryAm - ether, sky, atmosphere
padaM - shelter, place, abode
kRNute - does, settles, becomes
padaM kRNute - settles in the abode
agnidhAne - receptacle of fire
The arrow with wings, the kinetic energy, does not abandon or stop; our abode is made of the receptacle of fire..
Zam no Gobhyaz - well be the Ga, the gluon field (pion condensate)
puruSebhyaz - the dark matter
ca - and
astu becomes
mA - not
no - the one
hiMsId - hurt, harm, injure
Iha - here
devAh - the matters
kapotaH - dove/bird/fetus
Well be the Cold Dark Matter and strong force field; become not the injurer here, of the matter, ye kinetic energy of scalar field.
The arrow with wings (the Kinetic energy of scalar field) does not abandon/stop; our abode (of Cold Dark Matter and Strong force field) is made from receiving of this transfer of energy (from the scalar field). The Cold Dark Matter and the Strong force field are the abodes that receive this transfer of energy from the scalar field. The energy of the scalar field does not hurt the ordinary matter.
Let not the Arrow that hath wings distract us: beside the fire-place, on the hearth it settles.
May, it bring welfare to our men and cattle: here let the Dove, ye Gods, forbear to harm us.
May, it bring welfare to our men and cattle: here let the Dove, ye Gods, forbear to harm us.
yad ulUko vadati mogham etad yat kapotaH padam agnau kRNoti
yasya dUtah prahita eSa etat tasmai yamÀya namo astu mRtyave
Yad - what, which,whatever
Uluko - Potential energy of dirac spinor field acquired from interaction with dark energy scalar field
Vadati - says, speaks, expresses
Mogham - are futile, ineffective
Etat - this
Yat - which/when
kapotaH - kinetic energy of scalar field
Padam - shelter, abode
Agnau krnoti - does the agni
Whatever the potential energy of dirac spinor field speaks/says/expresses are ineffective (all matter particles expressed are ineffective) when the abode of (kinetic) energy of scalar field (that is our ether which is Cold Dark Matter and Strong force field), is being done by the agni or transfer of energy from scalar field.
Yasya dUtah - whose messenger, which messenger
Prahita - sent forth, launched, incited, stirred, discharged
eSa etat - this this, all these, all this
Tasmai - unto him/her
yamAya - to the residence of yamaraja or to the yama
Namo astu mrtyave - salutations be to the death
Whose messenger sent forth all these, to the residence of ‘charge’, to whom death becomes submitted.
The potential energy of the dirac spinor field produces expressions of matter and anti-matter particles. These remain ineffective when energy of scalar field makes our abode with the transfer of energy. All these expressions are sent to residence of ‘charge’ (or) yama (and hence particle-antiparticle pair) and meet with annihilation (or) mrtyu.
The screeching of the owl is ineffective and when beside the fire the Dove hath settled,
To him who sent it hither as an envoy, to him be reverence paid, to Death, to Yama.
To him who sent it hither as an envoy, to him be reverence paid, to Death, to Yama.
RcÀ kapotaM nudata praNodam iSam madantaH pari gÀM nayadhvam
saMyopayanto duritÀni vizvÀ hitvÀ na Urjam pra patÀt patiSThaH
rcA - verses, mantras which are meaningful complete expressions, completely meaningful expressios of matter such as molecules, compounds, polymer chains etc..
Kapotam - the kinetic energy of scalar field
Nudata - driven away,
praNodam - directing, ordering, driven, set in motion
iSam - arrows, eatables, food, shoots, growth
madantaH - excited internal, interior in the middle, drunk internally
Pari - in, putting on, fully
gAm - the gA (the Cattle, the dirac-spinor filed bulls)
Nayadhvam - leading, leadership, bring
The energy of scalar field driven away by meaningful complete expressions of matter , set in motion by the ‘arrows’ (the kinetic part), (when) internall fully excited dirac spinor fields gain leadership (from the strong force field and dark matter fields).
saMya - state of togetherness/meeting, attraction
upayanta - express (upayanti - able to express)
saMya upayanta - they express together
duritAni - difficult/bad/sinful ways, potential barriers
vizvA - universal
hitVa - abandoning, overlooking, giving up
Nah - us
Urjam - energy giving, strengthening, invigorating
Pra pratAt - completely spread/diffuse
patiSThaH - swiftest of the birds
They (the complete expressions of matter) express/come together, abandoning the bad times of Universe. The swify flying one spreads out or flies off.
The energy of scalar field driven away by meaningful complete expressions of matter , set in motion by the ‘arrows’ (the kinetic part), (when) internall fully excited dirac spinor fields gain leadership (from the strong force field and dark matter fields). They (the complete expressions of matter) express/come together, abandoning the bad times of Universe. The swify flying one spreads out or flies off.
Drive forth the Dove, chase it with holy verses: rejoicing, bring ye hither food and cattle,
Barring the way against all grief and trouble. Let the swift bird fly forth and leave us vigour
Barring the way against all grief and trouble. Let the swift bird fly forth and leave us vigour
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