Atman is extremely virtual which means something that is extremely ‘off-the-mass-shell’, not hugely confirming to Energy-momentum relationship. Manas is virtual, which means it is ‘off-the-mass-shell’, not confirming to Energy-momentum relationship. Manas are virtual particles that bind. Nara are real, the particles which confirm to energy-momentum relationship.
From the virtual (Manas) comes the real (Nara). This is explained with Asvins, the twin-headed electromagnetic field filled with virtual (manas) photons (Apa) generating real (nara) photons (apa), when particles that couple to electromagnetic field (tu-gra) acquire charge (bhujyu) and swim/oscillate across the electromagnetic field generating real photons to flow out, in the previous post.
The real photons travel at light speeds, possess energy, produce electromagnetic field (nasatyas) around them. They are the dawn of the Universal evolution. The dawn of Universal evolution that is talked about in Vedas is the photons decoupling to become the Cosmic Microwave Background. That was the dawn of Universal evolution which lead to nucleosynthesis, atomic elements, compounds and life as we see it now.
Manushya - Beings with Manas
Manushya are beings that have the virtual particle (manas) in them. All beings which have ‘manas’ the virtual particle inside them are manushya. For eg. all atomic nucleus are manushya as they have virtual pions (manas) that bind nucleons.
According to science strong force mediated is by gluons. Gluons are particles that mediate and as well as participate in strong interaction. Gluons in mesons and baryons also are ‘virtual’ in a way. But they not only mediate but also participate in the strong interaction (giving color to the quarks). Since they participate in the strong interaction (and not just mediate) they are not the ‘manas’. Hence baryons and mesons are ‘devas’ that immortal.
But for eg. Virtual pions that mediate the residual strong force in an atomic nucleus are ‘manas’ as they don’t participate in the interaction. So such atomic nucleus (and all beings made of atomic nucleus) are manushya and mortal.
How does Atman lead to Manushya..? That’s where Soma, the strong force comes in .
Soma (Strong force) flows directly from the Atma (Extremely virtual)’s navel. Soma or strong force is ‘milked’ from the Atma’s navel says this sloka Rg Veda Mandala 9 Hymn 74. Soma evolves the ‘Manas’, the virtual and the Manushya, the real beings with ‘Manas’.
Science says strong force is the first force to separate in the Universe. It leads to massless bosons (virtual), quarks and anti-quarks (real) and all other advance matter forms with 'manas'.
This evolution of Atma the extremely virtual to Manas the virtual to Nara the real particles and then leading to Manushya, all the matter and beings with Manas happens when Soma (strong force) is filtered/purified in to pavamAna (residual strong force).
This is the subject of Rg Veda Mandala 9 Hymn 74.
Ga - The cows - The goldstone bosons
Asvin is the electromagnetic field. Asvam are the electromagnetic frequencies. Zveta means white. Zvetam asvam are the frequencies of electromagnetic spectrum spread across the complete spectrum. These are ‘massless’ radiations of energy through massless photons (Apa) that travel at the maximum speed of light.
Zvetam Rupam are white-colored particles that form out of the strong force. Quark-Antiquark pions and three quarked baryons are 'white' colored (neutral color charged). These neutral color charged matter appear from the Soma or strong force. Strong force creates them.
Ga are the spinless goldstone bosons that correspond to the spontaneously broken internal symmetry generators. These are massless like photons or have little mass (in which case called pseudo goldstone bosons). But they move at lesser speeds than the photons. Hence they are said to be ‘cold’ or ‘himAya’.
These massless goldstone bosons of the early Universe appear as spontaneous symmetry breakers. There are 100’s of these cattle or cows or goldstone bosons all through the universe that appear in the breaking of symmetry.
Ga are the spinless goldstone bosons that correspond to the spontaneously broken internal symmetry generators. These are massless like photons or have little mass (in which case called pseudo goldstone bosons). But they move at lesser speeds than the photons. Hence they are said to be ‘cold’ or ‘himAya’.
These massless goldstone bosons of the early Universe appear as spontaneous symmetry breakers. There are 100’s of these cattle or cows or goldstone bosons all through the universe that appear in the breaking of symmetry.
Thus Asvam/Horse (frequencies of electromagnetic spectrum mediated by massless photons travelling at speed of light) and Go/cattle (massless bosons that travel at less than speed of light) dot the pre-dawn Universal landscape.
Asvins, Soma, pavamAna and Vrsakapi
Asvins are electromagnetic field mediated by virtual photons. The Electromagnetic field may get created between any configuration of charges.
Soma is strong force. pavaMana is exactly equivalent to term ‘Residual strong force’. It is filtered strong force.
Vrsakapi are those rudras or force fields that cause mass defect due to binding energy in the binding they cause. Vrsakapi Rudra is produced by Soma pavamAna or Asvins.
When Vrsakapi Rudra is a result of Soma pavamAna (the filtered strong force), binding the protons and neutrons in an atomic nucleus, the exact equivalent term for Vrsakapi Rudra is “Nuclear force field’ (which is caused by residual strong force). Vrsakapi is inside the nucleus.
When Vrsakapi Rudra is a result of Asvins (Electromagnetic field filled with virtual photons) binding the protons and electrons in an atom, the exact equivalent terms for Vrsakapi Rudra is “Electromagnetic interaction between proton and electron’.
Asvins are electromagnetic field between any charges. It could be between ions, molecules, compounds and between protons and electrons also. Vrsakapi is inside an atom between nucleus and electron.
From Soma to Soma Pavamana - Rg Veda Mandala 9 Hymn 74
Soma pavamAna means that is purified (or filtered) Soma. The Rg veda Mandala 9 Hymn 74 talks about how Soma gets ‘purified or filtered’ into pavamAna. That purification happens by the filtering of Soma through ‘Manas’. This pavamAna filtered by manas is what is drunk by Indra (baryons) to become nucleons, atomic elements and life as we see it now.
Soma is Strong force. Science says Strong force or Strong interaction gets ‘filtered’ or ‘purified’’ into Nuclear force. This happens by ‘filtering’ of Strong force through virtual pions. This filtering of soma by the virtual pions causes the baryons like protons and neutrons to combine and form nucleus of atoms. The nucleo-synthesis leads to formation of Universe’s elements, compounds and all its life.
This sloka says from the Atman, the extremely virtual, the Soma or strong force is continuously milked as immortal nectar.
According to science strong force is the first force to have originated in the Universe. It is immortally present in the Universe.
This sloka says Amzu are stalks or filaments filled with Soma. Amzu are filaments or stalks that are filled with Soma, the strong force. They are the gluons that mediate the strong force and also participate in strong interaction.
According to this sloka, the amzu condenses into a Yaksa (Kuvera or dhanada) giving rising to streaming of beneficial real particles. Thus kuvera is known as wealth providers. Also that’s why Kuvera is described as always drunk with Soma (the strong force).
According to science the gluons (what the sloka calls as amzu) condense into a color flux tube or gluon condensate matter. This color flux tube generates quarks and antiquarks, which are on-the-mass-shell and hence real. From these quarks and antiquarks, leptons come out. The entire universe is made of these quarks and leptons.
According to the sloka and science, the Amzu or gluons cannot be detected normally. They are often seen as a stream of baryonic/mesonic (nara) particles. They are mostly virtual, in the sense, off-the-mass-shell in mesons and baryons. One can only see the beneficial real (nara) particles that stream from them.
This sloka says these streaming of real particles happen in three regions or three generations. The streaming in the third generation/region only produce passionate offsprings which takes the Universe towards the dawn.
According to science, the quarks and leptons are produced in three generations of families. Of these three family generations, only the third generation matter forms evolve further and dominate the Universe.
This sloka says white-colored (neutral color charged) particles are created from Soma the strong force. In this casket of such particles ploughed by high energy gamma ray photons, 100's of symmetry breaking generators called 'Ga' or cows or goldstone bosons appear. These symmetry breakings lead to matter with 'manas' or virtual pionns.
This is the story described in Rg Veda Mandala 9 Hymn 74.
This is the story described in Rg Veda Mandala 9 Hymn 74.
Summary of Rg Veda Mandala 9 Hymn 74
Born as infant in repeated abundance, vibrations which obtain the gamma rays of the dawn, these well disposed widely protect; accompany the seed of dawn growing in essence/juice/strength
The pillar holding the dawn are the well stretched complete amzu moving around. Great discharge condenses yakSa, tending in common direction for wiser beings. The great discharge of gluons condenses to a yakSa (Color flux tube or gluon condensate matter or the Kuvera or Danada), giving rise to wiser beings.
The Great mover of the photons containing soma (the amzu or yakSa) does well to (be) the sweet pasture for Aditi’s order.He who commands the morning light of strong/energetic photons lead/guide extending from hence consisting of Rc (verses or particles).
The order’s essence, the oil for oblation, milked from the navel of the extremely virtual is born as immortal nectar. Tending in a common direction the auspiciously gifted try to please, they stream away those beneficial real particles
The amzu/gluons (soma-stalk) silently/noiselessly/without expressing explicitly attach smoothly; They strain/filter the soma causes the matter with virtual particles to overflow from their skin. They give pregnancy undividedly by placing self near by which way offsprings and children are got.
Innumerous streaming of those inexhaustible in third division/generation manifests passionate off-springs.The dawn placed downwards from four navels (four centers); the oblations carry the immortal oil/ghee (in this case the soma or strong force) that distills.
The three regions are the three generations of matter. The third generation of matter manifests passionate offsprings. The dawn is placed downwards of the four navels.The four navels are the four fundamental forces (strong, weak, Higgs, electromagnetic). The oblations (quarks/antiquarks from the gluon flux tube) carry the soma or strong force as the ghee that burns them. The soma or strong force distils further in them.
The Soma/strong force creates the white colored matter/neutral color charged matter (quark-anti quark pions three quarked baryons), when they wish to obtian/gain the Knowledge (of) ‘mana’ of beings. The pre-dawn lights of the proclamation of the dawn accompany the visible headless body (of white colored baryons and mesons) which keep increasing.
Downwards/Below that white Kalasam (the body of 'WHITE' mesons and baryons) characterized by various types of Ga/Cows (goldstone bosons), the ploughers of those gamma rays (of photons), eclipsing conquerors. The matter controlling manas (virtual pions) incites/rises from the broken internal symmetry generators of 100's of cold dark goldstone bosons.
Those/that essence of fluid/watery strong force mingling (with manas or virtual particles), flows through the filtering cover as pAvaMana (purified or filtered one). The intelligent beings (atomic nucleus) that forms clean off (the excess soma) as they soak in soma as they become considerate for Indra/baryons to drink pavamana.
The virtual pions (manas) of the matter (devayanta) filter the soma or strong force and send it out as pavamAna, the purified one. Intelligent atomic nucleus (with higher and higher number of nucleons) clean off the soma or strong force as they soak in soma as Indra (baryons) drink the pavaMana, the filtered strong force or residual strong force or nuclear force.
Rgveda Mandala 9 Hymn 74
zizur na jÀto 'va cakradad vane svar yad vÀjy aruSaH siSÀsati
divo retasÀ sacate payovRdhÀ tam imahe sumati zarma saprathaH
Zizur na jAto va - Born infant
Cakra - repeatedly
Dadvane - gifted in the woods, gifted abundantly
Svar - vibrations (of light and sound) Vibrations of light is sky, sound is noise/music. Svar is also a horse (band of frequencies).
Yad- which
vAjyaruSah - the gamma rays of the dawn
siSAsati - obtain
Divo retasA - seed of day
Sacate - assistance, companionship
Payovrdha - full of sap, overflowing, growing in strength/essence (payas means juice/essence/strength)
Tam - unto that, that
Imahe - all these
Sumati - good minded, well disposed
Zarma - shelter, protection
saprathaH - extensive, wide
My translation
Born as infant in repeated abundance, vibrations which obtain the gamma rays of the dawn, these well disposed widely protect; accompany the seed of dawn growing in essence/juice/strength
Griffith’s translation:
BORN like a youngling he hath clamoured in the wood, when he, the Red, the Strong, would win the light of heaven.
He comes with heavenly seed that makes the water swell: him for wide-spreading shelter we implore with prayer.
He comes with heavenly seed that makes the water swell: him for wide-spreading shelter we implore with prayer.
divo ya skambho dharuNaH svÀtata ApUrNo aMzuH paryeti vizvataH
seme mahI rodasI yakSad ÀvRtÀ samIcIne dÀdhÀra sam iSaH kaviH
Divo ya -
Skambha - support, pillar
dharuNaH - bearing, holding supporter
svAtata - well stretched, well fixed
ApUrNo - full of
amZuH - rays, minute-end of ray, particle, ‘stalk’ or ‘filament’ carrying soma
Paryeti - completes its orbit, moves around
vizvataH -Universally, everywhere, all around
Seme -
mahI - great
rodasI - heaven and earth, lightning as wife of Rudra and companion of the Maruts, discharge of energy, energy transfer, discharge
yakSad - semi divine being, kuvera, gluon flux tube, gluon condensate matter
AvRta - condensed
samIcina - tending in a common direction , going with or in company with , being or remaining together , connected , united , complete , all , whole
dAdhAra - produced, discharged
Sam - together
kaviH - photon epoch, wise beings
Amzu is described as ‘stalk’ of soma or ‘filament’ of soma. Soma is strong force. The stalk or filament that carries the strong force are gluons. Amzu is also described as ‘thread’ and a minute end of thread. They are a ray and also the particle at the end of the ray. It is well stretched. Gluons are particles but also rays as they have zero mass. They are ofcourse ‘well-stretched’ inside baryons and mesons
Amzu the gluons are described as the ‘pillars’ holding the dawn of the Universe.
My translation
The pillar holding the dawn are the well stretched complete amzu moving around. Great discharge condenses yakSa, tending in common direction for wiser beings.
The great discharge of gluons condenses to a yakSa (Color flux tube or gluon condensate matter or the Kuvera or Danada), giving rise to wiser beings.
A far-extended pillar that supports the sky the Soma-stalk, filled full, moves itself every way.
He shall bring both these great worlds while the rite proceeds: the Sage holds these who move! together and all food
He shall bring both these great worlds while the rite proceeds: the Sage holds these who move! together and all food
mahi psaraH sukRtaM somyam madhUrvI gavyUtir aditer RtaM yate
Ize yo vRSTer ita usriyo vRSApAM netÀ ya itaUtir RgmiyaH
Mahi - great
Ap- photons saras - moving - great mover
sukRtam - good deeds, well done
Somyam - containing the Soma
madhUrvi - sweet
gavyUtir - pasture
Aditer - From the Aditi
Rtam - order
yate - restrained, subdued, governance
Ize yah
vRSTer - rain
Usriyo - morning light, light of dawn’s
vRSa apAM - strong/energetic photons
netA ya - lead, guide
itaUtir - extending or reaching from hence
RgmiyaH - consisting of Rc, celebrated with Rc
I translate ap-saras as mover of apa or mover of photons, as Apa are photons. I tranlsate vrsa Apam as energetic photons.
My translation
The Great mover of the photons containing soma (the amzu or yakSa) does well to (be) the sweet pasture for Aditi’s order.He who commands the morning light of strong/energetic photons lead/guide extending from hence consisting of Rc (verses or particles).
Wide space hath he who follows Aditi's right path, and mighty, well-made food, meath blent with Soma juice;
He who from hence commands the rain, Steer of the kine, Leader of floods, who helps us hence, who claims our laud.
He who from hence commands the rain, Steer of the kine, Leader of floods, who helps us hence, who claims our laud.
Àtmanvan nabho duhyate ghRtam paya Rtasya nÀbhir amRtaM vi jÀyate
samIcInÀH sudÀnavaH prINanti tam naro hitam ava mehanti peravaH
Atmanvan - that contains the extremely virtual
nAbho duhyate - milks the navel/center
ghRtam -that is sprinkled, the ghee/oil/fuel
Paya - juice, essence
Rtyasya - order’s
nAbhir - unto the navel
amRtam - immortal
Vi jAyate - is certainly born
samIcina - tending in a common direction , going with or in company with , being or remaining together , connected , united , complete , all , whole
sudAnavaH - auspicious donation
priNanti - try to please, they please
tam- that, unto that
nara - real
hitam - impelled, beneficial
ava- away
mehanti - they stream, they bestow abundantly
Peru avaH - carrying across away, rescuing away, delivering away
My translation
The order’s essence, the oil for oblation, milked from the navel of the extremely virtual is born as immortal nectar. Tending in a common direction the auspiciously gifted try to please, they stream away those beneficial real particles
Griffith’s translation
Butter and milk are drawn from animated cloud; thence Amrta is produced, centre of sacrifice.
Hini the Most Bounteous Ones, ever united, love; him as ouir Friend the Men who make all swell rain down.
Hini the Most Bounteous Ones, ever united, love; him as ouir Friend the Men who make all swell rain down.
arÀvId aMzuH sacamÀna UrmiNÀ devÀvyam manuSe pinvati tvacam
dadhÀti garbham aditer upastha À yena tokaM ca tanayaM ca dhÀmahe
arAvid - soundless
amzuH- gluons
sacamAna- attached to
urmiNa - wavy
devAvyam - matter filter, matter strainer
manuSa - beings with manas (virtual)
Pinvati - causes to overflow
Tvacam - skin
dadhAti - gives
Garbham - pregnancy
Aditer - undivided
Upastha - places itself nearby
Yena - by which way
tokaM ca- offsprings and
tanayam ca- children
dhAmahe - are got
My translation
The amzu/gluons (soma-stalk) silently/noiselessly/without expressing explicitly attach smoothly; They strain/filter the soma causes the matter with virtual particles to overflow from their skin. They give pregnancy undividedly by placing self near by which way offsprings and children are got.
Griffith’s translation
The Soma-stalk hath roared, following with the wave: he swells with sap for man the skin which Gods enjoy.
Upon the lap of Aditi he lays the germ, by means whereof we gain children and progeny.
Upon the lap of Aditi he lays the germ, by means whereof we gain children and progeny.
sahasradhÀre 'va tÀ asazcatas tRtIye santu rajasi prajÀvatIH
catasro nÀbho nihitÀ avo divo havir bharanty amRtaM ghRtazcutaH ||
Sahasra dhAre - innumerous streams
Ava - away
tA - those
Asazcatas - inexhaustible
Trtiye - third, in the third
Santu - let there be, may become
Rajasi - passionate
prajAvatiH - pregnant with offspring
Catasro - four
nAbho - navel
nihitA - laid placed deposited
Avo divo - away dawn
Havir- oblations
Bharanty -they bear/support
amRtam - immortal
ghrtazcutaH - distils the ghee or strong force
My translation
Innumerous streaming of those inexhaustible in third division/generation manifests passionate off-springs.The dawn placed downwards from four navels (four centers); the oblations carry the immortal oil/ghee (in this case the soma or strong force) that distills.
The three regions are the three generations of matter. The third generation of matter manifests passionate offsprings. The dawn is placed downwards of the four navels.The four navels are the four fundamental forces (strong, weak, Higgs, electromagnetic). The oblations (quarks/antiquarks from the gluon flux tube) carry the soma or strong force as the ghee that burns them. The soma or strong force distils further in them.
Griffith’s translation
In the third region which distils a thousand streams, may the Exhaustless Ones descend with procreant power.
The kindred Four have been sent downward from the heavens: dropping with oil they bring Amrta and sacred gifts.
The kindred Four have been sent downward from the heavens: dropping with oil they bring Amrta and sacred gifts.
zvetaM rUpaM kRNute yat siSÀsati somo mIdhvÀM asuro veda bhumanaH
dhiyÀ zamI sacate sem abhi pravad divas kavandham ava darSad udriNam
Zvetam Rupam - white form (being massless like photons)
Krnute - does
Yat - which
siSAsati - wishes to obtain, gain
Somo - soma
mIdhvAm - watering, urinating, filtering
Asura - anti-matter
Veda - knowledge
bhumanaH - the Virtual Mana of every being
dhiyA - the pre-dawn lights
Zami -
Sacate - accompany
Abhi - unto, towards
Pravad - proclamation of
Divas - the dawn
Kavandham - headless trunk, belly, cask of water, the body of nambu-goldstone massless bosons
Ava - away
darSad - showing, visible
udriNam- abounding, increasing
The Soma (strong force) filtering asura do/create/assumes the white form (the white colored quark-antiquark pions, the white colored three quarked baryons) when wish to obtain/gain the Knowledge (of) ‘mana’ of beings. These 'pre-dawn lights' of the proclamation of dawn accompany the visible headless body (of white colored baryons and mesons) that keep increasing.
My translation
The Soma/strong force creates the white colored (neutral color charged) matter (quark-antiquark pions, three quarked baryons), when they wish to obtian/gain the Knowledge (of) ‘mana’ of beings. The pre-dawn lights of the proclamation of the dawn accompany the visible headless body (of white colored baryons and mesons) which keep increasing.
Soma (the strong force) creates the ‘white-colored’ particles (neutral color charged particles like mesons and baryons) that keep increasing with the pre-dawn lights of the proclamation of the dawn.
Soma (the strong force) creates the ‘white-colored’ particles (neutral color charged particles like mesons and baryons) that keep increasing with the pre-dawn lights of the proclamation of the dawn.
Griffith’s translation
Soma assumes white colour when he strives to gain: the bounteous Asura knows full many a precious boon.
Down the steep slope, through song, he comes to sacrifice, and he will burst the water-holding cask of heaven,
Down the steep slope, through song, he comes to sacrifice, and he will burst the water-holding cask of heaven,
adha zvetaM kalazaM gobhir aktaM kÀrSmann À vÀjy akramIt sasavÀn
À hinvire manasÀ devayantaH kakSIvate zatahimÀya gonÀm
Adha - downwards
zvetaM kalazaM - white head, the white vessel
Gobhir - by the go or by the cattle, by the massless bosons
aktaM - characterized by
kArSmann - the one who ploughs through
A vAjy - those gamma rays
akramIt - eclipsing
sasahvAn - conqueror
A hinvire - The inciter
manasA - the virtual manas
devayantaH - being active, by the matter
kakSivate - broken internal symmetry generators
Zata himAya - 100 cold dark
Zata himAya - 100 cold dark
gonAm - the goldstone bosons
My translation
Downwards/Below that white Kalasam (the body of 'WHITE' mesons and baryons) characterized by various types of Ga/Cows (goldstone bosons), the ploughers of those gamma rays (of photons), eclipsing conquerors. The matter controlling manas (virtual pions) incites/rises from the broken internal symmetry generators of 100's of cold dark goldstone bosons.
Griffith’s translation
Yea, to the shining milk-anointed beaker, as to his goal, hath stepped the conquering Courser.
Pious-souled men have sent their giffi of cattle unto Kaksivan of the hundred winters.
Pious-souled men have sent their giffi of cattle unto Kaksivan of the hundred winters.
adbhiH soma papRcÀnasya te raso 'vyo vÀram vi pavamÀna dhÀvati
sa mRjyamÀnaH kavibhir madintama svadasvendrÀya pavamÀna pItaye
adbhiH - with water
Soma - strong force
papRcAnasya - mingling of
Te - those/that
Raso - juice
Avyo - through the soma strainer/filterer
vAram - cover
Vi - certainly
pAvamana dhAvati - pAvamAna flows
Sa -
mRjyamAnaH - wiper or remover
Kavibhir - by the intelligent
Madintama - exhiilirating, intoxicating, soaked with soma
Svadasva - considerate
indrAya - for the Indra
pavamAna -
pItaye - for indra to drink pavamana
My translation
Those/that essence of fluid/watery strong force mingling (with manas or virtual particles), flows through the filtering cover as pAvaMana (purified or filtered one). The intelligent beings (atomic nucleus) that forms clean off (the excess soma) as they soak in soma as they become considerate for Indra/baryons to drink pavamana.
The virtual pions or the manas filter the soma or strong force and send it out as pavamAna, the purified one. Intelligent atomic nucleus (with higher and higher number of nucleons) clean off the soma or strong force as they soak in soma as Indra (baryons) drink the pavaMana, the filtered strong force or residual strong force or nuclear force.
Griffith’s translation
Soma, thy juice when thou art blended with the streams, flows, Pavamana, through the long wool of the sheep.
So, cleansed by sages. O best giver of delight, grow sweet for Indra, Pavamana! for his drink.
So, cleansed by sages. O best giver of delight, grow sweet for Indra, Pavamana! for his drink.
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